Total Drama Revenge of the Island (TDROTI) Club
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posted by gotdroti45
Summer was just starting.The air was starting to get hot,and the days were getting longer.A 16 anno old girl named Zoey,was packing her things to go to Total Drama Revenge of the Island for the very 1st time,She was half exited,half nervous.It's like one of those 50% 50% things,Her best friend,Laynie,was in her bedroom helping her pack.Laynie,and her other bestfriend,Abigail.The 3 girls had been Friends sience kindergarden,and they were Zoey's only friends."Are te exited,Zoey?"asked Laynie."Kinda" zoey replied."I just hope the challenges aren't as crazy as the seasons before,other wise,bring the gelatina cause your toast!"Abigail stated."ABIGAIL!Were not supposed to be scaring zoey"exclaimed Laynie."oh its cool Laynie.And Abigail,i'm not scared,"replied zoey with a little laugh in between the last sentence.Later that day,zoey's parent drove her down to the shipping dock,Where she,and 12 other competitors,woulld be risking there lives for 1 million dollars.Yeesh,you think your life would depend on più money,huh?Zoey grabbed her things out of the car,said goodbye to her parents,and boarded the ship to Miscoka,Ontario to camp Wawanakwa.Zoey was boarded on the barca only less than I minuto when she had already gotten into clumsy mode."I'm sorry"she detto to a girl who's skin looked like she had took arancia, arancio peels,and stuck them on her skin."No sweat doll,no harm done"Zoey could tell da her accent that she was probably from New Jersey.When the tan girl walked off,zoey forged ahead,and hip for almost 2 days,sfound her boating cabin.They would be on the ship for almost 2 days so they had some time.Zoey went to the bow of the ship,where no one was around.She looked around the ocean,and gathered all of her thoughts.All of a sudden,a tan boy with spiked hair,a alzavola, teal shirt,blue jeans,and sneakes came and leaned on the rals of the barca successivo to zoey,acting as if she wasn't there,but of course he knew.He just didn't want to be rude.Zoey thought the boy was super cute,and wished she had the guts to talk to him,but god thing he was a gentleman and made the 1st move.''Hi,I'm Mike.What's your name?''the boy asked."my name is Zoey."she said,with a smile on her face,thanking the Heavens he had made the first sposta I her mind.They talked about their preferiti like their preferito movies,songs,books ect.Then things got a little deeper."So what do your parents work in?''Zoey asked,and at that very moment,Mike Lost his grin."they don't work,cause they're not here"Mike said."they're not here as in,they're in another state?"Zoey asked in confusion."No.They're not on earth anymore.Beacuse they died a long time fa when I was only 10 years old."Mike explained."oh,i'm so sorry,but if te don't mind me asking,how did they pass on?"zoey asked."Well,Me and my twin sister Maya,were watching T.V.,and we were staying at my Uncle Vinnie's house while my parent's were on a business trip in San Francisco for 2 weeks,when my uncle got a call on the phone from the airport in San Francisco,saying that their plane hadn't made it in,because their had been a serious plane crash and it just happened to be the same plane they were on.She also stated there were no survivers.So that's how they left us,and they've been gone for 6 years."Mike explained."Wow.That's so sad.Well at least you've got your uncle."Yeah that's true.But I still miss them."mike said."I know."zoey detto leaning her head on mike's shoulder,trying to make him feel better.After a few minutes,the sun started setting.The sun set was beautiful,with its brilliant shades of orange,pink,and yellow,with the chrystal blue water shimmiering in it's light.Mike walked zoey o her cabin.''Well.I'll see te tomorrow.Night Zoey"said Mike,''Night Mike."Said Zoey.But they didn't part right away.The too gazed into each others eyes for quite some time,both smiling.After a few moments,zoey walked into her cabin,turned around and smiled while closing the door.When mike had left,zoey peeked out her door seeing if he had gone."that was the best evening of mmy life.He is so cute,"Zoey detto dreemly.She called her best Friends and told them about everything that had happened after boarding the ship.After zoey had finished talking to her friends,zoey climbed into her cabina bed,and while laying in her bed,she thought"This might be the beginning of me and mike."And through that time on TDROTI,zoey knew she was correct.THE END...until TOTAL DRAMA ALL-STARS.