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EXO's Sehun changes his Instagram name and aggiornamenti profilo to read 'EXO11'

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Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
It was called EXO's Sehun changes his Instagram name and aggiornamenti profilo to read 'EXO11' |
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
EXO\'s Sehun changes his Instagram name and updates profile to read \'EXO11\'
EXO\'s Sehun previously had his Instagram name as @xlkslb_ccdtks, which stood for every member\'s name and ordered by age (xiumin luhan kris suho lay baekhyun_chen chanyeol d.o tao kai sehun).  However, possibly as a response to Kris\'s lawsuit to leave SM Entertainment, he has now changed it to @oohsehun and wrote in his profile status: "EXO11."
SEE ALSO: K-Tigers kick butt with their Taekwondo take on EXO\'s \'Overdose\' - hyahh!
He may have done this now because Kris is becoming more and more active as an individual in the Chinese entertainment sphere, taking part in filming for movie \'
Somewhere Only We Know\' and even being credited now as the singer for the ending theme in Guo Jing Ming\'s \'Tiny Times 3.\'
Meanwhile, Kris and SM Entertainment will enter into mediation in early July.
Taeyeon reported to have cried and apologized to fans at the airport
Lee Seung Hoon is the star of WINNER\'s fourth batch of \'New York Week\' pictures
So proud of Sehun for making that statement. Kris obviously left Exo first so why should Exo hang onto him. Kris has stated from the start that he wants to be an actor and he left to pursue his own dream. It\'s not wrong thou since it\'s his life and he is doing well with a lead role in a big production with many more movies lining up for him with strong Chinese media back up. Kris has obviously already moved on to the next stage of his life as an actor so Exo should as well. The rest of the members are working hard to fill up the missing role of Kris so why should they receive all this shit. Those who support all the members should just support Exo 11 and Actor Yi Fan.  
no the whole of exo is faster than sm, they\'ve been saying it since he left
..obviously they can do whatever they want with their accounts in istragram or whatever...but , why they does something that demostrate that they dont and not going to show support and  understand the decision of Kris..-_-.they give a image that cant be friends anymore.., it is just very dissapointed the manage of SM..why dou you put members in a group when they in front of cameras show "their friendship"..but when  something like this happen ..all show their saddness , frustation ,angry , the departur of kris affected the promotion of all the members but ..move on-_- , is not only be at side of a company ~ like SM..if they really consider a Kris a friend , because many fans still consider a Kris like a EXO member , the members create a distance sad..
..because is a personal decision and "his friends" can choose support or not , but in this case many of them act like that..:(
He is indirectly making another fanwar between exotics
if you didn\'t realize that they are 11 till now ..then that is problem really
I think at this point it\'s finally sunk in for me.
Both EXO 11 and Wu Yi Fan are. As their fans we should do the same and continue supporting them.
Lol hey everyone you don\'t control sehun. You don\'t know the real story behind what happen we only see what goes on through the media. Leave sehun alone stop making it hard for the boys to get over all this
I guess he got really hurt & angry with Kris to show this to instagram. We don\'t know what really happened behind the camera but it sure do have a lot of drama in it. Magnae is angry with his Dad. I hope we will get enlightened with what really happened to accept this turn of events. May the kpop scene be peaceful soon. These really are adding to my stress. I don\'t know why I still stick this kind of life. It doesn\'t really benefit to my future.
He got hurt... after a month? Please, he didn\'t write that because he\'s hurt and angry! EXO passed that stage days ago.
Very disappointed in him for doing that IF HE DID THAT HIMSELF.
LOL I am glad he did. He is very kind to have waited more than a month before he did it..
So, according to you, are the rest of the EXO members forbidden to express their own opinions now? Their fans, especially Kris\' delulu fans, sure are enjoying their leisure spouting all kinds of opinions about OT11. How would you feel if you were forbidden to express your own opinion or even fight back against all the negative comments being said to you by people?
To the people giving Sehun shit for this.. Seriously?
They got over it and obviously Kris is never coming back. He\'s doing what he wanted to do elsewhere.
I\'m thinking Sehun is telling us to move on now because they have, too.
;W; mixed feelings about this but as long as everyone is happy and content. <3 
sprinkling salt on an open wound is what i call this
I\'m happy that Kris is able to pursue a proper career now. And not one where he works non-stop. Why not we all just support him from far, no matter whether he is an EXO member or not. Once an EXO member, always an EXO member... (at heart)
Bottom line, EXO are 11. They\'re 11 cause the person you\'re glorifying had left the group based on his own choice. GET OVER IT LOL.
just stop taking you anger on oh sehun, can you!! ..What did he wrong to  deserve this .what he wrote EXO 11 .Really !! is that your first time hearing it ..Sorry but All members of exo (specially exo-m )said that a lot  and in different shows too ..Was he wrong to not change his acc name till now!!! .I can\'t believe you reacting like this to him.I know kris leaving exo is not something easy and it is sooo painful for his fan and all exo fan..but that doesn\'t mean you can lash your anger and frustration on SEHUN or the other members.YOU JUST CAN\'T DO THAT!!Kris deiced to follow his career in a different way ..We should support him and exo..We promised that when we decided to be their fans>
 meh, What can we do! Kris is my bias but he\'s already gone so fighting EXO11! 
You\'re actually the first non-delulu Kris fan I\'ve encountered in these AKP comment boards, lol XD
i understand that they have to move on but the exo11 wasnt really needed. fans already know we dont need a content reminder.
cant just one of the members say yea we\'re hurt and angry but we do miss him, is that to much to ask :\'( 
How do you know FOR SURE that the EXO members indeed do miss Yi Fan? Has it ever occurred to you WHAT IF they don\'t miss him? I don\'t know about the rest of EXO but Sehun writing this is a CLEAR indication that he wants to move on.
@Everything-KPOP clearly YOU need to reread my post, i DID say i understand that they need to move on, but as a FAN i just to hear them say even if its just once that they do miss him even just a little.
Really, lol. If you still believe that Kris is going to return to EXO, you gon\' full delulu. He isn\'t coming back, and it\'s best that way. &, "we are one" applies to the members who are a part of EXO, and Kris obviously isn\'t. So, hush. Let\'s continue to support both EXO and Kris in the future, fighting! 
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