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Resurrection (ABC) Domanda

What made te decide to start watching this show?

I'm really only watching it because it happens to be right after Once Upon A Time :)
 Wolfdreamer9 posted più di un anno fa
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Resurrection (ABC) Risposte

Awesomedude8 said:
It seemed like my other fav mostra that got canceled, which was touch. And it seemed interesting now i Amore it
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setka13 said:
I wanted to watch something good starring Kurtwood Smith. I really liked him in the series "That '70s show" and in "House MD". I checked his filmography and there it was. The series had some positive reviews, so I decided to check it out.
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 I wanted to watch something good starring Kurtwood Smith. I really liked him in the series "That '70s show" and in "House MD". I checked his filmography and there it was. The series had some positive reviews, so I decided to check it out.
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gimpy101 said:
Great concept! Different than all other shows! Unusual casting.
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