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It must have been early morning when she woke me, my arm had been hanging over the edge of the bunk, when I felt a pressure on it, not just a pressure, someone was pulling my arm, I roused myself, fearing someone was hurt,

“whaizit” I slurred,

“I’m cold” came a small voice, it sounded cold to, and afraid, I opened my bleary eyes to see the vague outline of Ella my mystery girl,

“Doyawanmablanket” I just couldn’t get my voice to work properly, but she seemed to understand me,

“no, I just need some body heat” to tired to object, and just wanting to get back to my precious few hours of sleep, I pushed myself forwards and over the side of the bed, I don’t think she expected me to be so agile in my half asleep state and gasped slightly as I hit the ground noiselessly and crawled under the blanket first so my back was against the wall, already slipping back into unconsciousness and nice and warm since I was wearing all my clothes besides my jacket, I felt her climb in beside me, automatically my arm went around her and I fell asleep.

My dreams were plagued with terror, visions of faceless bodies, covered in blood o burnt till they were unrecognizable, the faces of my friends, always dead, the sound of gunfire played round my mind, ethereal flames licked my memory laughing at my feeble resistance, and as always the omnipotent presence of Lucifer, I shuddered into consciousness, my body was covered in sweet, I felt like I was in a straitjacket but it was always like this, I just had to keep my eyes open and breath, the fuoco would cool, and I would be able to breathe again, I think most people in our world suffered from night terrors, we’d just seen things, things that maybe da the light of giorno we can deny, o push to the backs of our minds, but at night, our minds are ridden defenseless, there is just nothing we can do to stop them. In the early days, when medication wasn’t so hard to come by, the older people used to take sleeping pills to knock themselves completely, but this reckless wastage caused più problems than not, so that practice has been banned now.

After 15 o so minuti of lying there willing sleep to return I decided to put my mind to a più productive use, carefully I maneuvered myself over Ella, I watched her for a moment, making sure I hadn’t woken her, when I was satisfied of my success I moved silently through the dark room and into the silent freezing corridors. I saw various sentries on my trip, but none of them saw me, I had a knack for keeping out of sight when I wanted, there really was no point to my secrecy, but I wanted to be alone, I needed to think, somewhere quiet, and da myself, I made it to my destination, the headquarters on the secondo floor, it was where I spent most of my day, but I felt that it need to go over some things. I plonked myself at the old wooden desks, it had obviously survived the fuoco because it was covered da something else, te may be wondering how I was saved, because like I detto before, when the angeli rained fuoco down upon the earth, my mother was at her trial. As soon as castiel realized my father would not succeed in stopping his brother from rising Lucifer, he rushed to me and took me away, I don’t know where, but I was safe, not a scratch on me, which is più then I can say for my companions that are older than me, most of them bare scars from the fire, te may also be wondering why I won’t say the anti-Christ’s name, it’s forbidden, along with the name of the whore of Babylon, I don’t think that it’s necessary, but there te go, there was a book a long time fa called harry potter, it was about a boy who was singled out at birth da a dark wizard, pure fiction of course, da now I think about it, it does sort of resemble my life in an odd ironic way, but that’s not the point, the boy harry potter, had a mentor of sorts, his name was Dumbledore, and he detto that fear of the name only increases fear of the thing itself, in reference to the dark wizard who was after the boy, we still have a battered copy somewhere, probably in the dormitories, Judy likes to read to the little ones before they go to bed, to put ‘good thoughts in their heads’ she says, god that women was incredible. I looked down at the array of libri in front of me, all record keeping, births and deaths, acquisitions and losses, I needed to record the death of this little boy, Thomas, and to lista Ella, I had opened the book to complete this endeavor when almost invisible footsteps reached my ears, I looked up and there was a small tap on the door, I ran my hand through my hair wearily,

“come in” I called, all I had wanted was a minuto da myself, but when I saw who it was that feeling inexplicably vanished, reflected against the dull glow of the bacheca light was the form of Ella, my mystery girl,

“Oh Ella, it’s only you, come in, come in what’s up” I asked genially,

“I got cold again, and I woke up, I saw te leaving so I followed” that was confusing, I’d been in here for ages

“What took te so long” she sat in the chair across from me,

“I wasn’t sure whether to come in o not” I laughed,

“you’re welcome anytime” I assured, in fact that wasn’t true, my whole reason for coming here was so I could be alone, I have no idea why I told her it was fine, “incidentally, what’s your last name, I need to write down that you’ve been here” she looked up from where she had staring at her toes as if they where deadly interesting,

“Its halligan” I nodded and wrote it neatly successivo to her first name, “and your data of birth?” I didn’t look up from my book my hand poised to write her birthday and the adjoining box,

“3rd of July 2011” I scripted it in, my eye skipped to the box a few grids over, the box for data of death, my stomach turned and I felt sick, I didn’t want to think of the beautiful stranger sitting in front of me as being dead, I would have to fill in the data just like I would Thomas’s in a moment, quickly I threw in the successivo question,

“Parents names and their homo-oeconomicus status please” her brow furrowed in sweet confusion, wait what am I talking about, her brow furrowed in confusion, I corrected myself mentally,

“What does homo-oeconomicus status mean?” I nodded, I’d been asked this domanda many times, it was purely a sanctionition term,

“it’s just if their alive or, well, the alternative” the pain was evident on her face, well no it wasn’t really, but I could tell it was there, I can sometimes pick up things about people even when there hiding it, and her eyes stayed dry, she was tuff.

“father was frank, mother was Irene, both deceased” she talked about them coldly, her way of pulling away and not really having to except their deaths, just push them back with the countless others, I repeated it back quietly as I wrote it, a bad habit on my part,

“And your blood type” once again I didn’t look up,

“ab-“she answered shortly, woah, I hadn’t seen an ab- in avery long time, there’s almost none, I finished Scrivere that and skimmed up through the list, I couldn’t see his name, I flipped back a page, still scanning,

“What are te doing now” she inquired,

“there was a little boy who died today, I have to record it” I detto matter’o’facly, she let out a short oh, and fell silent, I found him on maybe the third o fourth page back, I think he must have been born here, I wrote I the data of death, august 12th 2031, I closed my book and turned my intention to Ella,

“So tell me? Why were te looking for us?”.
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