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posted by windwakerguy430
4:30 PM
September 12th 2085
Alice’s Home

Alice: (She watched Apollo from the window)
Apollo: (Sitting outside, looking up at the sky. It was something he did everyday. His wounds had long since healed, but he know wore an eyepatch over where his eye once was. He didn’t feel hate o sorrow anymore. He didn’t feel anything. Just empty. He didn’t have a reason to go back, knowing he’d just die. But he didn’t have anything to live for, and he knew it)
Alice: (She continued to watch Apollo, as he eyes gazed over to the bottiglione, magnum she had, still as new as the giorno she got it, the tiger imprint still on the barrel. She knew she had to do her job, but she didn’t know if she could).

12:20 AM
September 12th 2085
Takedown Tower

Carlos: (Sitting in a new suit, drinking from a glass of wine. He had outgrown his black hair, now tied in a ponytail. He looked out his window, the city currently under Takedown Hour. Less and less people were taking part in Takedown Hour. Either due to there being less people than when it first started o people scarred for their lives. Regardless, Carlos didn’t mind, as he continued to watch from his office)
(The elevator doors blew open, as a man with a bloodied baseball bat walked in, throwing a guard’s corpse forward)
Carlos: (Not turning from the window) And who might te be?
???: Name’s Frankie Niagara, famous baseball player. Perhaps you’ve heard of me
Carlos: Of course. You’re Sangria’s number one player. Why would such a respected sportsmen such as yourself want to kill people
Frankie: Seriously? Being a baseball player fucking sucks! It’s not worth that kind of shit! And those “fans”. Just a bunch of dipshits who want a show. So I gave them one. I beat those fuckers heads in
Carlos: te really are a demented freak, aren’t you
Frankie: Call me what te want. I came for my million dollars. I killed my one hundred people, so give me what I want
Carlos: Of course. Only if te can beat me
Frankie: Are te fucking serious? Fine, if I kill you, then I’ll get to be Champion and rich as hell. That’s fine da me (He grabbed his bat and ran at Carlos)
Carlos: (He simply stepped to the side to dodge the swing, immediately followed da kicking Frankie hard in the stomach. Once he was on the floor, Carlos began to repeatedly stomp on him. Frankie tried to hit him with his bat, but was too busy trying to block Carlos’ attacked, but to no avail. He was lying on the ground, nose broken and eye bleeding)
Carlos: A mindless killer like te has no reason to be champion o be rich. And for someone who claims to have killed their number of people, you’re nothing but a weakling
Frankie: L-Look, I-I didn’t mean that. I just got carried away da money
Carlos: (He took hold of Frankie’s baseball bat)
Frankie: (He got onto his knees to beg) I give, okay. te win. I’m sorry I cause te all this tro-
(With one swing, he struck Frankie hard in the face, breaking his neck, causing his head to twist from his neck and dangle behind his back, before his body fell back)
Carlos: What a disappointment (He tossed the bat onto the ground and sat in his chair, continuing to drink his wine

7:30 PM
September 16th 2085
Alice’s Home

Alice: (She prepared dinner, getting ingredients from the store in the small town over, Marsala)
Apollo: (He looked down at his plate, not talking. He barely kept up a conversation throughout the time he has been here, only eating, sleeping, and heading out at night. He quietly ate his Cibo in silence)
Alice: (She opened her mouth to talk, knowing that Apollo wouldn’t respond, and went quiet. She looked over at where she hid the magnum, knowing she’d have to do it eventually)

11:20 PM
September 16th 2085
Alice’s Home

Alice: (She woke up to get the job done. She snuck her way towards Apollo’s room, carrying the bottiglione, magnum in her hands. When she made her way to his door, she saw that it was empty. Apollo was nowhere to be seen. She went out of the house to look for him, unsure of where he may be)
Apollo: (He was outside, in the open field that rested outside of Alice’s home. He began to swing his sword around, as if he were still fighting)
Alice: (When she saw Apollo out in the field, practicing his fighting, she could see the fury in his eyes, the want to keep on going. She couldn’t help but admire that kind of prouis. She didn’t interrupt. She simply watched, putting the bottiglione, magnum away and forgetting her plans for the mean time)

2:30 PM
September 20th 2085
Alice’s Home

Apollo: (As he sat quietly outside, looking at the sky, he could hear Alice coming from inside the house. He was expecting her to just watch him again, like she always does. If she wasn’t watching him, he would have been gone da now. But he knew that she was always awake, and always keeping an eye on him, and wouldn’t allow him to leave on his own)
Alice: (She walked over to Apollo, his back to her, as he continued to look up) Apollo, can te come here for a moment
Apollo: (He sighed quietly and got up, following Alice to the field behind the house)
(Once the two got there, Alice pulled out her magnum. She looked over at Apollo and tossed him his sword)
Alice: I saw te training that one night. Have te been doing that a lot?
Apollo: (He nodded quietly)
Alice: I thought so. Well, I want to do what I can to help te get back on your feet. So, I’m gonna help te practice (She aimed her bottiglione, magnum at him) I’ll try my hardest not to kill te this time, alright.
Apollo: (He didn’t say a word, but just looked at her. He didn’t even take his sword out)
Alice: Alright (She quickly raised her gun and fired at Apollo)
Apollo: (In the blink of an eye, Apollo took out his blade and deflected the bullet, sending it opposite of their location)
Alice: So te still got it, huh? Well, that’s good. But let’s see how much te remember (He ran towards Apollo, her gun raised)
Apollo: (He rushed towards Alice, waiting for her attack)
Alice: (She leapt forward, her gun raised, as she began to fuoco bullets at him)
Apollo: (He deflected the bullets, sending them away from him. However, he didn’t count for Alice to leap at him, thus crashing into him and knocking him on his back, as Alice lied on superiore, in alto of him)
Alice: Not bad. But I have a feeling te would have sliced me in half if I was anyone else
Apollo: (He looked to the side, feeling a little embarrassed) Yeah, maybe
Alice: (She looked down at him, seeing his want to get better. She could tell he wanted to get stronger, and to defeat Carlos, even kill him. She knew that she was loyal to Carlos, no matter what, but every time she looked at Apollo’s eye, she could never forget the things he did to him o the town they were in)

10:30 PM
September 25th 2085
Alice’s Home

Alice: (As she planned once again to do the deed, her bottiglione, magnum in her hand, she went to Apollo’s room, once again finding it empty. This time, however, there was a letter left on the bed. She picked up the letter, and read over it. The letter read:)
I’m going to get stronger. I’m going to kill that man. Don’t come looking for me. Thank te for watching me. ~Apollo.
Alice: (Once she finished reading, she threw the letter down and ran out. She knew that this would be her only chance to get him, but she also knew that there was something more. She didn’t care for him for five years just to let him go now. She was conflicted on her orders and her own emotions, but regardless, she ran out to find Apollo)

10:50 PM
September 25th 2085

Apollo: (He was making his way into town, hoping to find any form of transportation he could, in order to get to a place he could train harder, and a place where he couldn’t be a burden)
Alice: (She ran down the road, spotting Apollo) Hey! Apollo!
Apollo: (He turned to see Alice running towards him, and gave an annoyed sigh) I told te not to come looking for me
Alice: Damn it, of course I’m going to look for you! Why did te run away?
Apollo: I told te why. I’m going to kill him. I’m going to kill Carlos. And I know that te wanted to protect him with your life, but unfortunately, he’s a crazy bastard! He’s killing innocent. Someone has to do something
Alice: And it’s going to be you? te almost died last time
Apollo: That’s why I’m going to get stronger!
Alice: It won’t matter! He’s stronger than anyone else! He’s prepared himself for this for years!
Apollo: If I don’t try, than who will?
Alice: te can’t do it!
Apollo: And why not?
Alice: Because…. (Her hands were shaking, her bottiglione, magnum hidden in her fondina to her side. She could easily reach it and shoot him now, but she didn’t know what was stopping her
Apollo: (He looked at Alice, seeing her shaking nervously, seeing the worry in her eyes) I get it, you’re worried. We don’t know where our other Friends our, and we’re really the only ones that are left from out days in the Janitor Hall. We may have not liked each other. Hell, we once tried to kill each other. But it may be better this way. For all I know, te may still hate me
Alice: No! (She looked at him, her eyes filled with a fire) That’s not true! I may have hated te at one point, but things are different now. If I hadn’t had te with me for these past five years, I would have just been lonely. I wouldn’t have anyone. I’d be alone in the world! That’s why I can’t risk te dying!
Apollo: (He looked at Alice, and he could see tears building up in her eyes. He didn’t say a word to her. He grabbed her shoulders, slightly surprising her. With that, he leaned forward, and kissed her)
Alice: (At first, scared, she grabbed her magnum, unbeknownst to Apollo. But once he kissed her, her eyes widened, and the hand holding onto the gun was shaking again. Eventually, she closed her eyes, letting the tears fall from them and roll down her cheeks, as she kissed back, tightening her arms around him as they continued to hold each other).

12:05 AM
September 25th 2085
Unknown Location

Mysterious Man: (Looking over the monitors)
Mysterious Woman: It’s going to be another long night tonight
Mysterious Man: It has been for the past five years. Is there anyone who can take this fucking guy?
Mysterious Woman: I don’t know. Everyone who is strong enough to do so is dead.
Mysterious Man: Well, there must be someone who has the ability to be made stronger
Mysterious Woman: Perhaps there is. Remember the Takedown TV series back five years ago. A single man was able to take on the entire superiore, in alto ranked members within a year, before he was defeated da Carlos
Mysterious Man: Yeah, what about him
Mysterious Woman: Apparently, he didn’t die when he hit the ground. He was saved da someone. Someone must have waited for him and stopped him before he hit the ground. He’s still alive
Mysterious Man: Perhaps we could look into this, if we really don’t have any other choice.

12:30 PM
March 2nd 2095
Takedown Tower

Carlos: (He sat in his chair, admiring the city below, the town now having been completely in a wreck, and half of the population being wiped out.)
(The doors opened, and Carlos turned to see two familiar faces)
Carlos: (Grinned) Gregory, Beck, it’s good to see you
Gregory: (He was standing successivo to Beck, with a police officer with a handlebar moustache behind them) Carlos. We haven’t seen te in a long time.
Carlos: How’s Simon doing?
Gregory: Simon’s doing fine. He is currently in college
Carlos: Good. I see he’s finally got that education he wanted
Gregory: That’s right. And Beck managed to become a police officer.
Carlos: That’s great. So what brings my two old Friends here?
Gregory: Carlos, we’ve come to arrest you. We may not be able to, but we have to.
Carlos: Surely, te wouldn’t want to arrest your old friend (He looked over at Beck) Beck, do te really want to do this to your good friend Carlos
Beck: (He nodded slowly, knowing that it had to be done)
Carlos: (He looked over at the other officer successivo to Beck) And te were the one to bring him here, Detective Chase?
Chase: That’s right
Carlos: Good…. te know what to do then
Chase: On it (Before anyone had time to react, Detective Chase pulled out a revolver and shot Beck in the head, killing him)
Gregory: (He looked at Beck on the floor, and began to panic)
Carlos: I’m sorry te had to see that, Gregory, but I knew Beck. When he made up his mind, he stuck with it. And surely, he must have known the consequences of being a police officer. But you, I know that I can get your help.
Gregory: (Still hyperventilating after what happened) W-What do te mean?
Carlos: Simple. te need money for your family back home, right
Gregory: Y-Yes, I do
Carlos: Then I have an important job for you. A friend, o someone who I thought was, failed me. I want te to take care of them. Trust me… They’ll want to see you. After all, it has been over fifteen years since te all last met.

3:20 PM
March 10th 2095

Apollo: (He walked into the house, his hair having outgrown to a più rugged appearance, and was wearing più casual clothes)
Alice: Hello, Apollo. Did te have any trouble on your way home
Apollo: Nah, not really. It was pretty easy trip back. I guess all that stuff going on hasn’t reached this little town. Thank god
(A high pitched voice could be heard from the opposite end of the room)
???: Daddy!
(Apollo turned his head to see a little girl in a white sun dress, her long black hair coming from under her sun hat, about eight years old, as she smiled at Apollo)
Apollo: (He smiled the moment she came into the room) Hey, Anna
Alice: She’s been waiting for te all day
Apollo: As she always does (He hugged her, lifting her off the floor)
Anna: (Couldn’t help but giggle as she was lifted from the floor in her father’s embrace)
(As the family continued to enjoy their company, there was a knock at the door)
Apollo: (He set Anna back onto the ground and opened the door. When he did, he was met with two people. One was a man in a suit with black hair and sunglasses. The other was a woman with blonde hair over her left shoulder and a brown coat)
Mysterious Man: Apollo Juichi. Can we talk with te for a moment?
Apollo: Sure (He turned to Anna) Anna, could te go play outside for a bit
Anna: Okay (She walked past the two strangers to go outside)
Mysterious Woman: (She couldn’t help but look at the child, but shrugged it off and made her way inside)
Mysterious Man: Apollo, my name is Justin Noir. This here is my partner, Jezabelle Bianco
Mysterious Woman: te can just call be Belle
Justin: We are a part of the S.P.G, Sangria Protection Group. We specialize in finding and taking out dangerous criminals in anyway we can. We know that the town of Sangria is a hovel for crime and murder, but we must do what we can to stop it. Unfortunately, ever since a new person has taken over as the Takedown TV champion, he’s been causing nothing but chaos. Half of the town is already dead. People are too scared to go out at night, and the streets are filled with serial killers looking to get rich da killing people. But, we know that te are the person who has managed to defeat the entire superiore, in alto ranked members of Takedown TV, and were even champion yourself, if only for a few minutes.
Apollo: (He hung to every word, but didn’t like a single bit of it) What are te getting at?
Justin: We want te to come with us, and train to become stronger, and defeat Carlos, ending his criminal rule over Sangria. Your family will be protected da the S.P.G., and te can rest assure that no harm will come to them.
Apollo: Sorry, but I don’t think so. I don’t want to kill anyone anymore. I moved out here with my family to get away from all that. I won’t be going back to that life.
Justin: I see. How much money do te want? The S.P.G can certainly manage any amount te want.
Apollo: This isn’t about the money. I’m not going to go through that again.
Belle: (She leaned over the table, purposely exposing her cleavage, as she looked at Apollo) Surely, te must reconsider, Mr. Juichi. This is something very important.
Alice: (She tried her hardest to not snap, knowing what Belle was doing)
Apollo: For the last time, I won’t do it. If te have detto everything, I would prefer if te leave now, thank you
Justin: (He looked at Apollo, dead in the eye) You’ll help us out Mr. Juichi, one way o another (He turned and walked out the door, with Belle following behind).
Alice: Those people piss me off
Apollo: Yeah, me too.

2:00 PM
March 26th 2095

Apollo: (He was sitting at a small fruit, selling the Cibo that Alice grew herself. It was a way to make some extra money for the house. The sun was setting, and Apollo was about ready to head home)
(A police car pulled up to the stand Apollo was at. A police officer with a handlebar moustache stepped out of it. He looked over at Apollo, immediately feeling sick)
Detective Chase: So, it really is that little shit from the juvenile center. He looks just like a piece of shit now (He did his best not to frown as he walked over to Apollo) Hey, how are you
Apollo: Good. And you
Detective Chase: Just good. Say, te wouldn’t happen to be Apollo Juichi, would you
Apollo: Oh… No, Must be a mistake.
Detective Chase: No, I know for certain it’s you. te were the champion back in the day
Apollo: (Sighs) That was a time ago
Detective Chase: te don’t understand, I respect te a whole lot
Apollo: Funny to see a detective gush over a celebrity, huh?
Detective Chase: Heh, yeah, perhaps. Hey, are te heading home? I could give te a ride
Apollo: Oh, sure (He walked to the car, and made his way in)
Detective Chase: (He looked at Apollo, and was already planning on how to keep him away from home for just long enough)

2:30 PM
March 26th 2095
Alice’s Home

Alice: (As she was finishing cleaning the dishes, there was a knock at the door. She went to answer it, and was surprised to see who it was)
Gregory: Hey, Alice.
Alice: G-Greg? How did te get here?
Gregory: I was passing da and I heard people talking about te in town. I was surprised and had to see for myself. And I have to say, te haven’t aged a day, Alice
Alice: Oh, that’s nice of you, Gregory. But try to keep your flirts to yourself, okay (She gave him a light shove) As te can see, I’m already taken
Gregory: Really? That’s good to hear. Mind if I come in?
Alice: Of course (She turned to let him in)
Anna: (She ran into the room) Mommy, who’s that?
Alice: Just an old friend of mine. I think you’ll come to enjoy his company
Gregory: (He held a gun behind his back as the two continued to talk)

3:30 PM
March 26th 2095

Apollo: (He was in the car for over an hour, and already agitated) Look, I have to get out of here. I’m late enough as it is
Detective Chase: te don’t worry about that, I know just where I’m going
Apollo: (Already feeling that he is lying, he decided to take matters into his own hands, and takes hold of the wheel)
Detective Chase: What the hell are te doing?!
Apollo: What I have to, damn it!
Detective Chase: Let go of the wheel!
(As they both fought for the wheel, the car ended up crashing into a tree. Chase smacked his head on the dashboard, knocking himself unconscious. Apollo, while hurt, was able to climb out, and made his way back to the house, fearing what he just did)

4:15 PM
March 26th 2095
Alice’s House

Gregory: (He made his way out of the house, panting heavily, as he looked back, looking over at Alice and Anna, both bleeding on the floor. He ran to the door, only to be shot in the stomach da a figure at the door. He fell back, clutching his stomach, as the figure made his way inside the house. The figure shot Gregory in the knees, causing him to scream in pain. The figure then turned to Anna)

4:25 PM
March 26th 2095
Alice’s House

Apollo: (As he finally made his way back to the house, he saw that the front door was open. He made his way to the door, and called out to Alice. When he didn’t hear a response, he looked up at the wall. On the bacheca was his katana, kept in it’s clasp. He took the sword and removed it, for the first time in years. He made his way into the back room, in hopes of finding Alice. The moment he did, he saw a horrible sight. Alice was on the ground, a bullet hole in her chest, still barely alive. Apollo rushed over to her and picked her up, as she looked at him)
Alice: A-Apollo… They took her.
Apollo: Who? Who took her?
Alice: Gregory…. He didn’t get far… He’s still out there
Apollo: Gregory?
Alice: Apollo… Please find her. I’m sorry I couldn’t do anymore
Apollo: te don’t have to apologize. It’s my fault for not getting her
(Apollo continued to hold Alice, as she slowly passed in his arms)

4:30 PM
March 26th 2095
Alice’s Home

Gregory: (He continued to drag his body down the road, the house still in plain sight. He did what he could, with his knees still damaged. As he continued to crawl, he heard footsteps coming from behind him)
Apollo: (He walked towards Gregory, his sword in his hand. Without thinking, he sent the sword through Gregory’s leg, locking him in place)
Gregory: (He screamed loudly in pain)
Apollo: What did te do to Alice?! Answer me!
Gregory: I-I had to! He didn’t give me a choice?
Apollo: He? te mean Carlos
Gregory: Y-Yes! He paid me to do it. I needed the money.
Apollo: te chose money over the life of one of your friends? te selfish fuck! Where’s Anna?
Gregory: She got taken away.
Apollo: da who?!
Gregory: I don’t know. I really don’t know. I’m sorry. Please forgive me.
Apollo: te want forgiveness? My wife is dead, and my daughter is taken, because of you, and te want forgiveness
Gregory: I’m so sorr-
(Before he could continue, Apollo plunged his sword into Gregory’s chest, and swung it, spilling his guts out from his stomach, before decapitating him)
Apollo: te don’t deserve forgiveness. (He wiped the blood off the sword, and turned, walking away from his home) I’ll find te Anna. No matter what it takes. I’m sorry, Alice. But I have to go back. Back to my old life.

~End of Part 1~
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
What to expect in this episode.

Pony: *Driving a Buick at a fast speed*


Captain Jefferson: te guys are good, but te need to be più careful when in pursuit.
Dan: Sure. We can do that.


Tim: Those two ponies who escaped from us are wanted for stealing weapons.
Julia: What kind of weapons?
Tim: Don't ask.

Song: link

Julia: *Driving her police car on the round freeway*
Tim: *Sitting successivo to her*

Gran Turismo

Starring Larry Wilcox as Tim Miller
Rainbow Dash as Julia Rose

Tim: *Talks on the radio*
Julia: *Increases speed in the car while turning on the police lights*

Also starring...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
What to expect in this episode.

Pony: *Stealing a Plymouth Cuda*


Captain Jefferson: The guy we're dealing with here is good. Real good. The Ponyville police department has chased him seven times, and never caught him.


Candy Sunshine: Hi, my name is Candy, and I'll be visiting for a week.
Tim: A state trooper visiting us?
Toby: That's bad news.


Candy: I think I know how to catch your suspect.
Julia: Really? How?
Candy: I'll tell everyone tomorrow at briefing.

Song: link

Julia: *Driving her police car on the round freeway*
Tim: *Sitting successivo to her*

Gran Turismo

Starring Larry...
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Best James Bond film ever.