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ciao peeps. I just felt like Scrivere something on DE, so came up with this article. I don't even know if it makes any sense, i just wrote it :P It's a little rushed writing. So apologies beforehand. But do commento if te like it.

And another season comes to an end, but Damon and Elena are still not together. Forget relationship, Elena has not yet dato a name to her feelings towards Damon. She definitely feels something for him, but what exactly it is- she has yet to figure it out. So, yes. I was upset that Elena, after sharing so many beautiful and intimate moments with Damon in season 3, didn't choose him. But i wasn't entirely disheartened coz a part of me wanted her to actually choose Stefan. No, i'm not a SE fan guys. Though everything pre finale was favoring DE's relationship, i felt that it still wasn't the time for them to be together. Hear me out!

Things were going beautifully, as far as our couple is concerned, till the first half of the season. Stefan was away. Elena had found her new harbor in Damon. He was her pillar of strength, someone she could lean on in those moments of crisis. Their bonding, understanding rose to new heights. Then Stefan came back, but as a ripper (or atleast so he was called!). This deeply effected Elena coz she had to watch the person she dearly loved be indifferent towards her. Damon too had to see his brother be the one thing he never wanted to be. A ripper! Thus, it inevitably led to Elena and Damon relying on and seeking comfort in each other. When one's faith buckled, the other was there helping restore it. They were each others support.

But things got a little problematic when Stefan got his free will back. Though free from compulsion, the guy was still not ready to come back to his home, to his people. He instead wanted revenge on Klaus, and would go to extreme ends (and he did!) to make it possible. This didn't go down well with Elena, a character famous for her compassion. While she still had Damon da her side, she couldn't let Stefan go. It was easier detto than done, i guess. She fought for Stefan, trying everything in her power to make him come back to her, to make him feel, but to no avail. In my opinion,this was actually what ripped Stefan Elena apart, and not the ripperdom of Stefan itself! While Stefan was still not back with Elena, watching Elena struggle so hard for Stefan, Damon pretty much stepped back where Elena's Amore life was concerned. He realised (though untrue) that he'd never be good enough for her, and Stefan is still the one for her.

Now we head to the last few episodes of season 3. With the introduction to the bloodline concept, Stefan's mission to avenge Klaus came to a halt. So, now having no other aim to constrain his mind and energy into, he was back (all of a sudden claiming his Amore for Elena, i might add!). Actually back as the season 1 Stefan. But, just like all the residents of Mystic Falls, he too wasn't oblivious to the 'things' going on in between Elena and Damon. So Elena now had to explore what she felt for Damon. And the little trip to Denver helped her in some ways, i guess (We all enjoyed it nonetheless). This trip not only helped Elena with her feelings, it made Damon realise too that he still very much stood a chance with her. And he just wouldn't mess it this time, thereby not making it easy for her. Elena, coming back to Mystic Falls, then shared some close moments with Stefan too.

All in all, Elena dealt with (for lack of better word) both the brothers this season. She had ups and downs with both of them. But più importantly, she was in Amore with both of them (yes, she is in Amore with Damon). Now she had to choose. And the reason i didnt want her to choose Damon in the finale, no matter how much Damon deserved it, was the fact that Stefan Elena were still not over. She might have developed (strong)feelings towards Damon, but in Elena's words, she never 'unfell' for Stefan either. She had to give herself and Stefan another chance, coz it was circumstances that pulled them apart and not they themselves. It was fair not only for Stefan, but for Damon too. Coz Elena, who might o might not still have feelings for Stefan, does not do justice to Damon as a partner. Therefore, though borne out of mind, Elena's choice was not a peculiar one for her character, and the situation as well.

But what still boggles me is the storywriting for DElena. I have no words to express it. From beginning to till now, DE's each and every meeting has been so well thought out. te can see how much hardwork is being put behind them. Season 3 finale is just another outstanding example. Just when we thought all is over for us, we realize it's just the beginning. SE's storywriting comes across as a complete joke in front of DE's. Stelena's whole story is undone da introducing us first time to the fact that Elena actually met, and dare i say was attracted somewhat to, Damon first. The finale, which was supposed to be about Elena choosing Stefan, was nothing but another mindblowing block being added to DE's build up. I've never once felt that SE had any build up whatsoever. They met, fell in love, and became a couple. That's that. It's been like this for 2 seasons. And when they drifted apart in season 3, they reunite again without any buildup, o any issues being sorted out for that matter of fact. Whereas for DE, every touch, every word they speak is minutely scripted. The scene of Damon's confession to Elena was laid out in as early as first half of season 2 just to add più beauty and depth to DE's rlationship in the coming season 4. Season 3 finale didn't separate them, instead brought them più closer than before. Keeping apart Elena turning into a vampire and remembering Damon's compulsion, even after Elena chose Stefan, both of them still didn't want to hurt each other. Their priority was happiness of the other. Elena consoling Damon, giving him hope that they'll see each other soon. And Damon, not telling her about neither their first meeting nor the imminent danger to his life. It's like everything around Damon and Elena is working to get them together, like it's their story. They have such an incredible journey.

They have hit the rock bottom, and they have soared the heights. They have experienced every emotion in their relationship be it anger, sorrow, happiness, pain, hurt, o betrayel. They are each others best friend. They bring the best and sometimes worst out of each other. How can a pair like this not get together? They are just meant to be. And if anything, this year's finale has all the più strengthened my belief and trust in them. Every road as of now is leading towards an epic DE union. The più it is delayed, the più real it is. May be not right away, but Season 4 is definitely going to unravel their relationship. It is not going to be easy, it never is. But it will for sure be worth it. A new future blossoms, not just of Elena but of DE as well. Have faith fellas :)
Sheesh, Jer, how much più proof do te need that the guy loves you? Seriously though, it’s all well and good to say that Damon only cares about Elena’s happiness and that’s why he’s protecting Jeremy – and the mark. But nobody can pretend there is anything selfish about it anymore. He laid down his life. Three times. First with Kol, who for all he knew wouldn’t have been smart enough to compel him and would simply have offed him to get him out of the way. Let’s face it, it’s Kol. He wanted to kill Matt for shits and giggles. 

Damon thwarted him in this. He would not have been...
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Elena opened her eyes and gasped for air. She sat up and pulled the threads on her body. She climbed out of letto and opened the door.
She covered her ears when she heard dozens of shoes stepping on the floor, people talking as if they were screaming through a megaphone.
“Shut up!” she screamed and a few staff members turned around.
“Are te alright, miss?” a nurse asked. Elena shook her head confused. She leaned against the room. Everything was a blur. “I’ll get a doctor” the nurse and she looked around to find one.
Elena hurried away. She was hungry. She needed to eat something...
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Veronica parked her car in front of her Supernatural prison. She stepped out and walked to the back of her car.
Two of her minions, guarding the entrance, came towards her to give her a hand. Veronica unlocked the tronco and the two men grabbed Jeremy’s arm.
“Lock him up” she ordered furious. They both held him tightly, though he was in no condition to fight them. “Is Rachel inside?”
One of them confirmed that and she headed to the entrance. Rachel was pacing through the room where Caroline, Stefan and Katherine were captivated.
“Can I talk to te for a moment?” she asked dead serious....
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Jeremy ran to the backdoor, which was the closest from the basement. He opened it and limped outside.
Veronica was furious. She hysterically banged the door and screamed for Jeremy to let her out. She conjured her phone and dialed a number.
“Jack, I’m in trouble. Jeremy locked me up in Rachel’s basement. te have to come here”
Jack detto something back.
“Oh, right, of course. You’re busy” Veronica nodded. “The window…No, I didn’t think about that. Okay, I have to hang. Thanks for the tip, Jack” She hung up and walked to the window. She caught a glimpse of Jeremy’s legs...
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“Veronica, wait up!” Jeremy yelled as Veronica opened the door of her car. She took a deep breath and tried to keep a straight face.
Jeremy scratched the back of his head, searching for words. “Did te hear me talking inside? Because I was just talking to myself” he lied. He tried to read Veronica’s face to see if she was buying it.
“Of course te were” Veronica replied in a serious tone. She stepped in and after she inserted the key in the ignition she looked back at Jeremy. “You need a ride?” she offered.
“Actually, I was going…” Jeremy started, but Veronica...
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Elena had pulled up the sheets. She was getting cold. After Damon had left she’d started crying again and her face was wet from tears. Was this one of the many side effects chemo had? o was this part of the cancer?
“Hi, there” a small voice detto from the end of the bed.
“Go away” Elena detto with heavy voice. “I don’t want anyone to see me like this” She added as she tried to dry her eyes.
“I know, which is why I brought this” Caroline detto secretive and she lifted a bag. She walked towards the bed. “I’m going to make te all pretty again. Now, make some room”
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Bonnie was waiting in the woods. Caroline had called her to meet her there. Bonnie looked around nervous. This reminded her a lot of when Katherine had lured her to the ruins of Fell’s Church, pretending to be Elena. But since Caroline didn’t have a doppelganger Bonnie figured she didn’t have much to worry.
“Hey” Caroline called as she came her way.
“Hi” Bonnie replied sober. “What’s the urgency? Why did te want to meet me here?”
Caroline noticed a little hostility in Bonnie’s voice.
“What, I need a reason to meet my best friend?” she avoided the question. Bonnie maintained...
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“We should go” Caroline detto a little nervous, staring at Bonnie.
“Yeah, you’re right” Bonnie nodded. “It’s plain obvious that the spirits are not going to help me” She stood and walked towards Caroline, who backed away. “What’s your problem?” Caroline moved her phone from her right hand to her left hand as she figured out how to express herself.
“That was Damon” she eventually started. “Apparently Elena is not feeling very well and he thinks it might have something to do with that tè recipe I gave them”
“People don’t get sick from drinking tea, Caroline”...
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The evening fell and Rebekah and Katherine were sneaking down the woods. Rebekah had called Katherine to tell her she had a plan and she needed her help.
“Where are we going?” Katherine wanted to know.
“To Klaus’s hiding place” Rebekah vaguely explained. She walked through the cemetery and stopped at a grave. The stone said: “Here lies Esther Mikaelson, beloved wife and mother”
“What are we doing at your mother’s grave?” Katherine asked confused and a little disrespectful.
Rebekah didn’t respond, but bowed inoltrare, avanti and removed the stone. Katherine came closer and noticed...
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Elena was lying on the couch, much to Damon’s discontent, while Meredith did some basic tests.
“How long have te been feeling like this?” she asked while she checked Elena’s eyes.
“Started this morning, when I woke up” Elena answered softly.
“And you’re having pain?” Meredith continued, checking Elena’s ears. “Where exactly?”
“My shoulders. My knees. My ankles. My hips” Elena summed up frowning, pausing after every joint she mentioned.
“Open your mouth” Meredith ordered and Elena obeyed. “Looks just fine” she mumbled and Elena closed her mouth again. “I’m...
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It was early morning, Saturday and Liz was gone to the office. Caroline rose from her letto and put on her dressing toga, abito and slippers.
She walked to the window and opened to let the fresh air ventilate her room.
Bonnie, who was still asleep, felt the cold wind and shivered. She opened her eyes and frowned.
“Sorry” Caroline said. “Sometimes I forget people get cold”
“Don’t worry about it” Bonnie replied, getting up as well. “I used to be a lot colder, when all those spirits where inside me”
“How are things with te and Elena?” Caroline asked careful. “She didn’t seem to...
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Gabe’s body was lying on a tavolo in the basement of the Salvatore Boarding House. Stefan was leaning inoltrare, avanti to get a closer look, when he heard a door open and close.
“I’m down here!” he yelled, before the visitor could call him. Rushing down the stairs and an instant later Tyler appeared. “Glad te could come so fast”
“You detto it was important” Tyler replied scrupulously.
“It is” Stefan confirmed. He nodded at the body. “I need te to…sniff this one. I want to know who killed him”
“You want me to sniff him?” Tyler asked with raised eyebrows.
“Pretty much” Stefan...
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“I know there’s a connection!” Liz exclaimed. “I know how to do my job. I don’t need some vampire to tell me that”
Caroline looked away, avoiding her mother’s stare.
“Caroline, I’m sorry” Liz detto soft. “I didn’t mean…”
“Yes, te did!” Caroline detto firm. She turned her back on her mother. “You know, I just wanted to help you. I just wanted some distraction”
“I know, honey” Liz said. She lay her hand on Caroline’s shoulder, but she pushed it away.
“I guess I should go back to Elena” she detto bitter. “At least she appreciates my help” And that being...
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“I’m okay” Stefan groaned as he pulled out the arrow.
“I’m so sorry, Stefan” Elena detto upset as she ran his way. Damon was already with his brother, helping him getting up. “I didn’t mean to shoot you”
“Really, I’m fine” Stefan tried to reassure her. Elena still looked rather guilty and so Damon jumped to another subject.
“So…did te find Rachel?” he asked.
“Yeah, I did” Stefan answered.
“Where is she? I thought te were going to take her here” Damon detto confused.
“Yeah” Stefan replied slow. “About that”
Rachel walked up to the door of the building....
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“Isn’t it kind of weird and ironic that Alaric who is a vampire hunter is now teaching us to kill a vampire hunting army?” Caroline pointed out.
“Ironic, maybe, but not weird” Elena commented. “Ric can teach us their weaknesses. Besides we’re not going to kill anyone”
“Except Veronica” Damon added dark and bitter. Elena slapped his chest. “We’re not killing anyone” Damon raised his eyebrows. “I’m serious, Damon. I don’t want anyone to get hurt” Elena detto sharp.
“Not even her? te know she wouldn’t hesitate to kill you, so why are te so determined to keep...
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posted by HaleyDewit
Rachel looked around her before she pressed the campana, bell of Ric’s loft.
“Rachel” Stefan detto a little surprised, when he opened the door. “Come in”
“Are te alone?” Rachel checked. Stefan nodded and she followed him inside. “I need to know something” she cut to the chase. “How do te know I’m a werewolf?”
“It’s a full moon tonight and te were recitazione strange earlier” Stefan explained. “Plus I’m a vampire, I have learned to recognize them, even if they’re in human shape”
“Veronica will kill me if she finds out I’ve been talking to you” Rachel detto scared...
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posted by HaleyDewit
Jeremy was walking outside. After his meeting with Veronica he didn’t want to go straight home. He told Alaric he’d go see Bonnie and since Ric would definitely check his alibi he was now on his way to Caroline’s.
When he was almost there he saw there was light burning upstairs. A window swung open and a guy, who Jeremy didn’t recognize, climbed over the edge and climbed downstairs using the pipes. He landed on his feet, but then Lost his balance.
For a moment Jeremy considered helping the guy, but then decided to stay put. The guy scribbled up and walked away.
Jeremy pulled out his...
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posted by HaleyDewit
Jeremy entered the Grill. He still had some time before school and this just couldn’t wait. He looked at the bar and to his relief Veronica was on duty. He walked to the bar and sank down on a stool.
“What can I get you, kid?” Veronica asked with a demeaning look.
“Do te have a birra mat? And a pen?” Jeremy asked secretive. Veronica gave him a birra mat and a pen and Jeremy scribbled something down. He shove the mat to Veronica.
“I want in” it said.
“You can’t just sign up, te know” Veronica said. “I need to know I can trust you. Isn’t your sister involved with vampires,...
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posted by HaleyDewit
Bonnie was sitting in Indian style on the floor of Caroline’s room. A book was lying open and three candles were surrounding it. She vowed her hands and whispered the words on the pages.
The front door slowly opened and someone slowly walked upstairs. The latch of the door in Caroline’s room went down and the door slowly opened.
“I thought te couldn’t do magic anymore”
“Oh my God!” Bonnie shrieked. She quickly got up and turned on the light. She bent and blew out the candles. “What the hell are te doing here?” she whispered loud and reproaching.
“I missed te at the Homecoming...
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