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posted by Professor-dino1
Why study about dinosauri anyway? dinosauri have fascinated people, from young children to great-grandparents and everyone in between. dinosauri are truly different from all other animali and have the ability to transport even the oldest person back to their childhood when they saw their first dinosaur book, movie o visited a natural history museum and saw huge fossilized skeletons. Seeing them brings out feelings of awe and wonder of their magnificence that sparks the imagination.
Most often we hear from the evolutionary viewpoint that dinosauri lived only from the upper Triassic Period through the end of the Cretaceous Period, during a collection of time known as the Mesozoic Era. Which is claimed da evolutionists to be from 225 to 65 million years ago. Actually the first dinosaur that was unearthed were discovered da Bible-believing Scientists in the early 19th century. It was not until the mid-late 19th century that uniformitarian thought began to dominate science, as predicted in 2 Peter 3:3-4. Scientific thought was soon taken over da the uniformitarian scientists, naturalists, and evolutionists who claimed the world was millions of years old (now even billions) and that all life evolved. These secularists set out to find facts to prove it, corrupting the science of dinosauri in the process. They actually twist the truth to convince people that dinosauri are "proof of evolution".
However, if te believe God's Word (KJV), that man was created in the image of God just thousands of years ago, and man's sin caused the destruction of the former world da water and that God sent His Son Gesù Christ (God manifest in flesh:I Timothy 3:16, to redeem the world (mankind), te will interpret factual data, like dinosaur fossils, much differently. This view holds that God made everything in six days (Genesis 1:1-31),(Exodus 20:11) and that there was a worldwide flood (Genesis 6-9), that destroyed the original earth thousands of years ago
dinosauri can be examined from the worldview that God's Word is true and God willingly created dinosaurs. This worldview completely fits with the factual evidence. The study of dinosaurs, and science in general, does not conflict with the Bible, rather, they compliment one another. dinosauri are a great way to learn about the science of God's marvelous creation.
Welcome to the science and history of dinosaurs. The choice is yours, te can either believe what man has to say about dinosaurs, that only evolution was the key to their existence o believe in God the Creator (Lord Gesù Christ) who created all things, even dinosaurs, in the beginning. As for me, I am a Creationist that gives God the glory, thanks,and honor for what He has created, especially dinosaurs" (Revelation 4:11).