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Streghe#The power of three quiz



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aholic said:
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aholic said:

Results for All About "Charmed"- All Seasons

1. Who plays the oldest sister?

Your Answer: Shannen Doherty
She plays Prudence "Prue" Halliwell. Holly Marie's character, Piper, becomes the oldest sister when Prue dies. Rose McGowan is the youngest sister, but technically a half-sister. Alyssa Milano plays Phoebe.

92% of players have answered correctly.

2. Phoebe is the youngest sister.

Your Answer: False
Paige is really the youngest sister! Phoebe is the second youngest sister, played by Alyssa Milano.

84% of players have answered correctly.

3. What is the name of the girls' mother?

Your Answer: Patty
Another "P"! She was drowned by a water demon at a summer camp when the girls were young, so then they were raised by their Grandma, "Grams".

93% of players have answered correctly.

4. Who was the witch to start their supernatural family line?

Your Answer: Melinda Warren
She was alive during the Salem Witch Trials.

62% of players have answered correctly.

5. Who did the sisters go in the future to save from being burned at the stake?

Your Answer: Phoebe
She was on trial for murder, and their secret was revealed, so they had to stop it.

89% of players have answered correctly.

6. In "Oh My Goddess", which of the following is NOT true?

Your Answer: Prue returns just for that one episode to be the Goddess of Resurrection
This was a funny episode. Phoebe was the Goddess of Love, Chris becomes their Whitelighter, and Leo becomes an Elder. It was also a two-part episode.

90% of players have answered correctly.

7. Jason ended up not moving to Hong Kong at all, so he could stay with Phoebe.

Your Answer: False
She was going to go with him, but decided her sisters were more important. He ended up going to Hong Kong.

92% of players have answered correctly.

8. Did Cole ever become the Source?

Your Answer: y
The girls didn't find out for a while that Cole was the new Source of all evil.

95% of players have answered correctly.

9. What was the name of Dan's niece?

Your Answer: Jenny
Piper dated Dan, their next-door-neighbor, for a while after she broke up with Leo, but then realized she could never stop loving Leo and broke up with Dan. Dan had always been suspicious of Leo. He was played by Greg Vaughan.

47% of players have answered correctly.

10. Complete this: "A time for everything, and for everything its place. Return what has been moved..."

Your Answer: through time and space
This is a spell to return the Charmed Ones to the present time.

89% of players have answered correctly.

11. In "That '70s Episode", who was the bad guy?

Your Answer: Nicholas
Nicholas was the warlock who made the deal with Patty. The girls had to go back in time to stop the deal from being made, but they were too late and had to vanquish him in the future. It wasn't Jeremy because he was the warlock who dated Piper in the first episode. The Water Demon was the demon who killed their mother.

66% of players have answered correctly.

12. In "Chick Flick", how does Bloody Mary die?

Your Answer: Electrocuted
The correct answer was Thrown out window.

Phoebe, the horror movie fan, knew that they could only die the way they died in the movies. The crazy ax-man was electrocuted.

56% of players have answered correctly.

13. Fans of this show know how many times the Charmed Ones die and then are brought back to life. Which one of the sisters really died?

Your Answer: Prue
Shax kills her in the last episode of season 3, and then she is replaced by Rose McGowan, who plays Paige.

94% of players have answered correctly.

14. In "Happily Ever After", what fairy tale does Piper enter?

Your Answer: Little Red Riding Hood
Paige becomes Snow White and Phoebe becomes Cinderella. They think Cole is behind it, but he's not. Grams' ghost also comes back.

77% of players have answered correctly.

15. Which one of the sisters is turned into a nymph?

Your Answer: Paige
They thought she needed to loosen up a bit.

73% of players have answered correctly.

16. Paige, Phoebe, and Piper all entered a painting in one episode.

Your Answer: False
It was PRUE, Piper, and Phoebe!

71% of players have answered correctly.

17. Besides one of the sisters, who does Shax kill?

Your Answer: a doctor
He kills Prue and a doctor at the manor.

79% of players have answered correctly.

18. Who was Selena?

Your Answer: An innocent, non-magical person
The correct answer was A witch.

They were tricked into thinking she was a witch hunter by a witch hunter, but soon found out that she was a witch and had to save her from a witch hunter. Talk about confusing!

63% of players have answered correctly.

19. Who did the Woogyman trick?

Your Answer: Phoebe
He tricked her into kicking the other two sisters out of the house so he could take over.

58% of players have answered correctly.

20. Who sings the theme song for this show?

Your Answer: Love Spit Love
Love Spit Love sings "How Soon Is Now". They covered this tune by The Smiths.

40% of players have answered correctly

posted più di un anno fa.
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aholic said:
I missed the one with Selena and the bloody mary thing.
posted più di un anno fa.