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famfan said:
Okay I hate to be a sour Sue, but I really didn't want Myth back. I love the girl but you know what, I really was hoping for a little piece this year. Love that Annis is coming back.
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EPaws said:
Has it occurred to you that she might well be Merlin's love interest? I am thrilled about Annis for all the reasons specified and it is nice to have a balance of GOOD women about for an episode.
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famfan said:
I knew you were going to get me, lol. I am just so tired of them giving the guest stars better material then the wonderful women we have. I guess I have no choice but to get over it. I just don't want to read the bs that is going to come with the return of a princess. Especially that one. As my lovely EP taught me I have to own my feelings. lol

All in all, it should be fun, Arthur will probably be nervous as hell. Janet and Angel will have a great time together.
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Love, love, LOVE that Annis is coming back. I have no problem with Mithian returning. I can see her and Gwen getting along, and I'm sure Mithian is very curious about the woman that Arthur couldn't get over.
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I want Mithian for Merlin's love interest. And I like her, she's actually very much like Gwen which this fandom refuses to admit for reasons. Anyway, I don't care about the haters. Gwen needs more female friends and I think she'll get along well with these two.
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nsk said:
i'm sure the writers will never give merlin a love interest just to please the merthur fans -_-'

i'm glad to have the ladies back though
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big smile
YES! Queen Annis is coming back!
I have no worries about Mithian's return. I'm quite exited in fact. just imagine her meeting with the Queen of Camelot! I'm sure Mithian is so eager to meet the woman that king Arthur loves with all his heart. :D

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I have no prob with Mithian returning as long as the writers dont do anything foolish like they did with gwen and lancelot! Liam's role suspiciously looks like an evil one based on the dark clothing he wore, king Lot perhaps? And the return of Annis, YES! I love and cant wait to see her and Gwen together. But what makes me very happy is the news that the show can go on beyond season 5. That is music to my ears.

One complain though, why did they cut Merlin's hair? Arghhhh ... the weight looks to be there but his hair!! Cant they just leave it and find a proper reason for it? Arghhh, but he still looks good there anyway.
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I believe there was an interview somewhere that pretty clearly stated that Merls isn't going to get a love interest. Sorry, kids.
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Lucerne28 said:
Glad to read of the return of both Queen Annis and Princess Mithian. Both were good, strong female characters. Hoping to get some good scenes between the ladies and Queen Gwen. Since both characters left on good terms with Arthur should be interesting to see the roles they play this time around. I don't think Mithian is coming back for a love interest for Merlin, more likely IMO Arthur gathering allies. So looking forward to S5.

A bit disappointed to see Merlin is still in his servant garb, but expected it. Besides don't think the show runners would ever let any hint of a magic reveal slip out that easily. Still have hope that Merlin's secret is revealed to Arthur and Gwen sooner rather than later in series 5.
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ah... I'm so excited!!!!!!! Queen Annis!!!!!!!!! and Mithian but I would rather it was Elena!
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EPaws said:
I am sorry re Merls and a love interest but it is lovely to see a gathering of the worthwhile allies that amount to something and not the dolts of the ranks. This is fantastic to have worthwhile strong women and not comic relief and not particularly good comic relief at that being added in. I also love that Liam is showing up, bodes well and he is going to be in the first 2 parter! Woot! Things are looking up for a more mature tone and less of the idiocy factor. Cautiously hopeful.
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Excited!!! All I can say!
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I was excited and happy both at the news of both women. It will be a good thing for the queen to have these two royal women with decent character to relate to. And I really don't think we should worry about the Mithian thing especially in view of the way that she and Arthur parted. I agree that probably the focus will no doubt be on the gathering of allies. I see her and Queen Gwen getting along as they both are so similar. And as we all know, our queen can certainly benefit from the influence of a queen like Annis.

And best of all, MORE WOMEN. The show desperately needs more who are not witches or cursed in some way.
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HMGwen said:
I love it for the return of Annis and Mithian (as long as Mithian is not there to bust up Arwen). If anything it cheeses Morgana off: her "serving girl" is making friends with royal women while she is viewed with contempt.
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tns31091 said:
She could lead to the reason arthur finds out about the enchantment. Arthur's trying to get back at gwen, gwen gets mad and goes crazy and then arthur realizing gwen was innocent. Remember they only bring in guest to make the heroes look good. im not worried about ghost princess.
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EPaws said:
I honestly see no reason to hate Mithian, she is a none issue. I really do think it is an Albion power broker move.
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mrshafiz1 said:
As long as that princess doesn't have any hiding agenda with Arhur I can stay calm.
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Oh yeah, Stacey. I smell Albion Endgame.
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I love that kick-ass queen and Mithian are back. I was hoping for that actually. I just hope they don't mess it up.
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Nasty_Nat said:
Me too, Stacey and Kim I feel it too. Albion Endgame. I will be very interesting how it all unfolds.
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I love Queen Annis and I think she will be a good friend to Gwen, someone to look up to. I would love to see how Mithian and Gwen will interact. I wonder if Arthur would have told her about the almost marriage and how Gwen will feel about it. Good thing that Mithian was not too much of a threat, it would have pissed me off to have her back. i would love their marriage to be free of threats now that Lancelot and Uther are not there. Can't wait for s5. I'm overjoyed with the fact that they are considering s6. Awesome news!
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I'm rather confused about what role Mithian will have in this season, seeing as all we got from her in season 4 was as the romantic false lead.
But it'll be good to see some more females in 'Merlin'. Hoping Season 5 won't be as much as a disappointment as season 4.
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EPaws said:
Both Annis and Mithian are more about the building of Albion than anything else. I look forward to seeing them.
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