Gossip Girl Club
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A/N: hope te like my new update. as usual review. i hope te are enjoying the story. remember when te review to tell me if te want to see anything and i'll try and add it somewhere.

Blair woke up and got ready for her first giorno at constance. if she was honest, she couldnt of been più excited. she put on her uniform and done her make up and hair. she ate a little bit of her breakfast and then serena came to her apartment ready to walk to school together. they leave the apartment and are walking up the street.

"serena im so excited" blair almost squealed.

"not for long" serena laughed and then turned serious "B it really isnt an all that school. apart from the guys, but i only have my eye on one. te have to meet dan" serena detto excitedly.

"he's from brooklyn. seriously mixing species shouldnt be allowed" blair smirked and serena looked at blair unamused "sorry S i just cant help it. te know how i am" she giggles.

successivo thing a black limo starts driving up beside then. the window goes down and they see it's chuck.

blair scoffs "chuck why doesnt that suprise me, arnt te classy. with your limo" blair says sarcastically.

"being the son of Bart basso has its perks. the money, the limo and the girls" chuck detto slyly.

"you're heinous"

"what are te looking anyway chuck?" serena asked him.

chuck smirked "i wanted to see if any of te fine ladies would like to get in" chuck's eyed blair up "considering te have never been in my limo blair i would Amore to give te a ride" chuck's smirk had left his face once and da the sound of the little laugh at the end of chuck's sentence meant it had a double meaning.

"oh im sure te would. to bad for te that's never going to happen" blair pretended to be upset "isnt that just horrible" blair was serious now "come on S, before he annoy's me anymore" she pulls serena's arm.

"bye chuck" serena shouted and then started laughing at blair pulling her arm.

then entered the school gates of constance and St. Judes, and two girls ran up to serena and blair.

"blair this is Kati and Iz, girls this is blair my best friend" serena introduced them.

"hey" kati and Iz detto at the same time.

"hey nice to meet you" blair detto "please say they're not from brooklyn to serena" blair turned to her.

"no they arnt te can be as friendly as te like" serena laughed.

blair laughed "oh thank god" blair looked at then "do te like brooklyn?"

"no but we dont care that serena is dating someone from there because we arnt allowed to judge saint judes queen" kati said.

"i told te to stop calling that" serena detto "im reformed i dont get wasted, i dont do drugs and i dont do take downs. find yourself a new queen" serena told then sternly.

"talking about Queen S are we? chuck came up behind serena and blair.

"chuck dont encorage them" serena pleaded.

"i see te met kati and Iz, blair" chuck smirked and whispered into blair's ear "they'll never be as hot as you" then chuck squezzed blair's ass.

blair stood on chuck's foot hard and slapped him "how many times do i have to say dont touch me?" blair snapped. "i could make your life hell"

"well if you'd sleep with me then i would leave te alone" chuck smirked

"im not going to sleep wiht you. get the picture?" blair looked at him stenly "talk to me like a normal person of dont talk to me at all"

chuck's smirk wouldnt leave his face because of how easily wound up she was "but i dont need to talk, te dont have to when te have sex. unless your looking to scream my name" chuck detto suductivly.

"the only thing i would be screaming would be help because if me and te were having sex it was obviously rape" blair detto matter of factly.

"well if it comes to that but i find it highly unlikely because te know te want me waldorf" chuck pursed his lips but the smirk never leaving his face.

"maybe you're right" blair detto with fake sincerity, da the shock on his face she thinks he actually believes her "care to test how i feel?" blair done he fake smile.

"how do te suppose we do that on school grounds?" chuck detto hotly.

"kiss me" blair detto sweetly. chuck moved closer to baciare blair and blair kicked his privates. he doubled over in pain "you never learn do you? and serena te just witnessed how to play chuck at his own game"

serena laughed "i have to admit that was awesome. i actually believed te were going to baciare him"

nate walked in the gates and over to them letting chuck lean on his shoulder till the pain died do "did te kick him again blair?"

"i only done what was neccisary to teach him a lesson" blair smirked "sorry basso but i thought te would know better from yesterday"

"you'd think so" chuck detto in pain.

"Kati i think we found are new Queen" Iz annouced.

"i'm going to have to agree" Kati smiled "i've never seen anyone play chuck basso before. let alone win."

"yes" serena detto "blair can take over she loves to put people in their place" serena smiled "B te are now Queen of constance. all hail Queen B" serena put her hand on chuck's shoulder "god help anyone gets in her way"

"I'll think about. excuse me, but i have class" blair says just before the campana, bell goes off. she walks past them with kati and Iz smiling like they just seen a new pair of jimmy choo's. chuck smirking and shaking his head and serena catches up with her to walk to class.

nate turns to chuck "you really need to stop getting on the wrong side of blair o she'll cut the favourite part of your body off" nate laughed.

"i definatly need to have sex with her" chuck smirked turning to nate.

nate shakes his head "do te ever listen to me... obviously not, considering te didnt listen to me when i told te not to get on the wrong side of her. blair can stand up for herself i told te that too" nate laughed at him "unless chuck basso has a crush?"

chuck raised his eyebrows at nate "i'm chuck bass" he smirked "i dont get crushes. but my body definatly wants her"

"you're a disgusting little man" nate laughed.

"yes i am nathanil, now lets go to class. i hear we have a hot lady sub. even teachers cant resist chuck bass" chuck laughed.


blair and serena are getting ready for baciare on the lips. blair has her hair up in pins and serena has curled her hair. they are both messing about and trying lots of blairs outfits on from france.

"can te believe i havent even wore most of these yet?" blair laughed twiling in a black Jean Paul Gaultier dress.

"actually yes B, te always buy things te dont wear" serena laughed trying on a vera wang gonna and top. "i think i'll wear this if te dont mind"

"no go ahead it looks lovely on you. im wearing this" blair turned to serena "what do te think?... no it's terrible i'll change it"

"B it's beautiful on you. wear it" serena smiled and then started giggling "im sure chuck would Amore it"

"S that's not funny" blair laughed in a upset tone "i wish he would just leave me alone, talk to me like he talks to you" blair complained.

"blair te have just caught his attention. he loves your confidence and how he knows te cant have you. that's what chuck goes for, what he cant have." serena smiled sympathetically "and he talks to me like that too, it's just because te fasinate him so much" serena suddenly started smiling like she was planning something.

"i like that bitchy smile S what are te thinking?" blair smiled.

serena laughed "B that dress is perfect to mostra chuck what he cant have"

Blair started to laugh "it is isnt it?"


at chuck's nate and chuck were having a drink before it was time to go collect the girls and nate and serena's girlfriend and boyfriend.
chuck hated having to let them in his limo but nate and serena were his friends. he then started thinking about blair. wondering if she took his consigli to wear something short. 'even if she didnt she would look amazing' chuck thought.

"nathanil i need imformation on blair" chuck pursed his lips and then took a sip of his scotch.

"chuck i am not giving te information to help te sleep with blair" nate laughed "plus dont te have a PI"

"not a bad idea thanks nathanil" chuck smirked and reached for his phone. but nate stopped him.

"i was kidding" nate sighed "she likes peonies, jewllery from tiffany's and the tiffany's audrey hepburn movies"

"i see, thanks" chuck smirked.

nate looked at chuck "so when are te planning to try and suduce blair?"

chuck looked at him "i already am nathanil, smooth talking from now on. from what te told me blair is very classy. although i already sort of worked that out" chuck smirked "i be an absolute gentleman, my usual commenti but sounding not so as the girls would say 'pervy'. then i leave her alone for awhile. she'll start to miss me. then sometime i make my sposta and she wont care" chuck smiled and took a victory drink at the sound of his plan.

"until the successivo morning when she notices te dont care about her. and blair loves revenge. more than anything nate told him "and if te hurt her really bad i might help her. considering im your best friend i know all your weaknesses" nate sipped his drink.

"well tonight i start being the gentleman" looks at the clock on the bacheca "come on it's time to go"

nate and chuck get up and leave.
A/N: sorry if this is a bit short hope te liked it. as usual please review. i dont know when the successivo one will be up, Amore ya. xoxo.

A/N: Okay, I honestly don’t know how I can remember this dream since I had it the same night I had the dream in chapter 1…*sigh*….but I will try my best to remember as much as possible. Hehe.
This dream was a much più intensified version of the Nate/Vanessa/Jenny Amore triangle. When I watched it (the Amore triangle) on TV, I TOTALLY sided with Vanessa. Don’t get me wrong, I really TRIED to be open minded about the whole Nate/Jenny thing, but I just…couldn’t. It just didn’t feel right to me. Though whenever I watched Nenny vids, I found them adorable. I feel like they could’ve...
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posted by Leightonfan
Blair and Dan have ben going out for a few days and everything is going smooth, except for the fact that Serena is jealous. Well,they did brake up two weeks ago. Blair even asked her was it okay if they went out. Serena only detto yes because it was about time she got over him and Blair really started to like him. te know they say, "All is fair in Amore and war."
"Hey,Blair bear." Dan detto as he gave Blair a hug. Then he gave her flowers. Aww, how sweet.
"Thanks, are we still on for our data on Saturday?" She asked.
"Ofcourse," Dan got a text message from Jenny."Sorry, I have to go. Jenny needs...
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added by Gretulee
added by fudgemurder
added by gossip-girl999
The story of the daughter of the infamous Chuck basso & Blair Waldorf, Kayla Bass. I hope te enjoy it!!

"Ouch!" exclaimed Kayla as the foreign maid pricked her leg with the needle as she was fixing the hem of her party dress. "Sorry Miss Kayla." Dorota said. It seemed like she has heard that sentence hundred times in one hour. she heard her mothers distant heels clicking in the hallway of their lovely penthouse that cost $250,000 a month.

"Kayla? Kay where are you? I need to talk to te NOW!" Blair, her mother, detto in her I'm-really-mad-right-now voice. "Damn." Kayla muttered...
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 Hanging around...
Hanging around...
Okay so this is something totally different to the fan fiction i've postato before. I promised myself that i wouldn't write anything else because it takes up too much of my time, especially since im supposed to be working! But i couldn't resist!
This is fan fiction about the real life actors, mainly Leighton and Ed. I hope te think it's ok, it wont be 14 episodes long like my other fan fiction Chair Tales, in fact it wont be episodes at all, because im basing it on real life...!


So the setting is real life events surrounding the filming of Gossip Girl Season 1, they have filmed...
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There are many theories as to why it makes no sense for Dan to be Gossip Girl, from feigning shock for the walls of his bedroom, to spreading rumers about Jenny’s sex life and sabotaging his own relationship with Serena multiple times and even making diviso, spalato decisions based on posts that he just saw on gossip girl.

I could rationalize all of these theories, but so far in my rewatching there is one reason that stands above all and makes it actually completely physically IMPOSSIBLE for Dan to be gossip girl. SEASON 2 EPISODE 15!!!!! First of all, Nelly Yuki steals Dans phone!! Right away wouldn’t...
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added by kathiria82
Source: http://justjared.buzznet.com/2007/12/04/gossip-girl-teddy-bear-ball/#more-22480
added by kathiria82
Source: http://justjared.buzznet.com/
added by lilie2
Gossip Girl
added by 2Chewy
Source: tumblr
added by Nibylandija
Source: funsized (at LJ)
added by gathoune72
Source: http://www.gossipgirlworld.fanlounge.org/
added by LittleMissAkuma
added by laurik2007
Source: the cw
added by Hellen20