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I really can not believe I have to write an articolo like this. But from what I have seen lately on the likes of "" and "" I feel the need to. Yes George Lucas has made some unwise decisions and he certainly knows how to invest in his baby. is his world. As a Potter fan as well, there are things that Jo Rowling does o says about certain characters sometimes that pisses us off, BUT its her creation, world- she can change something, reveal something and we can disagree and say-- " WEll I wouldn't do that, o WHY JO!?!" Prime example is in 2007 AFTER the libri were all out and finished and we as a fandom had become well acquainted with the characters she says " Dumbledore" is gay. Nothing wrong with gay people, but many of us never got that impression. My point is the tweaking of scenes has journalists o so called journalists saying " stella, star WARS fan OUTRAGED!" " The Force is not with Lucas anymore" " Say NOOOO! to the new blu-ray". Media now days sucks. Unbiased reporting would be nice. And after six years its time to sposta on from the prequel bashing. Episodes 1-6 complete a whole story. I see nothing wrong with 1-3, yes they are in many opinions not as good as the originals but get over it media. Anyway in the new blu-ray set out, George added a few things besides making the picture look pristine. Like Vader saying No! Nooo! when Luke is in agony and about to die at the hand of the Emperor. Not as dramatic as when Padme died- which I never had a problem with either. We all need to stop being drama queens, and realize that these are minor things in the scheme of the whole stella, star Wars world. I still don't get the " Han vs. Greedo" I watched and had the updated DVD's I cant tell they both shoot fast and Greedo gets fried. te still see Han sposta and slowly get his blaster out of the holster. So " sposta Along, sposta Along, These are not the droids you're looking for". " These are not the droids we are looking for" ." Use the Force, hatred, anger, resentment, frustration all lead to the dark side." Besides when we whine, all I can think of is " Mos Eisley spazio port, te will never find a più wretched hive of SCUM and VILLAINY. We must be careful"

To my Fellow stella, star WARS fans. Remember..." The Force is what gives a Jedi his Strength. It's an energy field, that binds us, surrounds us..penetrates all living things, the force will be with you..always."- Gen./Master Obi-Wan ( Ben)Kenobi

added by rakshasa
Source: Lucasfilm LTD
added by rakshasa
Source: Lucasfilm LTD