Lupi Club
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posted by Fairstepshaven
Snow swirled heavily in the night, all silent, until the first howl sliced through the air. A secondo one, even più powerful than the first, echoed a warning. "What in the name of hell.....?!" a lupo curse floated through the air as chaos broke out. Lupa awoke, hoping it was only a dream, until she heard yelps, snarls, and howls coming from very direction. She staggered to her paws, panting, and pushed her way out of the den. All around her, Lupi fought, fangs flashing and claws scraping. She whipped her head around, her eyes glazed, as she watched. Then her attention was turned towards two demonish beasts- wolves- fighting on the rock that borded the pack's camp. One was a massive pure black male with arancia, arancio flame-markings licking his paws. The secondo was another huge male the color of dirt, his pelt streaked with crimson. Lupa watched the two wrestle and rip each other's pelliccia for a while, when a loud thud jerked her back. A pace away she was Nuntis slammed to the ground, his magnificent golden pelt flashing red. The lupo on superiore, in alto of him- a creamy male, held him down and nipped at his face. "Get off him!" Lupa snarled and lurched forward, latching her fangs into the wolfs throat. Her eyes widened as she immediately knew who this attacker was. Drake. drake yowled in pain and reared, ;eaving Nuntis slumped on the ground. Nearby Velika and Lupus fought paw-for-paw, holding back three white wolves. Her eyes burning with fierce determination, Lupa held on, her fangs slowly ripping away flesh as drake roared and writhed, slowly weakening. Lupa decided she should end his pain, and leapt off him. She whirled around and kicked him with her powerful hind legs, and sent him sprwaled onto the dusty, bloody ground. She pounced on him as he began to roll over, and latched her fangs into his neck again, taking a deeper bite. As her canines reached bone, the fighting increased around her. Maliscious snarls filled the air, and ominous thuds echoed. Lupa let go and settled her claws into Drake's chest. Blood spilled from his mouth and neck like a scarlet waterfall. Lupa liked it. She dug her claws deep into his thick pelliccia until they reached under his skin, and she tore them. The ripping sound was the secondo most horrible thing she had ever heard, but she ignored it. Revenge coursed through her veins, and when she reached his stomach she reared, ripped her claws out, and pounded down again. Both her jaws and claws latched onto his stomach, and with a growl she ripped it open, all of its contents spilling out. drake let out a screech that almost seemed to make everyone stop, but as fast as it had stopped, it went on again. Lupa grabbed Nuntis da the scruff and hauled him into a patch of ferns. "Stay here until someone finds you." she hissed and backed out, turning her gaze back to the alphas fighting. Tamaska, her leader, had pinned Distraught, the Hell Bloods leader, down da the neck. With a screaming roar, Tamaska lunged and grabbed Distraught's throat, and with a massive pull, he ripped Distraught's throat fully out. Distraught let out a screech louder than Drake's, but Tamaska silenced him with a paw to the muzzle. Then Tamaska did one of the most offenseful things a low ranking lupo could ever do- he spat in Distraught's mouth. Then with a savage snarl, Tamaska lunged again and clamped his massive jaws around Distraught's whole neck. da now every lupo had stopped fighting and was watching. Tamaska pulled, his neck muscles bulging, and his head flew back as he ripped something else off the pathetic leader's body. His head. Gasps and screams broke out among the Lupi gathered below. "SILENCE!" Tamaska snarled, his jaws snapping, and every lupo fell quiet again. "Your leader is dead. I suppose te get your filthy pelts out of my pack's tana, den before i rip each of them off privately!" he roared, and a strand of saliva, red from Distraught's blood, dripped from his jaws. 'Hes not crazy...' Lupa thought,'Just protective and angry.' Tamaska's golden eyes watched as each of the Hell Blood Lupi scattered out of the camp, and he sat down, sighing. "Is everyone here?" he called as his mate, Adolpha, say beside him. From somewhere across the crowd of dirty wolves, a voice called out, and a slender ash colored male leapt lithely up the rocks to stand in front of his alphas. "I will take role..." Takar dipped his head as Tamaksa nodded, and he turned around. "Velika, Ralphina, Lupa, Accalia, Fenris, Tikaani, Channon, Andromede, Brenna, Casey, Aello, Ookami, Quinn, Thyra, Blair, Ivailo, Dina, Enyo, Drew, Kenyon, Hemming, Lupus, Lykaon, Cailean, Nuntis, Raff, Wolfram, Tate, Gunnolf, Conall, Coinin, Aatu, Sinnertwin, Nahele, Vipin, Gunju, and Arawn. All accounted for, sir." Takar dipped his head and backed off the rock, leaping down and settling beside Drew. "Thank you, Takar. Now. Everyone get some rest- another war may be raging soon..." he got up and lead Adolpha away, into their den. "Wow....... did anyone see me kill Drake?" Lupa asked, half to herself, when Vipin came up. "I did. That was...... an interesting move." he winked and padded away. "I didnt see it, but im sure it was great." Coinin let a small grin come across his now scarred face. "Thanks." Lupa replied, suddenly feeling awkward. She knew she liked Coinin, and she thinks he likes her, too. "Hey Lupa! te wanna come sleep with us? Your friend can come too." Channon called and stuffed her head back into Thyra's tail, making her squeak with surprise. 'Her ~friend~' Lupa thought. They all were packmates, right? Shouldnt Channon hace called him Coinin? Nevermind that, she shook the thought from her mind. "Cmon Coinin..." she turned back to where he was standing, but he wasnt there anymore. She shrugged and padded over to her group, settling in between Raff and Channon.
added by tigerwolf
a lupo story
added by r-pattz
So cute! :)
added by r-pattz
Source: WolfRoad (from deviantART)
added by demon_wolf
added by Okami_Amaterasu
Source: Zedge
added by r-pattz
Source: tumblr
added by pauu_pumpkin_
added by leuron
added by Rainsky57
Source: Some person
added by ToastedRabbits
Credit to: jturner225 at
added by demon_wolf
added by demon_wolf
added by haley_scott
added by demon_wolf
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