Debra Parker Club
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A few months later Deb was scrubbing the floor in the women’s restroom. People could be so disgusting sometimes.
“Debra, do te have a minute?” Mrs. Lambert stood in the doorway, her hand in her side.
Deb put the scrubbing brush against the wall, and turned to her employer.
“There’s money missing in the cash register” Mrs. Lambert stated bluntly. “You wouldn’t happen to know anything about that, would you?”
“No, I…” Deb began, but she was cut off.
“I hope te realize what I’m risking da having hired you. Not many people would give an ex-convict a secondo chance” Mrs. Lambert said, a little judgmental. “You should be very grateful”
“I know, and I am” Deb interjected hastily.
“I’m going to have to check your bag” Mrs. Lambert detto short.
Deb realized there was no point making a fuzz, so she walked past Mrs. Lambert to the counter, where she put her bag. She took her bag, and walked back to Mrs. Lambert, who basically snatched it out of her hands.
Mrs. Lambert clicked the bag open and rummaged through it. After a couple minuti she gave the bag back to its rightful owner.
“I’m keeping an eye on you” she said, mainly to have the last word.
Deb rolled her eyes and shrugged. “Can I go back to scrubbing now?”
When Deb came home at night, her first thought was a hot bath. Her body was sore and stiff from the hard work and the smell of Mr. Clean was all over her.
I shouldn’t stay up late, she reminded herself, as she stepped into the hot water. The giorno after she would have to do her tests.
She closed her eyes for just an instant. When she opened them, she screamed; Dale was sitting in the tub, opposite of her.
He wrapped his arms around her legs, and leaned forward. Deb leaned back as far as possible. o at least she tried to. However she found herself being paralyzed.
Dale pushed her legs open and moved in between them. Deb opened her mouth to scream again, but it was as if an invisible hand was squeezing her neck.
“I’ve been looking for te everywhere” Dale whispered hoarse. Deb could feel his excitement grow against her.
Deb swallowed and managed to squeak: “How did te find me?”
“Oh, my sweet Deb” Dale smiled. His hand moved upward to her breast, to stop at her nipple. “You can’t hide from me. We belong together. You’re mine alone”
Just when Dale was about to penetrate her, Deb found her voice back, and screamed hell on earth.
The bathroom door slammed open, and Joseph hurried to the tub. He slapped Deb gently on the face, to wake her up.
Her eyes opened and she looked bewildered around her. “He’s here” she panted panicky. “He was here, just now”
“Deb, focus on me, okay? There’s no one here but us” Joseph told her. “You just had a nightmare”
Ryan sat in his car, unsure what to do. If his partner was a two-faced liar, he couldn’t involve her any further into the case. But if she wasn’t, he wouldn’t only have to make things right with her, he would also have to apologize to Mike.
“Damn it!” he cursed and bashed the steering wheel. He stared through the windshield for a couple minuti and then produced his phone from his inside pocket. He pressed speed dial and waited.
“Ryan? Where are you? They say Joe’s dead. It’s all over the news” Claire ranted.
“I’m at the John Hopkins Hospital” Ryan answered Claire’s first...
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When Mr. and Mrs. Parker walked to their car Ryan turned around. He was going to suggest Mike to drive to the hospital together. But to his surprise Mike was already gone. He frowned, but decided to talk to Mike when they were in the hospital.
Mike arrived shortly after Deb’s parents, who seemed to be slightly annoyed to be accompanied da the police.
“What are te doing here?” Mr. Parker asked hostile, blocking the entrance.
“Deb is my partner. I want to see how she’s doing” Mike replied honest, but cold.
“We appreciate your concern” Mrs. Parker said. “but we’ll take it from...
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Mike shook his head bewildered. “What do te mean, he’s dead? I mean, how? Did te shoot him?”
“I didn’t kill him!” Ryan suddenly became all defensive. “It was a car. He was getting to his car apparently and someone ran him over”
“Are they still here?” Mike asked, moving to the exit.
“Yeah, I think they had to be here” Ryan replied, but Mike no longer listened. He ran outside and Ryan followed him. “It’s them” he said, pointing at two older people. They walked to them and the woman automatically sought support with her husband.
“Good evening, sir, ma’am” Mike...
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Though scared to death Abigail tried to stick to the maximum speed as she drove the highway. She didn’t say a word and Debra was smart enough not to speak, either.
She stopped behind a car, waiting for the red traffic light to jump on green. She checked her rear view mirror and recognized the police car a few meters behind her.
Just stay calm. Don’t give them any reason to stop you, Abigail thought to herself.
The light turned green and the car before her moved forward. Abigail clenched the steering wheel and held her feet right above the accelerator pedal, ready to push it all the way...
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Agnes stood in front of Wayne and Abigail’s house, her hand pressed against her mouth and tears rolling down her cheeks.
“I can’t believe this is happening” she sobbed, while shaking her head as if denying it would change anything.
“We’ll find her” a female cop assured her. “So, te say te found him like this?”
Agnes nodded. “The hospital told me these people took my cousin with them. So, I went here to ask them to give her back to me, so I could bring her back to her family, where she belongs”
She paused to blow her nose with the handkerchief the cop had offered her....
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Debra held her breath as she heard Agnes leave the room. Then she let her breathe slowly escape. She tried to pull herself up, but her hands were sweaty and her arms ached from tiredness.
Abigail looked up as she heard a girly voice call her. She turned to the window.
“Abigail, please, I can’t hold it much longer!”
Still shaking from her encounter with Agnes Abigail stood and walked to the window. She looked down and was shocked to see Debra clinging onto the roof gutter.
She reached out her hand, leaning out of the window as far as possible. “Give me your hand! I’ll...
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Abigail turned around and leaned against the door, her chest heaving. Inside the room Debra picked up the plate, stared at the Cibo and then smashed the plate against the door.
Started Abigail wanted to open the door, but Wayne stopped her. “She’s provoking you. She wants to know how far she can go”
“Then what am I supposed to do?” Abigail asked desperate as she heard the fragments shatter on the floor. “Just ignore her?”
“For now, yes” Wayne replied strict. “Now, come downstairs with me. There’s no reasoning with that girl now”
Her ears pressed against the door, that...
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After dragging the guards dead body inside Emma’s room, Joe bowed over Debra. Blood was running from her belly and her head. Joe turned her on her belly and took her hands. He started dragging her towards the elevator at the end of the hallway, leaving a huge trail of blood.
Around the corner a doctor appeared. Horrified he watched Joe drag Debra and he wanted to interfere when someone stabbed him in the back.
“You need help with that?” Emma suggested when the doctor had hit the floor. She walked towards them and relieved Joe of one arm. Together they reached the elevator and Joe pressed...
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Molly was sitting in one of the hearing rooms at the police station. She had wanted Ryan to interview her, but that idiot of a Mike Weston had called him away.
If Joe found out what Simon had tried to do, he would be furious.
“Molly?” the inspector snapped his fingers before her eyes in attempt to bring her back from her thoughts. “I asked te a question. What was your gun doing at the cucina table? Why didn’t te keep it somewhere safe?”
Molly rubbed her eyes tired. She could not believe the FBI let this newbie loose on her. But then again, every professional agent had left to go check...
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Simon’s eyes widened in fear as he felt the dagger pierce Debra’s flesh. He withdrew the coltello and watched Debra lose her balance. As she hit the pavers he grabbed his hair and tugged at it.
“What have te done?” he cried panicking. “Why did te do that?”
Debra frowned from pain and lay her hand on the stab wound.
Simon feverishly looked around to make sure no one was watching them. When he didn’t see anyone he looked down at Deb. “I’m sorry, Debra” he mumbled terrified.
Leaving her to die he backed away, nearly tripping over his own feet, turned around and ran away. That...
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Evening came. After cena Dale had sent everyone to their dorms. Beth had watched her parents pack their bags and cried when they wouldn’t explain where they were going.
“Don’t leave me here, mommy!” she begged, while tears rolled down her face. She grabbed her mother’s arm, trying to prevent her from going.
Mr. Parker grabbed her arm and pushed her on the floor. Started she looked up at her father who looked down at her with eyes so cold Beth felt her body freeze inside.
Mr. Parker turned around and helped Mrs. Parker with the luggage.
During cena Beth had desperately searched...
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Joe was pacing up and down the living room, about to lose his mind, while Molly tried to make him calm down.
“I can’t calm down!” Joe hissed in distress. “In a few minuti Ryan Hardy will be on the doorstep. I don’t suppose he’s coming alone, do you?”
Several police vans parked in front of the house. Turner jumped out of one and gave instructions to his men.
Ryan snuck up to them. “I’ll go in the back” he whispered and without awaiting Turner’s approval he turned around again.
Joe walked to Molly. “I’m really sorry, Molly, but I have no other choice” Before she could...
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Simon reached out his hands and cupped Debra’s wet face. His thumbs wiped her tears, but new ones came instead.
“It’s okay. You’re sicuro, cassetta di sicurezza with me now” he detto comforting.
Mike frowned confused and agitated. He wanted to know what upset Debra so much. “What is he talking about?” he asked a little mad.
Simon glanced at Mike’s back and back to Debra. “You haven’t told him?” Debra shook her head ashamed. "Hey, te don’t have to be ashamed. None of it was your fault. te were the victim”
Debra looked up, her eyes begging and Simon saw her change back into the vulnerable fourteen...
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After nursing Joe’s gunshot wound Molly attended to his stab wound.
“She got te good” she whistled admiring. She took a dampened cloth and pressed it against the wound. “Any longer and you’d have gotten an infection which would’ve killed you”
Once the injury was cleaned she took needle and thread. “This might hurt a bit”
“Just…go on. Do whatever te need to do” Joe moaned, not very pleased with the prospect of having a thick needle forced through his skin, but he bit through the pain.
“You might want to remember this pain” Emma advised him, while caressing his hair....
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Debra ran through the hallway and Dale opened the door of his bedroom. “Debra! Come back!” he shouted while he pressed his hand against his bleeding neck.
Other doors opened as well and soon everyone was looking for Debra.
Debra ran to the front door when someone grabbed her from behind. She started to scream when a hand covered her mouth. A boy, about her age, looked at her and ordered her to be quiet.
“The front door is too obvious” he whispered. “I know a better way” He took her hand and pulled her to the basement. He turned the light on and quickly walked downstairs. They ignored...
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Half an ora later Ryan and Claire ran through the aisle of the hospital, receiving several nasty looks from the medical stuff. Ryan opened the door of Debra’s room, which got him an angry look from Mike.
Debra slowly opened her eyes and tried to sit upright, but Mike held her against the bed. “It’s okay. Go back to sleep” he whispered.
“No, I’m up” Debra protested. She looked for the remote and when she found it she pushed the middle button to lift the head of the bed. “Hello, Ryan. Did te catch him?”
Ryan and Claire glanced at each other, before Ryan replied: “Yeah, sort...
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The small woman-whose name turned out to be Miranda-looked examining from Deb to Annabel. “It has come to my attention that the two of you, have had some trouble with each other”
Annabel glared venomously at Deb, who was staring at her knees.
Miranda folded her hands. “So, who wants to kick start this most likely going to be awkward conversation?”
Annabel leaned back, arrogant, clicking her tongue.
“It’s quite simple, really” she said, dry. “Little Miss Special Treatment, over there, grabbed my shoulder, and pushed me against the wall”
She turned to Deb, for confirmation, but the...
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Beth, who was standing right outside the door, eavesdropping, gasped, and quickly covered her mouth to silence the sound. She had witnessed Agnes hitting her sister over and over again. She even counted, but Lost track, when Agnes had Lost control and began hitting like a maniac.
Deb’s back was covered in blood, and there was no way Agnes had stopped after twenty-four hits. Even from where she could, Beth had seen the smile, of malicious pleasure, on Agnes’ face, and if she stayed here, she would give Agnes even più pleasure.
Beth started for her room. There was no time to waste. Within...
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A couple of hours later, Mike still wasn’t feeling very well. He had told Ryan about the ‘accident’ with Lisa, and Ryan had shook his head pitiful. And because Ryan wouldn’t stop trying to explain that there really wasn’t anything going on between him and Deb, Mike had decided to go out for a walk.
Perhaps some fresh air would do him some good.
He was only two blocks away, from the hotel, when he saw someone that made him stop dead in his tracks. He shook his head; it couldn’t be true. His hangover was making him see things.
He walked further, and as he did so his view on the woman...
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Beth wondered if Agnes needed something from her, because she was abnormally patient, and kind. She even helped Beth was her hair, and prepared something to eat.
“There’s something I have to say” Agnes, finally, fessed up. Here we go, Beth thought. “I need to apologize for what I did. I shouldn’t have betrayed you”
“What happened to Simon?” Beth asked.
Agnes sighed. ‘Simon…He’s gone. I left him behind” she said, partially honest.
“Left him behind, where?” Beth asked, a little snarky.
“Beth, please, this is painful enough as it is, already” Agnes complained. She sighed...
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