Josh Ramsay Club
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wow I think I am obsessed with this man. lol I've spent the last like 2 hours (when I'm supposed to be doing homework)watching interviews and video and Musica video of Josh Ramsay and Marianas Trench, I Amore this one link the link probably doesn't work but that's okai I'm putting it there anyway. I fuckin laughed sooooooo hard whenn Matt was on the vibrating chair! lol all the other video I watched though had più of Josh. Actually they were mostly Josh. Josh is such a goof! Soooo freakin cute! like srsly wowz! I'm probably gunna end up staying up all night watching Musica video and shit about him and looking up stuff about him on Google :P. Imma save my money and successivo time he comes here I'm freakin going to his concerto no matter what lol.I want to find out though, what kind of libri he's into, if he reads a lot, if he's into screamo Musica like I am :P, and other stuff like that. probably stuff I can't find on google, but who knows :P btw guys I'm not a nerd o anything, I mean I know I sound like I spend a lot of my time on the computer but I actually don't. I'm taking a course online, though so I do it like everyday and I always come on here and Youtube while I'm doing it cause I get so distracted :P anyways! pcebitches

P.s. lol I also have a bunch of pics of him saved on my computer :P he is my desktop background lol I always modifica foto of him and stuff, I like put hearts and lips and stuff like the foto I uploaded a couple days ago