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 Robert Pattinson Getting 'bothered' with Jimmy Fallon
Robert Pattinson Getting 'bothered' with Jimmy Fallon
twilight cast
Robert Pattinson
posted by _madz_
ciao guys, sorry this took so long but i had a mega homework load, plus like four tests in one week...year 12 sucks. i also had to work the entire weekend, so i didn't have much Scrivere time. (i work at paper squared, largest scrapbooking negozio in Australia, check it out....yeah, i'm shameless lol)hope te like anyway :P

His thoughts abruptly changed direction, moving onto thoughts of Alice that I would rather not see.
The teacher chose that moment to enter the room, quieting everyone.
I tried to tune out Jasper and went back to watching Bella through the minds of others.

Bella’s POV:
Would this...
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posted by Andressa_Weld
*This clothes are ridiculous
*You need bigger hight heels
*I Put all your new clothes on the roof
*Jasper told me that te are not good at sex
*you would be perfect for the role of the dwarf in Snow White
*Jasper told me he thinks I'm hot
*Esme told me that I'm her preferito daughter
*Your power is useless, the visions change
*I think Jane is taller than you
*Your hair looks like a scopa
*Bella hates you
*What was your human mother name?
*I donated your new clothes to Jacob and Sam
*Edward told me that when Charlie first saw te he thought that te were Bella's 8 years old cousin
*Last night Emmett and I had sex in your car and broke it
*by Stephenie Meyer*


Edward in the sunlight was shocking. I couldn't get used to it, though I'd been staring at him all afternoon. His skin, white despite the faint flush from yesterday's hunting trip, literally sparkled, like thousands of tiny diamonds were embedded in the surface. He lay perfectly still in the grass, his camicia open over his sculpted, incandescent chest, his scintillating arms bare. His glistening, pale lavender lids were shut, though of course he didn't sleep. A perfect statue, carved in some unknown stone, smooth like marble, glittering...
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*by Stephenie Meyer*


It was very hard, in the morning, to argue with the part of me that was sure last night was a dream. Logic wasn't on my side, o common sense. I clung to the parts I couldn't have imagined - like his smell. I was sure I could never have dreamed that up on my own.
It was foggy and dark outside my window, absolutely perfect. He had no reason not to be in school today. I dressed in my heavy clothes, remembering I didn't have a jacket. Further proof that my memory was real.
When I got downstairs. Charlie was gone again - I was running later...
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posted by twilightrox43
This is a strange one. Hmmm... <3

Off I go to get Bella. It doesn't make sense. Bella just dashed after her and didn't return. I whirled into the thick trees. Ariella and Bella were like identical twins da personality. I was starting to believe Alice was getting a bit jealous. I first noticed the absolute clue when she came whizzing up behind. "Alice, what are te doing? Go back home. It's fine." I ordered. "No," she replied simply. I didn't go on more. I knew she cared about Bella. We found her leaning over a shaking Ariella, shock spreading on her face. Sounds bristled in the woods. The...
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posted by twilight-7
I felt Edward slide into my letto and opened my eyes to see him looking at me worriedly. I instantly blocked my mind. I couldn’t have him finding out from my thoughts.
“How are te feeling?” he asked me.
“Better,”I said. “You were gone.”
“I had to go see Alice,” he pulled me onto his lap. “I wanted to know if she saw Mitchell coming anytime soon.”
“And did she?”
“No, apparently he’s still undecided. Though from the vision te had te would think he knew.”
I nodded. They knew about my vision. Someone had to know because I was sure it wasn’t me in that vision.
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this must be my quew charlie thought comming up and tapped me on the back i nodded onse and went to stand and watch with everyone els.
airnt te going ro ask your own mother to dance? esme thought i quickly held my hand out as an invertation. she took it and we started toward the dance floor we walsted around my mind a amillion miles away "whats the matter?" esme asked looking conserned
"mike newton" i muttered it was one thing him flirting with her but a nother dreaming about her that way.
esme chuckled "edward dear bella chose te and do te think he is going to take her away from you?"
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New Moon came out the 20th. Since then, I've seen it 5 times. Each time, I noticed a few things I didn't catch the first time.

I'll start off with the things that were the same everytime I watched it.

-Taylor's Acting: I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt, but he did a terrible job. Not necessarily as Jacob, but as an actor. I may sound harsh, but he went over the superiore, in alto in many scenes. I'm not saying Kristen o Rob's recitazione was extraordinary, but Taylor's was extremely blatant and noticeable. Scene in particular:
- the movie theatre scene: "Do te want me to put te in the hospital?!"...
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so, i suppose the titolo is self explanitory...
anyway, this story is currently postato on the Eternal Night spot, so if te would like to keep reading, thats where it is :)

Fire and Ice
Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favour fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.
Robert Frost.

I glanced up at the clock, even though I knew exactly how long had passed. I should know; I’d been counting the seconds.
I was sitting in my car around...
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Renessemee was now turning six.We all at her party.She was running around hugging everyone she could.Rosalie excited for baby Renessemee.Everyone still called her a baby.She's just as adoreable as one.Kinda hard not to.Esme inside getting the presents together.Bella standing with me.Watching our baby girl.Renessemee was only six but looked ten.But not like most ten anno olds.She was più intellegent,More slender,she read poesia at night instead of bedtime stories.She also in joyed the book wheithering hieghts.Just like Bella when she was human.Esme came out with two boxes in her hands.Carsisle...
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posted by myau
A.k.a. 10 ways to get yourself killed.

10: Sign him up for anger management.
…no one can deny he doesn’t need it

9: “Accidentally” sign him up for an Edward fan club. Force him to go to every single meeting.

8: Force him to play a game with te that te invented. Change the rules every 5 secondi so he loses.

7: mostra him those Amore letters “Victoria” sent Edward.

6: Tell him Victoria likes men who wear tutus. Buy him one; get all offended when he doesn’t wear it. Start crying and don’t stop until he puts it on. Video tape him in it and send it to the Cullens’, the Volturi, the Quileutes,...
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posted by twilight-7
My eyelids shot open. I don’t know why. I just woke up very fast. I sat up to find Edward no longer lying successivo to me but he should have been because that’s where I left him last night. I looked around my room thinking he’d pop out randomly from anywhere and say ‘BOO!’ but he didn’t.
That’s when I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I suddenly felt like I was being watched. I looked around my room again. There was no one here. So how could someone be watching me?
I pushed the covers off and got out of bed. The hairs on the back of my neck were still standing up, warning...
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Jake's POV

School was so boring,me and Quil where walking to are locker's when caramelle Ling a blounde who was really tall who had blue stripes in her hair,who quil used to go out with but dumped when he became a wolf, came up to us
"waz up candy?"quil asked her i was getting my stubid books
"i was wondering if te wanted to go to the last dance f the year...with me?"she asked him,i chuckled and turned around they were both glaring at me
"what and te giggling about?"she asked me rudly she was raising her eye brows
"nothing"i detto and smiled at Quil
'sorry im not going...i have a party to go too"he...
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The Character

Name: Leah Clearwater

Type: Werewolf

Special Ability: None

About Them: Leah Clearwater is the daughter of Harry and Sue Clearwater. Leah is the older sister of Seth Clearwater and is the ex-girlfriend of Sam Uley. Leah is the only female member of the La Push werewolf pack. Leah and Seth transformed into licantropi during the events of New Moon. Leah is described as beautiful in an exotic way with perfect copper skin, glistening black hair, and eyelashes "like feather dusters." As a werewolf, Edward describes Leah as a "smaller grey wolf." Leah is angry and amaro as a result of her...
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Chapter 4

*Bella’s pov*

I kissed Nessie and hugged her goodbye.
“Bye honey, be good.” I said.
She’s going to Italy with Aro. Her eyes were wide in horror. Maybe, afraid about Aro and the rest of the Volturi.
Edward, who was beside me, carried her. Nessie kissed me for the last time and punched Edward on face, telling him, “Bye dad. Wish me luck. “
Edward kissed her on her forehead and put her down. She kissed everyone goodbye except Emmett. Nessie went straight to the plane without looking at him. Emmett’s eyes were confused.
At the door, I saw her waving her hand, crying, I waved...
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posted by WritenOnTheSand
Fear is such an overrated word. Insecurity now thats a good one. At this moment I feel that one emotion that everyone hates when te want to hide under a rock.

I lean back agains the bacheca hitting my head against it. A loud thud echoes through the house. I can see that my grandparents have heard. There slow foot steps thud against the hard wood floor.

"Laylia? Is that you?" Grandpas voice sound from the corner around the stair case. I quickly gather my self up and swiftly run to my room.

The hours went da slowly as I layed in letto that night. The morning has finaly come and i now have to prepare...
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posted by rose_emmett
Okay I couldnt wait any longer to write this! Its gonna be fun!

Renesmee's POV:

I grabbed my surf board from the shack and we headed back down to the beach.

"Okay so te have no clue how to surf?" I asked.

"Yup, no clue." he detto with a smile.

"Okay. te at least no how to stand on a surf board?" i asked.

"Do te really think that if I have no clue how to surf I know how to stand on the board?" he detto sarcastically.

"Okay dumb question." I detto as I started walking to the water.

"Im going to first teach te how to stand on it." I detto as I layed the board down on the sand where the waves rolled...
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posted by Alice_Cullen_
HitFix recently got to talk with New Moon's Rachelle Lefevre and talk about her life and her stunt work for the newest Twilight installment:

Q: What are te filming today then?

I actually wasn’t filming anything but I flew her in for the weekend to be able to come to set because I feel like rightfully so should a perk of having a sister in the movies, so she flew out this morning and I’ve been doing a lot of secondo unit stunt work and I feel like there’s only a certain amount of watching me fly through trees that’s going to be interesting and what she really should be watching is like...
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posted by jaime-kataeff
I really just wanted to put this out there, How many of te would like to read about the honeymoon from Edwards perspective? I have alot of stories running around in my head but I think they would not be for anyone under the age of 16, due to the sensitive content. Also I was wondering if te would like to see it from Bella's point of view. I don't want to offend anyone so please give me some feedback. I chose 16 as that is the legal age in most countries, let me know. Sorry if I have offended anyone with these domande there was no offence intended. I was just curious.
posted by Bella_Swan3

"Yes, Jacob, I'm fine," I say into the small black cellphone, putting extra stress on the word fine.

I've forced him out of the house for the day. It was almost as difficult as trying to pull my parents apart from one another. And that's saying something. Certainly più difficult than trying to seperate Rosalie from her cosmetics box. Which she clearly doesn't need.

Anyway, I was trying to politely tell Jacob that if he didn't hang up already, I was coming over there and obliterating his phone.

Emmett had taken to calling MY baby "jelly bean", just because of what she'd looked like...
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