Arthur e Gwen Club
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    “Maybe we should send Tristan and Balinor to Medethenor to find out the news of their ailing king. I haven’t heard from them for a long time. I could use their allegiance during difficult times and if not, their friendship. It’s worrying not to hear from them all this while,” Uther says, forking his carrots.

    Opposite him, his wife, Queen Katrina Pendragon, nods, sipping her wine. “That must be done immediately Uther. King Galicka and his wife are some of Camelot’s finest allies and Friends too. If something is wrong with them, we must help them immediately.”

    But before Uther can reply, there is a knock on the door. He looks at Katrina. “Who could that be?”

    “Surely they know this is a private moment for us, don’t they?” she replies. The knock comes in again. Katrina opens her mouth to answer but Uther holds out his hand, stopping her.

    “Yes?” Uther asks, sipping his wine. Katrina wipes her mouth.

    “It’s Arthur.” The answer from the other side of the door was short.

    Uther and his wife exchanges glance with one another. Uther domande her with his eyes and she shrugs her shoulders, indicating she doesn’t know why Arthur is asking for an audience with them at this hour. Uther nods and turns back towards the door. “Come in.”

    The door opens and Arthur walks in, striding proudly. Behind him, Merlin follows quietly. Arthur walks right up to the tavolo and nods respectfully to his parents, but avoids looking at his father. He turns towards his mother instead.

    “Yes, Arthur?” Katrina asks.

    “Father, Mother … I have an announcement to make. I have decided to get married,” Arthur announces.

    Katrina smiles happily and immediately pushes back the chair and gets up. She walks towards her son and hugs him. “This is wonderful, Arthur. Truly wonderful news.”

    Uther’s cuore soars happily. This is the news he has been waiting to hear for weeks after he asked Katrina to look a bride for his son. Whatever she did o told him, it worked well because she did what no one else managed to do: persuade Arthur to settle down and get married. And now, his son is ready and very soon he will resume his responsibility and take the throne, easing Uther’s burden. He leans against the chair and smiles, clasping his hands together in relief.

    Katrina releases Arthur and caresses her son’s cheek. “Thank you,” she says and pecks his cheek. She looks beyond Arthur and notes Uther watching them with a smile on his face. She looks back at Arthur. “Tell your father.”

    “Mother …” Arthur starts to protest but Katrina presses her finger to his lips, silencing him.

    “Now, Arthur …” she says determinedly and Arthur understands what she means. Like it o not, he has to oblige o he will have to start coming up with risposte for her later on. Arching his brows in amusement, he nods.

    “Fine. For you, Mother.” Arthur sighs and turns around to meet his father. Clearing his throat, he walks towards Uther and stands with his hands firmly on the hilt of his sword. “Father,” he acknowledges the king.


    “I have decided to oblige to your condition and consider marriage, just as te and mother wished,” Arthur says, looking at his father’s hand rather than the king’s face. ‘God, why is it so hard to speak to my own father.’ He thinks to himself. “I am ready … Father.”

    “That is wonderful, Arthur. I am happy,” Uther says. ‘Look at me, Arthur, I am your father. What have I done wrong?’ Uther looks at his son, his face a little sad. “I couldn’t have asked for better news today, thank you.”

    Arthur trails his sight from his father’s hand and towards Uther’s face. He forces a smile and nods in respect and then falls silent. Both father and son look at each other’s faces, unable to carry on with the conversation. Arthur looks uncomfortable in his father’s presence while Uther looks like he is expecting più from his son. But in the end, they both remain silent. Thankfully Katrina saves the day.

    “I am so happy for you, Arthur. Like your father says, there couldn’t be any happier news than this. te have found a bride of your choosing?” Katrina asks, coming up behind Arthur and scooping her arm around his.

    “His own choosing? What does that mean?” Uther asks, not getting the point.

    Arthur ignores his father and turns to his mother, nodding with a curvy smile. “Yes mother. As a matter of fact, I have.”

    “Then tell your father, Arthur. I believe he is as excited as I am to learn about her.”

    Arthur cannot believe it. ‘Why do I have to tell him?’ he thinks. He leans closer to his mother and whispers. “Mother, I think te should tell him. It will sound much better.”

“Arthur, we made a promise and I don’t want te to break it now. So be a good man and tell your father about her.” Katrina whispers back.

“Is something wrong?” Uther asks.

“No Uther, everything’s fine. Arthur has something important to tell you, but he doesn’t know how, that’s all,” Katrina helps, turning Arthur around to meet Uther.

    Arthur turns back to his father. Swallowing hard, he sighs and clears his throat. “I have met someone whom I believe will make a good wife and daughter-in-law to both of you. Her name is Guinevere. She is a peasant and the daughter of the blacksmith Tom. I wish to marry her, Father.”

    Katrina smiles at Uther. But the king doesn’t return the smile. Instead he looks surprised.

    Uther looks at Arthur for a long time. ‘A blacksmith’s daughter? Will the council accept this? Will the royal dignitaries validate the marriage? What will my allies and foes alike say of this? Will my ancestors bless this marriage? Will my father approve this marriage?’


    “Uh? Oh … urm …” Uther looks at Arthur as if he is looking at him for the first time. His words, whatever he means to say to his son, stay glued on his tongue. His mind is still working like crazy over Arthur’s statement, unable to digest o let it sink in. He searches for an answer.

    “You doubt her? Guinevere?” Arthur asks bluntly. Beside him, Katrina waits and listens patiently.

    “Urm no Arthur, I don’t doubt her at all,”

    “Then why do I sense there’s a ‘but’ coming?” Arthur asks again, clenching his jaw. Katrina clasps Arthur’s hand, calming him.

    Uther sighs and shakes his head. “Arthur, not again … please. We hardly finish any conversation without bickering.”

    “Then don’t tempt me, Father. I am merely announcing my marriage news to te and mother. I am not seeking any approval because my cuore and my mind are set. This girl will be my wife regardless of your approval. She will be your daughter-in-law!”

    “Arthur, please …” Katrina says.

    “It’s all right Katrina. It’s all right. Let him be,” Uther tells his wife, waving her interruption off. Looking back at Arthur, he says “Arthur … I don’t doubt anyone here. I am happy for te and this girl. Genuinely yes, but I am thinking of what the council might say of this.”

    “Why? Because she is a blacksmith’s daughter?”

    “You know the rules,” the king starts but Arthur cuts him off first.

    “And te are the king, father! Change the damn rules and let me marry someone I like rather than someone who’s basically here to produce an heir for the throne!” Arthur raises his voice.

    Uther looks stunned da the statement.

    “Don’t look so stunned, Father. Those princesses your Friends came here to offer, they might be beautiful, educated and highly regarded but they are not wife material. They don’t come close to my Guinevere, and trust me,” Arthur snorts, “they never will.” Turning to his mother, “You will Amore her, Mother, believe me. She is the epitome of all daughters-in-law, one any mother would wish for. When te meet her, you’ll understand.” Arthur turns back to his father. “I am sorry to say this, Father, but those princesses might have been good in my letto but they would not be good da my side. They expect fame, power and wealth from this marriage, and might I add, satisfaction at night. But Guinevere is different. She expects nothing, and she’s bold, Father. te should witness the way she defends her father! She’s understanding, honest, smart, defiant … I could go on all giorno describing her but, to sum her up; she’s the full scale descrizione of an ideal wife … those princesses, sadly, are not.”

    “But, Arthur …”

    “Father, if I want a whore I know where to get one. But I need a wife and that wife will be Guinevere!” Arthur snaps.

    “Arthur!” Katrina scolds, tugging his hand. “Is that any way to speak to your father?”

    “I was merely making him understand!” Arthur points to his father. But Katrina eyes him angrily.

    “Apologise immediately!”


    “Now!” Katrina hisses.

    “Katrina… it’s all right. He has a point.” Uther stops his wife. “Leave him.”

    “But Uther, did te notice the way he was speaking to you?”

    “He has a point, Katrina, and I’m quite use to his temper da now,” Uther says, shaking his head. “Thank you.”

    Katrina shakes her head, releases Arthur’s hand and goes back to her position at the table. She pulls the chair back a little and sits down, her eyes fixed on Arthur.

    Arthur waits.

    “Arthur,” Uther begins. “I understand your feelings for this girl and from the way te described her, I can tell your cuore is completely set for her. So, there is nothing anyone can do to change that. I don’t doubt te o her, I was merely thinking of all the domande I will need to answer about this marriage. Simple as that. And I hope te understand this, Arthur, this marriage will go on, I give te my word, but it will not be as quick o easy like te expect. There are some counsels I need to make, rules and protocols looked into and discussed, certain people among the dignitaries whom I need to assure, but nevertheless, it will happen. And … yes, te need a wife not a damsel in distress. And we need a daughter-in-law, not a mindless puppet who expects to be controlled. You’re right about that one, Arthur. I am sorry for taking such a moment to tell te this, but I do not doubt your choice, I was thinking of ways to make this marriage work without causing any troubles,” Uther finishes.

    Arthur’s successivo action stuns even him. He rushes to his father, kneels down and reaches out and clasps the king’s hand and bows his head, closing his eyes. “Thank te very much, Father.” He reaches up and embraces the king.

    Uther is in shock while Katrina smiles happily. Behind them, Merlin watches the drama quietly.

    Arthur realizes what he’s done after a moment and releases his father. ‘What did I just do?’ he thinks quickly and looks down at himself. He is still kneeling. ‘I hugged my father?’ he thinks again and scurries up. He gets back up to his feet and waits for his father’s response.

    Uther, who happens to be in shock as well, straightens up. “I’ll talk to the council members tomorrow and get back to you. But I assure you, this wedding will take place.”

    “Thank you, Father, Mother. I bid te both good night.” Arthur bows respectfully and leaves. He walks towards Merlin and taps his friend on the shoulder. “Come on, Merlin.”
“Good night, your highnesses,” Merlin bows and follows Arthur out. He closes the door as he leaves.



    “Are te all right?” Katrina asks.


    “About this marriage? Are te sure te can work it out for him?”

    Uther smiles. “Katrina, this is our son’s wedding. And nothing is più important to me than his happiness. And if he sees his happiness lies with the blacksmith’s daughter, then so be it. I’ll accept anyone Arthur’s cuore is set upon as my daughter-in-law. And I will make sure the wedding happens because I hate to see him broken.”

    “Yes, but what about the protocols?”

    “Katrina, I am the king of Camelot and I set the rules and protocols. If I need to alter o bend the rules for Arthur to get married, I will da all means do that. Because he is my son and there is nothing I wouldn’t do for him.”

    “Oh Uther, for a while there I thought you’ll refuse to give your approval. I am so happy and proud of you. Thank you.”

    “No, my love, thank te for making this actually happen,” Uther says and raises his goblet. “To you, my queen,” he says and drinks the wine. Katrina smiles and drinks hers.

    Tom opens the door and steps inside. Guinevere is working on a cloth and the moment she hears her father, she looks up. Her golden face beams in the light of the candles around her.

    “Father!” she puts down the cloth she is working on and rushes to him. “What happened? Are te all right?” she asks him, holding his hand in hers. “I was worried about you! What took te this long?”

    Tom looks at her and feigns a smile. How can he tell her that she is about to become the bride of the crown prince of Camelot? How can he tell her that she was the wager in a game between him and the prince? How can he tell her that he failed to defend her pride? How can he tell that he lost?


    “Guinevere.” He seems resigned. He sighs and Gwen notices his tiredness. His face is drawn and his smile looks false. Gwen is scared. Something is wrong with her father and she doesn’t know how to find out from him because Tom is known to be an excellent secret keeper. She has to use another method to dig the truth from her father.

    “What is the matter father? te look as if you’ve seen a ghost!” Gwen jokes, tugging her father’s hand. She has to try something.

    Another fake smile escapes Tom’s lips. “No, Guinevere. I am tired, that’s all. And hungry,” he lies. He isn’t hungry, he doesn’t have an appetite to eat o drink anything. After what happened, he just needs to lie down and rethink everything from the beginning because all that happened seems unnaturally vague to him. He is still confused and bitterly angry with himself. And if he allows himself to talk his cuore out with his daughter, he is afraid he might cry and worse confide the incident. No, not now. Guinevere deserves some happiness first and he needs to ponder the situation. His mind is still spinning and he needs a good rest.

    Gwen smiles at him. “Sure, Father … what would te like?”

    “Anything sweetheart,” Tom caresses his daughter’s cheek and looks at her warmly. Gwen smiles again and leaves him to attend to her dishes while Tom drags himself to the table. He sits down and sighs. He wonders if he should tell his daughter what happened. What if she gets angry with him? What if she decides to end her bond with him? What if…

    “Father, te saw Gwaine, didn’t you?”

    “Huh?” Tom looks up in shock.

    “Gwaine, he’s back. te saw him, didn’t you?” Gwen asks again, looking at her father while working on her dish.

Tom thinks a moment before widening his eyes. “Ahh … yes, I did. Gwaine. He has changed so much I barely recognised him at first. I sent him over to the market. He found you?”

    “Yes, Father!” Gwen waves her hand in excitement. “We talked all giorno and he detto he will come da tomorrow to see you. He detto he brought gifts with him for te and me,” she risposte with smile. “He’s grown handsome, father. He no longer resembles the skinny kid everyone used to make fun of. He is dashing and would fit in as a knight anytime. I am sure women are going to swoon after him now,” Gwen nods and laughs. She turns back to work on her dishes.

    “Yes, yes … I did notice that,” Tom says and stops. An idea pops up in his mind and he licks his dry lips anxiously. Wait a minuto … what if? Will it work, he asks himself. He watches Gwen working on her la minestra, zuppa and ponders his idea. What will she say? Does she have the same thought as he does? Maybe it’s worth a try and it will save so many lives. He should suggest to Gwen about his idea and find out what she’s thinking. Looking at Gwen, he calls her name.

    “Yes, Father?” She turns around her again, wiping her hands on her apron. She waits for his response.

    Tom sighs and looks at his daughter a while before asking, “What do te think of Gwaine?”

    “What do te mean, Father?”

    “How do te … urmm, see him?”

    “Gwaine is my friend. My good friend. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for him and him for me. I missed him very much, that much is true.”

    “Just that. I mean, is that all te see him as? A friend?” Tom asks again, clasping his fingers together. Gwen eyes her father with suspicion. Her father is behaving disturbingly different today. Ever since he came home after his visit to the tavern, he’s been uneasy. Gwen has never seen her father like this before. He used to behave erratically when he drank but that was before. He has promised and so far been good to his words. But why is he uneasy today? It’s as if he is keeping a secret from her. And it’s making her anxious.

    “What is wrong, Father? Are te ill o something? Why are te speaking like this?” Gwen laughs and works on her bread.

    Tom realizes Gwen is beginning to suspect him and he needs to keep his own cool. He must put his words carefully so that she will not suspect anything. “I need to know, Guinevere.”

    “Fine, Gwaine is my friend and that’s how he stands in my heart. I cannot see him beyond that. I think he visualizzazioni me the same way, too. All our lives, we’ve been together as Friends and nothing else. Any Amore for him is like what I would feel for a brother.”

    “Why don’t te like him?” Tom sounds disappointed.


    “Why don’t te like him, Guinevere … view him differently?”

    “Meaning?” Her father’s words are getting bizarre as the conversation flows by.

    “Why can’t te fall in Amore with him, Guinevere?”

    Gwen laughs. She stops working on the pane and looks at her father, tears in her eyes because of laughing so hard and shakes her head. “What is this, Father? Of course not. I can’t…” she continues laughing.

    “Why not? He knows te inside and out, Guinevere. He understands and complements te well. te could never find a better person than him. Perhaps you’re not opening up to him? o maybe he has feelings for te and you’re not listening to him?”

    Gwen’s laughter stops and senses something is terribly wrong with her father. She lays the spatola in her hand down and moves closer to him. Tom turns around, refusing to meet his daughter’s eyes. Gwen circles the tavolo and grabs him da the shoulder and forces him to look at her. “Father?”

    “Guinevere, listen …” he grabs his daughter da the shoulder. “Gwaine is a fine gentleman and a good friend. He would take good care of you. Trust me, te and him would be happy forever. Why not consider marrying him?”

    “Father!” Gwen steps away from her father and laughs. She doesn’t know why she laughs. Is it because the statement is absurd and completely mind blowing o is it because her father is insanely fixated on her and Gwaine? “This is absurd. What is wrong you? I have never seen te behave o talk like this before. What happene at the tavern?” she eyes him suspiciously. “Whom did te meet?”

    “I met no one Guinevere, but after meeting with Gwaine, I feel I can trust him to take care of te …” Tom quickly covers himself up. He knows Gwen is starting to doubt him and if she finds out, he will be in trouble.

    Gwen laughs again, holding her stomach. Her curls dangle as she shakes her head. “Wait till Gwaine hears this … oh, Father. Before I forget. I am not sure if you’ve heard this already but the prince is getting married.”

    Now its Tom’s turn to be surprised. “Arthur?”

    “Yes, finally and about time too. He is getting married and the celebration to mark his wedding will get started tomorrow.” Gwen heads back to her cooking. “Me and Gwaine … Father, te must joking,” she whispers to herself.

    Tom’s not listening to his daughter. ‘Getting married?’ he thinks. ‘What does Guinevere means da getting married? Arthur made the proposal a while fa and Guinevere knows about it all ready? Does she know whom Arthur is getting married to?’

    “The Queen rewarded everyone at the castello with new clothing as her token of her happiness. Keira was here a while ago, asking me to sew her dress with the new material. She detto everyone is overjoyed with the news.”

    ‘The Queen knows about it as well? They knew about this before Arthur made the proposal? But how … how … No!’ Tom’s eyes widen. ‘Wait … was this trap? Perhaps, Arthur laid the plan for him to walk on and trapped him. He knew how to trap Tom and he played his cards well. He had it all planned before. Maybe that’s why Sir Balinor’s son looked disappointed after the announcement was made! Merlin knew something was up to no good. And this is it! Tom is trapped and now he has no choice but to oblige!’


    “Huh? Oh … yes, Guinevere?”

    “I sense something is terribly wrong with te today. te look …”

    “Gwen, there is something I need to tell you. It’s important te listen to me carefully and please don’t think I did this knowingly. No, I would never do this to you. I Amore te very much and never want to see any harm done to you. But forgive me, love. I believe I have dome something really stupid and I am afraid te must orso the consequences of my irrational actions.” Tom gets to his feet.

    “Father, what on ….”

    “Come here, Gwen.” He walks around the table, nears Gwen and grabs her hand. He pulls her towards the tavolo again.

    “Father …”

    “Shhh. Listen, Guinevere. Sit down, please.” He holds her chair for her, circles and gets back to his own side of the tavolo and sits down. He takes in a huge gulp of air. Reaching out and clasping her hands tightly, he sighs and closes his eye. “Guinevere,” he opens his eye and Gwen notices her father’s eyes are moist. She opens her mouth to domanda but he beats her to it. “Today at the tavern, the prince and his friend came by.”

    Gwen’s cuore sinks. Her stomach churns. Whatever words she wanted to ask her father died on her tongue. ‘The prince? Arthur?’ she thinks. ‘Why was he there for? To make his announcement?’ she thinks in disappointment. ‘Why am I disappointed?’ she asks herself.

    “His friend, Sir Balinor’s son…”

    “Merlin?” Gwen’s eyes widen.

    “Yes, that lad. Jerome was teasing him all giorno and it riled him up. And in the end, Jerome went overboard with his teasing and was challenged to the game of checkers to prove his worth. But instead of playing the game himself, he asked me to play Merlin. He detto he will forget all the debts I owed him and being the greedy man I am, I agreed. And I also underestimated the lad, who happens to be the best player like Prince Arthur claimed. We played with wagers, but it was Jerome’s idea …” Tom says quickly as Gwen stares at him. “I told him to play the game and let it finish but he wanted the knight’s sword so he insisted on a wager. Unfortunately I Lost and Jerome Lost the sword. But that didn’t stop him … he kept pushing me to play until I won something for him. And finally when I Lost all the rounds, he made me place my own wager in the final round.”

    “Father, why do I sense something really terrible is about to come up?”

    “Guinevere, please … just let me finish.” Tom pleads and squeezes Gwen’s hand. “I wouldn’t have done it if that idiot Jerome didn’t pick a fight with me. Unfortunately the game could not be forfeited because we were already half way through, and like it not, I was asked to place my wager. I didn’t have anything so the prince was kind enough to let me play and set the wager later. But I Lost again and didn’t have anything to give, so …” he pauses and drops his gaze.

    Gwen’s cuore thumps. “SO?”

    “The prince set the wager himself. He asked …” Tom looks up slowly “You.”

    Gwen pushed the bench back and stands up, removing her hand from her father’s. “What do te mean father? What do te mean da …?”

    “He asked to marry te Guinevere and I detto … yes.”

    “NO!! Father … no!!” Gwen steps back and cups her cheeks. Her stomach is churning and her cuore thumping wildly. Her mind is dizzying and she doesn’t know what to think o say. “NO!!!”

    “Guinevere … I am so sorry.”

    But she isn’t listening to him. She is in her own thoughts. The prince asked to marry her? But how can that be? Didn’t they just announce he will be getting married so how can he ask for her when … Wait!! Wait a minute. That announcement … was it about her? Did he decide on her before asking her father? Wait … no … wait a minute! Gwen grabs the sides of her head and crumbles, sitting down on the floor. Tom rushes to her, his face panicked.


    “Father, what is this all about? I …” her voice quivers as she looks at him.

    “Guinevere, I know it must be hard for te to accept, but …”

    “It doesn’t make any sense at all!” Gwen shouts at her father in frustration and buries her face in her hands. “I don’t understand!” her fingers are trembling and she’s having a hard time trying to conceal her face. Tears are welling up in her eyes and she chokes back her anger. This is her father and she can’t release her emotions on him, no matter what he has done. She has him and only him in her life and he only has her. She sniffs and tries to calm herself. Something doesn’t feel right here. She is troubled da the way the Queen’s announcement contradicts with Arthur’s. Is her father hiding something else from her? Is there più to this mess that she should know?

    Tom understands the pain Guinevere is going through. And he knows he will have to accept any backlash that comes his way. He strokes her hair softly. She looks up at him, her eyes flickering with pain. She sighs and breathes hard. “Guinevere …” he starts.

    “What are te saying, Father? Arthur asked for me? But what about the announcement this morning, saying he is getting married? It’s all over Camelot and now te are saying he asked for me? I am sure the Queen wouldn’t have announced about the wedding if Arthur didn’t agree. This is confusing … please, I beg te … tell me what really happened.”

    Tom bites his lips. “I don’t understand that part myself, but when the prince asked me for your hand, he didn’t tell me about the news his mother was spreading. He asked me to part with te and promised to make te happy. I couldn’t do anything because te were the wager. And the prince asked to marry te … besides the crowd…”

    “You should have asked me first, Father!” Gwen hisses.

    Here we go. Tom knows it was coming only he didn’t know when. “I know, but …”

    “Yes Father. I was the wager. He is the prince. I know all that, but te should have at least dato me the dignity of letting me speak for myself rather than being sold like a slave,” she snaps again and feels guilty doing so. Tears streak down her cheek and she thumbs them off.

    “Guinevere! I would never do that to te and neither did I think of te like that … don’t te ever think yourself unworthy!” her father scolds. “I had no choice, Guinevere. I was involved in this mess da chance and I really didn’t think it’d end up like this. I am unfortunate in this, like you. But please don’t look down on yourself, dear … te are not worthless.”

    “Father,” Gwen sighs and holds up her hand, silencing her father. “I understand you’d been asked to play against your wishes and unfortunately the prince asked for me, but couldn’t te at least dato me a thought and told the prince that you’d seek my decision on this? Was I such a small thing that te could disregard me so easily? te gave your words for me but it’s my life, Father. I know and I understand that te are my father, but I am also a person. Someone with cuore and feelings …. What te did today is …”

    “Enough Guinevere … please.” Tom doesn’t want to listen to what will follow next.

    “No father, it’s not enough. Because it hurts. It hurts to know that I’m being wagered in a game where the winner will decide how my future and life will end up. It hurts to know that the person te hold dear to your cuore lets te down. It hurts to know that the prince eventually gets his wishes.” Tears starts to flush down uncontrollably down her cheek. Gwen’s lips quiver and she stops thumbing off the tears. Her cuore aches and she feels cheap. And useless.

    “I am sorry, Guinevere.”

    “Sorry.” She mocks his apology, laughing bitterly. “That’s a huge word to use.”

    Her words pierce him and he sits down beside her. Gwen looks at her father and feels sad. She didn’t want to hurt him yet she is hurt herself. She is angry and doesn’t know whom should she be angry with. Is it her father? Arthur? Herself? Her father looks dejected and she sighs, closing her eyes.

    “If there is anything I could do to undo the mess I put te in, Guinevere … I would do it. Even if it cost my life. I swear,” Tom says sadly, still looking down on the floor.

    Gwen cries. Fresh tears starts rolling down her cheek. Her cuore aches and it shreds in pain to watch her father like this.

    “I want te to be happy, Guinevere. When the prince detto he wanted you, I would have detto no even if it meant I would have to end up in the dungeon all my life. But then he detto he wished to marry you, and the prospect of getting te a life beyond my imagination tempted me to agree with him. He offered happiness and I know I could never get te life of this sort even if I dreamt of it. And the crowd at the tavern, some mentioned positive words about this opportunity, and after thinking everything over, I decided that it would be best for you. But I know now that I was wrong to decide your life for you, Guinevere. I should have respected your wishes and asked your thoughts on this. I am sorry, dear. I realized my error after I made the agreement with the prince. That should explain why I turned up here looking guilty. I am sorry … I don’t deserve your forgiveness, but please don’t … hate me.”

    Gwen turns towards her father and reaches out to him, embracing him. “I’m sorry, Father,” she says in between her tears. “I am so sorry, Father. I have been selfish. I thought of just myself and ignored your feelings. How hurt te must have been… I’m sorry, Father.”

    “No, I am sorry, dear. I shouldn’t have decided your life for you.”

    “What can we do, Father? We are the prince’s subjects and to refuse him will have te penalized. And I can’t orso living without you.”

    Tom pushes Gwen back gently and clips her chin. “No, there is a way. I asked te about Gwaine and I have a reason. Marry him, Guinevere, and leave Camelot. Arthur will not find you. Besides, te will be legally married.”

    “Father, please!” Gwen shakes her head. “Gwaine and I … we can’t and we don’t … see ourselves in such position.”

    “But, Guinevere …”

    “Father, if te let me leave with Gwaine, te will still be caught and imprisoned, maybe even executed. I can never have that. te are the only family I have, Father. I don’t want to lose te and I don’t want to leave Camelot because I would be leaving you,” she says and sighs. “What’s done is done and there is nothing much we can do about that. I will accept what’s been promised and dealt between the prince and you, father. But I will not see te penalized so don’t try to do anything stupid.”
    “But your happiness …”

    “I will leave it upon fate, father. Let us see what it has for us.”

    “I’m sorry, dear.”

    “And I am too, Father … I am.”

    “Merlin?” Morgana pokes her head inside Merlin’s chamber and finds him sitting da the window, staring out.


    He turns around to see his sister. He is sad and doesn’t hide his sadness. “Hmm?”

    “Can I come in, please?”

    “Hmm.” And he goes back to stare out of the window, hugging himself.

    Morgana steps in, closes the door behind her softly knowing well not to disturb her mother at this hour. Her father has left Camelot on a mission with the other knights and will not be back until tomorrow. She walks softly towards her brother. Lifting her toga, abito so that she will not step on it, she moves to his right and leans against the wall, looking at him.

    “What is it, Morgana?” He asks without turning to look at her.

    “What’s wrong, Merlin?”

    “What do te mean what is wrong? Nothing is wrong, why does something has to be wrong with me all the time? o why does everyone thinks I’m always in the wrong?”

    Morgana chuckles softly. “Since when have te started talking like old man Kiefer?”

    Merlin sighs and remains silent but he never looks at his sister. Morgana reaches out and squeezes his shoulder.

    “Come on, Merlin, what is troubling you? I know te are upset because te are not yourself right now and it is there for all to see on your face. What happened?”

    Merlin sighs and turns around. He is sad, and like Morgana said, it’s there for all to notice. “I’m just sick, fed up with Arthur’s attitude, frustrated not being able to change anything, angry at myself for being such a coward and gutted with everything happening right now!” he tells his sister. “I am sick, Morgana, disgusted and sick to the core!”

    “Merlin, what happened?”

    “Arthur wants to marry Gwen, Morgana. And he asked her father directly.”

    “What? What did her father say?”

    “He detto yes.”

    “Merlin!! That’s … oh, what kind of a father would let his daughter endure lifelong unhappiness with someone she doesn’t like? Poor Gwen … oh my God.” Morgana shakes her head sadly.

    “Tom had no choice, Morgana. Gwen’s future was wagered on a game of checkers. He was well trapped and that poor man didn’t know what was coming at him. He was a victim in this like everyone else. He had no choice, he had to agree.”

    “Care to be più precise, Merlin?”

    Merlin scratches his head and leans against the wall. “Arthur asked me to accompany him to the village to meet the blacksmith, Tom. He plans to marry Gwen and wanted to ask her father directly, so I chose to accompany him for their sake. I hate to see both father and daughter facing unnecessary penalty for Arthur’s condescending behaviour. But once reaching the village, we went to the tavern and met Tom. But his drunken friend riled me up with issues I’d like to forget and challenged me to the game of checkers. And with Arthur supporting me, I accepted, not knowing I was helping set the trap. The game went on for hours and in each round, I won. When there was no più wagers for the stupid friend of Tom’s to place, he asked Tom to place his. That poor man had nothing, so Arthur used the opportunity to seize his chance and asked for Gwen instead.”

    “What on …”

    “Arthur asked to marry Gwen and since it was a wager, Tom had no choice but to accept the offer. Arthur is thrilled and made his announcement a bit ago, to his parents,” Merlin says in frustration and punches the bacheca softly. “What sickens me is that he used me to get his task done, Morgana!! I mean … this is disgusting!!”

    “Oh, I am so sorry, Merlin. This is maddening! Using the life and future of a woman as wager is … outrageous! No matter what they say, this is completely stupid! Why does Arthur want to marry Gwen? It doesn’t make any sense, unless he loves her. But does he?”

    “Morgana, I’m through with that issue. He claims not to Amore her, yet he wants to marry her and gives me rubbish for reasons! He plans to have his revenge for all the humiliation she caused him. He wants to keep her in the castle, owning her and restricting her freedom so that she’ll be reminded to whom she belongs every day! He claims he doesn’t Amore her, but I think he does … I can sense it from the way his eyes flicker each time he speaks of her. He denies it … yet, the way he wants to posses her is atrocious. I feel disgusted, and I don’t think I can look Gwen in the eye again. Not after this.”

    “Oh,” Morgana sighs and shakes her head. “Poor Gwen, how hurt she must be when she learns this.” Morgana feels sorry for Gwen. “What Arthur did is … despicable indeed.”

    “It is, Morgana. I didn’t realize the plan and if I did probably I would have worked on something. But it’s too late now. The agreement is set and the marriage will go on as planned.”

    “But what about Gwen?”

    “She has no choice, Morgana. She loves her father very much and for him alone, she will sacrifice herself to this marriage. But I fear about her future. I fear she will be broken. I don’t know how to console her o make her feel less hurt than she already does.”

    “Me too, but I will meet her tomorrow and tell her what happened. She will understand.”

    “You’ll do that?” Merlin looks at Morgana with hope. He values Gwen’s friendship and above all he wants her to know that he still holds on to the promise he made to her. Thanks to Arthur, he fears what Gwen thinks of him.

    “Yes. Now stop worrying and get some sleep. It will ease your mind off this issue for a while. We will talk about this at length tomorrow,” Morgana assures her brother.

    “I will, but I doubt sleep will come easy.”

    “Some things happen for a reason, Brother … I am sure of this. Let’s be patient and watch how this actually ends up.” Morgana tells her brother.

    “I really hope you’re right ..” Merlin finishes.

    “NO!!!!” Elena shouts and lifts a bronze vase in her hand, aiming it towards her father.

    “Elena, please …” Agravaine holds out his hand and steps back. “Listen …” he looks back and steps carefully, avoiding crashing against the table.

    “NO!!! te cheated me!!!” she tells him in between her tears. “You lied to me all these years. te gave me false hope … I hate you. NO!!!!” and she heaves the vase towards him.

    Agravaine ducks to the side and avoids the vase. It crashes against the window and breaks it. The shards falls on the floor and on Agravaine like rain drops.

    “ARGHH!!” Elena shouts again and pumps her fist at the sides of her thigh.

    “Elena, please …” her father tries again, but she isn’t listening to him. She looks around and searches for something else to throw as Agravaine picks himself up from the floor. He has to stop her from breaking any più things in her chamber. He isn’t worried about the things she broke but about Elena herself. He is frightened she might hurt herself.

    “You promised me Arthur when I was a child, and till now, I have loved no one but him. And now te are telling me he is getting married to someone else!! No, father. I will not let this be … I will destroy the woman he will be marrying,” she says as tears runs down her cheek. She picks up a heavy statue and throws it at the door. The statue breaks into two. “I hate all of you!! LIARS!!”

    “Elena dear, please listen to me. It’s not like what te think!”

    “Then what is it, Father?” she sits down on the floor and sobs hysterically. “What?”

    Agravaine sighs and walks towards his daughter. Sitting down opposite her, he takes her hand in his and gently pats it. Elena sobs. He understands her grief and knows why she is reacting in this disturbing behaviour. She loves Arthur and been devoting her life to him, worshipping him. She wants nothing but to marry him and become his queen. And now when her father tells her about Arthur’s marriage to Gwen, it breaks her heart. Of course, he hasn’t told her the real news yet but she’s hardly dato him an opportunity. She started reacting when she heard about the marriage. And Agravaine haven’t the chance to sit and properly talk to his daughter.


    “WHAT!!” she pulls her hand away from him and sobs. “I hate to see your face, Father. Leave me alone!”

    “I understand te are angry, disappointed with this news but let me assure you, it is not what it seems. There is più to this than meets this eye. Just allow me to explain.”

    Elena keeps quiet.

    “Elena, according to Dolma, Arthur’s first wife will die after the marriage. That marriage will not give him the long lasting happiness everyone craves for. In fact, it will end in death. But Arthur will remarry and that is the marriage that’ll orso him lasting happiness with his soulmate. I can’t have te dead, Elena. So, we decided to marry him off to someone unimportant and when she’s dead, te will marry Arthur and become his queen, like te wanted. That’s why your aunt and I decided to carry on with this arrangement. We never meant to cheat o hurt you, Elena … trust us.”

    Elena looks at her father. “Is this true? All te said?”

    “One hundred percent. I would not lie to you, Elena.” Agravaine recaptures his daughter’s hand. “We are doing this for your own good and Arthur is still yours. Please don’t be hasty. Everything is working out well.”

    Elena wipes her eyes and sighs. “Fine, Father. I believe you, but if this is a lie … I will kill her!”

    “Elena …”

    “I swear this, Father. Arthur is mine and mine alone. If te are lying, will kill his wife!”



added by EPaws
Source: Brightporclain
added by RosalynCabenson
Source: merlinlocations on flickr
 Image credit: team-angel-coulby
Image credit: team-angel-coulby
So I got this message from someone called Merthurismycanon who detto Guinevere was weak, too dependent on others and had lived a sheltered life. Of course me being me, I had to answer. I am copying it from my blog and I saw that I misspelled some words and stuff when I wrote it in a hurry. I am too lazy to correct it.

This is my answer:

Yes, I think Gwen is strong and I have many reasons to why I think so. I think she is the strongest character on the show. And I think it is a fact that she is strong, not just an opinion.

You say she depends too much on others. That is not true. Gwen has worked...
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Angel coulby
Bradley James
Angel coulby
Bradley James
santiago cabera
added by MISAforever
added by MISAforever
Source: asmyqueencommands.tumblr
added by MISAforever
Source: notovermerlin.tumblr
added by EPaws
Source: natcrawlers
added by EPaws
Source: Yasminty
added by EPaws
Source: thereisalwayshope
added by EPaws
Source: Brightproclain
added by EPaws
Source: themerlineyes
fanpop please take it easy on me because this is my very first fanfiction ever. commenti are welcomed. If my audiance likes it then I will continue writting. I am not perfect but this is my very first writting so please don't judge. I hope to get better as I progress. I really hope te like it. : )


    Swish, swish slash. più leaves and branches were falling to the ground, moving out of my way as the knights and I made our way through the Impenetrable Forest. I looked up to see the sky getting darker. We should be further along da now.
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added by ellarose88
Source: guinvereandarthurconfessions
added by EPaws
I have been struggling with the non-reveal issue ever since the season ended. When a domanda was postato about forgiveness and trust, I just purged my inner feelings into this response. This was a deeply personal and honest moment for me, and I would Amore to hear from anyone who is having the same struggle o maybe has some words of wisdom in regards to dealing with all of the conflicted emotions:

Trust and forgiveness in regards to a relationship is a complicated thing. In regards to Arwen, I was ecstatic to find out that the betrayal was the result of an enchantment. I always felt that the...
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added by ellarose88
Source: euphoria1001
added by ellarose88
Source: Nikascott
added by EPaws
Source: magicalponderings