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Scream Queens Recap: Coney, Silenced — Plus: Meet the New Chanel

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Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
It was called ‘Scream Queens’: Hester’s Neck Brace Off — Season 1 Episode 3 Recap | TVLine
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
Following the “death” of Boone, an event somehow ruled a suicide, Tuesday’s
introduced a whole mess of changes to the Wallace University campus — including two “new” suspects!
Scream Queens: Who Is the Red Devil? Here Are Our Top 10 Suspects (So Far)
Once it was revealed that Chad Radwell basically porked every girl in Kappa Kappa Tau, Grace immediately fingered him as the Red Devil, a deranged killer who sees people as mere objects. And while it could be argued that Chad’s run-in with the R.D. in this week’s episode proves Grace wrong, it is highly suspicious that he exited the fray without a scratch; the same can’t be said for Chad’s fellow Dickie Dollar Scholar (name unimportant) who got double-maimed during the frat’s Backstreet Boys-inspired showdown.
This week’s second featured suspect was Dean Munsch, who was conveniently out of the picture when the R.D. attacked Wes and Gigi at Kappa. (She was allegedly sleeping upstairs, with her white noise machine set to “horror movie.”) But is she
the killer? And, more importantly, did anyone laugh as hard as I did at the fart noise made by Gigi’s bottle of salad dressing?
RELATEDScream Queens: Chad Michael Murray Scares Up Role on Fox Horror-Comedy
* Hester was officially upgraded from neck-braced pledge to Chanel No. 6, sending Chanel No. 5 into a jealous rage. Her fury, coupled with the fact that she referred to Chanel No. 1 as a “bitch who deserves whatever’s coming to her” earlier in the episode, makes me even more confident about her inclusion in TVLine’s gallery of potential suspects.
* Chanel No. 3 revealed that, after a bit of sleuthing, she discovered that her biological father is actually Charles Manson. I’m not sure if that reveal is actually going to matter down the line, but I figured it was worth mentioning. Also worth mentioning: She’s totally going to hook up with Predatory Lez by the end of the season.
* Wallace University briefly got a new mascot this week — Coney the ice cream cone — though he was quickly mowed down by the Red Devil during an unfortunately hilarious murder sequence. (R.I.P., Coney. At least you trended on Twitter.)
Your thoughts on this week’s episode? Hester’s makeover? The possibility of Dean Munsch or Chad being the killer? Whatever you’re thinking, drop it in a comment below.
You forgot the major reveal that we have two killers.
The characters just figured that out tonight, but the audience has known that since last week’s premiere.
The death of Boone was ruled a suicide, not the death of Chanel #2.
I’m of very mixed feelings about Scream Queens, but the Backstreet Boys segment was amusing. What if there’s more than 2 killers?
We know chad isnt the Red Devil. GiGi can kick ass and take names. I’m still thinking the Dean is suspect number 1, followed by Chanel #5
This has gotta be the dumbest show I have ever watched.
That’s kind of the point. It’s campy and fun and very much all about 80’s horror. It’s not trying to have the intellectual level of The West Wing or something.
I’ve seen similar complaints about this show a lot. It’s like “I was pitched a tv show that’s basically the Scary Movie franchise as a tv series, but I’m going to expect Citizen Kane.”
I never expected The West Wing or Citizen Kane. But you can be satirical or campy and still be smart. Scream Queens just isn’t.
Agreed. I expected camp – I wanted Scary Movie / Scream / Original Buffy Movie….but we got *none* of that. Scream Queens isn’t funny, campy, smart, scary, subversive or interesting.
with ya one that one girl, denise and zayday’s scene was my favourite!
So Chanel No. 3 is basically Brittany from Glee, am I right? And come to think of it, Dean Munsch and Grace’s dad are almost an odd take on Sue Sylvester and Will Schuester, or am I crazy?
No, you’re definitely not all that wrong in your comparison. I think the Chanel No. 3/Brittany comparison is a little off, but the similarities are definitely there between Cathy/Sue and Wes/Will.
It’s Murphy recycling every trope he’s ever recycled since Popular.
I still don’t know what to make of this show, it is amusing to laugh out loud funny, but it also somehow dull. But for not making Hester a biatch just for the makeover like I was expecting and for that back street boys death scene alone, I will tune in again next week. Just maybe not live.
I have to say I’ll be disappointed when/if Gigi is killed off. She’s easily my favorite character. I don’t know if its the affection for the 90s or what, but she’s an extremely appealing character to me.
And Denise Hemphill is certainly very suspicious. I mean, who the hell doesn’t like Horsey sauce!?
I want to enjoy Scream Queens, and at times I do (the white noise machine was amusing), but the show is just trying way too hard to be edgy.
-Writers: “Ooh, let’s have Abigail Breslin talk about being spit-roasted by two frat guys! That’ll be funny and shocking!”
Is it me or is Lea Michele just playing her same character from Glee?
There are a few times I’m reminded of Rachel Berry when Lea says a line a certain way, but Hester and Rachel are definitely not the same character.
And I’m out. This show is a mess and it’s just terrible. It’s a shame too, because the premise is awesome and would have been better executed with another show runner.
I’m still loving this show. I got more of a Heathers vibe tonight but that could’ve just been the use of “Que Sera Sera”. I’m not sure if anyone can be ruled out as the killer yet. Maybe Chad since during the Backstreet Boys scene there were two Red Devils. I’m suspicious of the Dad and Munsch but they could just be hiding other secrets. I want to learn more of the Bathtub Baby mystery. I still think that Gigi and Grace’s mom are connected somehow. Gigi had that traumatic experience that keeps her stuck in the 90s, I have no such excuse for being stuck there, and Grace’s mom would’ve most likely been a KKT around that time. I am also very curious about Boone’s connection, is he the baby? I wish it was next week already.
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