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During the worldwide Genesis Flood the "fountains of the great deep" (Genesis 7:11) launched rocks as well as muddy water. As rocks moved farther from Earth, Earth's gravity became less significant to them, and the gravity of nearby rocks became increasingly significant. Consequently, many rocks, assisted da their mutual gravity and surrounding clouds of water vapor, merged to become asteroids. Isolated rocks in spazio are meteoroids. Drag forces caused da water vapor and thrust forces produced da the radiometer effect concentrated asteroids in what is now the asteroid belt. All the so-called "mavericks of our solar system" (asteroids, meteoroids, and comets) resulted from the explosive events at the beginning of the Flood.
There is a theory out there called the "Exploded-Planet Theory. But this theory doesn't whole water (no pun intended), because there is not enough fragments out there to make up even one small planet. Plus too much energy is needed to explode and scatter even the smallest planet. Astronomers have tried to describe the exploded planet between Mars and Jupiter, not realizing they are standing on the remaining 99.95% of it and don't even see it. Planet Earth is the origin of asteroids, meteoroids, and comets.