Yu-Gi-Oh Club
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The successivo morning, I got dressed into some blue jeans,and a rosa tanktop, fixing my hair,brushing my teeth..... The things girls do in the morning. I feared to go out though, and I relised I never gave Yugi my number, and we were soposed to start courting today...... I hope I bump into today.... I thought. I went downstaries were my father Mahad, and mother Izzy sat eating breackfast. I sat down at the table. "Goodmorning!" I detto streaching. "Not going to study the boys way today?" My dad asked. "No, I'm just going to see the town today.... I might even pick duleing up agin!" I detto exitedly. "That's great sweetheart!" My mom detto happly. "Oh, one più thing..... I have to bring someone da today....If I can find him.." I said. "And who whould that be?" My mom asked. "And why?" Dad asked adding to it. "Yugi Moto......He wants to asked te something daddy..." I detto sweetly. "What dose he want to asked?" He asked with a rased eyebrow. "You'll see......" I detto getting up. "Have fun sweety!" My mother yelled as I walked out the door.

    Once I found my way into the center of the city, I started my hunt. I came upon almost every place in the city, and then I saw him. He was watching me, and I never would have thought i'd be so happy to see him. Maybe it was the kiss, maybe it was more? I wondered this as I walked to him, a smirk crossed his face. But were was Atem? All this ran through my mind as I walked. "Yugi!" I yelled,and bounced onto him in the grass. There was a slightly shorter girl then me, and Yugi standing above us then,and she kicked me. "Ow!" I screamed. Me,and Yugi stood up. "Oh, Rebecca......" Yugi said. "And who might she be?" She asked. "This is Mana," Yugi said. "Well tell her to leave te alone!" She yelled. "Hu?" I said. Yugi looked into the girls eyes,and kissed her cheek. She fainted. "Hu?" I detto agin dumbfounded. "That was Rebecca she thinks she my girlfriend." He explained. "Oh," I detto flatly,and lightend up. "Can te come over? Theres something te need to do before we can begin courting..." I said. "Shure. What is it?" He asked. "Well, te have to ask permition to court me....." I said, and looked down. "What?" Yugi asked. "Ya, I should have probly told you.....I'm the princess of Eygpt....." I trailed off, and Yugi's mouth fell wide open in shock. "You-Your a 'real' princess?" He said. "Yes...." I blushed. And once I convinced him to go to my father,and asked permition, he got all neavas on me.

    "Are te shure this is a good idea?" He asked at the frount door. "Well, it is the onley way te can court me......So if you'd rather not....I can understand." I detto looking sad. "No! I do want to court you! Let's go...." He earged pushing me closer to the door. "Mom,Dad i'm home!" I yelled once in the door. "Yugi's with me!" I said, and saw my dad on the couch. "Well, then?" He asked once we were in frount of him. Yugi stood strait,and blinked, then spoke. "Mr. Suzumiya, I would like to, with your permistion of choures. To court your beautiful daughter, Mana." He smiled warmly,and tilted his head. "Alright son, i'll allow it onley if it's what Mana want's.Is this what te want my daughter?" Dad asked. "Yes. Very much." I detto blushing. "Then it's settled. Yugi Moto....Do te promis to Amore my daughter,and take care of her?" He asked. "Yes. I entind on it." Yugi detto out of respect for my dad. "And Mana....Do te promis to take care of this boy,and if he dose te wrong do te promis to beat him up?" My dad asked. "I do, but i'm shure he wont..." I said. "Alright then. te may begin courting tomarrow." Dad said,and a huge smile crossed mine,and Yugi's faces.

    In the morning I heard the door campana, bell ring just after breackfast. I went to the door,and my eyes widend. "Yugi?" I detto shocked. "Yes, we have a full giorno today....... Since were just getting started.." He detto in his carming voice. "Jerk." I detto teasing,and nuzzeld my face aginst his. He returned the favore, and my mother snaped a picture.... "Mom....." I detto blushing. "What? You've never had a data before. Now I have proof if this falls through the right way." She detto putting the picture into a fram. I walked out the door then. "Sorry Yugi..." I detto once outside. "It's alright Mana," he detto nuzzling his face aginst mine in another farfalla kiss.

    "I cant belive this......." I said. "What is it?" Yugi asked baciare my neck. "Hu?" I was struck, Amore struck. "It-Its just your so......" I trailed off as he stoped. "What?" He asked,and looked deep into my eyes. "So sweet, and wonderful, and I cant belive that your......" I stoped,and nuzzelded my face upon his again. "Mine." I detto sweetly. "Your so adorable." He said. He kissed me once fast, and sweet.

    After word we went to his house, and I got to meet his mom. "Are te shure this is okay?" I asked before intering, he just blew it off,and led me inside. "O-Okay then..." I said. Once inside Yugi huged his mom. "This is Mana Suzumiya, mom-Mana, Mana-mom." He said."Hello, Mrs. Moto!" I smiled at her. "It's nice to meet you!" I detto cherrfully. "It's very nice to meet te as well sweetheart." She detto smileing. "So? Are you,and my little tartaruga Yugi dateing?" She asked. "Uh........" I was unshure what to say, so Yugi steped in. "Were just........Ah, yes." He admitted blushing. "This is great! Since you've never had a girlfriend, o relationship." She detto cherrfully. "Mom........." He said. "What i'm just happy for you! Can a asked something Mana?" She asked. "Of choures Mrs.Moto." I detto smileing. "Are te a vergin?" She asked. "W-What? Of choures I am Yugi's my very first relationship!!" I stated. "Oh, well this is nice." She said. My face was so red. "Well, mom......I'm takeing Mana to get icecream, be back later!" Yugi said,and led me back out. He poked his head back in the door,and said, "Mom please don't tell Atem...." He trailed off,and closed the door. My face still burning red with embarresment. "I am really, really sorry about that. I didn't expect her to.....Youknow asked that...." He trailed off,and became almost as red as I was. "It's fine......" I said. "She just wants to make shure that I am so if anything ever' happens' between us........As in 'bed wise.' That te wont get anything....." I trailed off putting quatation marks around "'happens'" and "'bed wise'" so he understood what I was getting at. "Oh......." He detto ,and both are faces became even più red.

    Once we got over the akwardness we went to an icecream shop. "This is nice," I said. "At least we have things in common." I detto gustering to the fragola icecream we both held. "Well, yes. We have school tomarrow...." He wimperd dampining the mood. "Don't worrie about school," I detto holding his hand that was streached across the table. "Just enjoy the giorno with me before we go back, but anyway we can still be together, but nothing like this. Just two guy Friends hanging out." I detto with a giggle o two. "Your so adorable." He detto once agin,and stood. "Come'on I wanna mostra te something." He detto takeing my hand.

    We walked down a long hall in a biulding that I'd never seen in town o anything.... I was so puzzled. Inside there were 12 different colored doors. We went into a rosa colored door. The room was home-like. It had a little couch,and a tv. There were other doors that led to a restroom, and bedroom. o nap room, taning room? I didn't really want to specifie, before I knew. "Where are we?" I asked, sitting on the couch. "I found this place a wile back at the begining of this year." He stated with a smile. "It's amazing...." I looked around, and saw that the room itsself wasnt pink, but light blue on the inside. "I thought te might like the pink,and light blue room." He said, and sat down putting his arm around me."I do, very much!" I said, and smiled. "Glad te like it..." He said, and kissed me. I returned the favore this time as I sat up over superiore, in alto of him on the couch. We wern't paying to much attenction to what we were doing at the time but I could tell that Yugi's hands were on my waist,and mine were cluched in his hair. He pulled me down laying completly on superiore, in alto of him then. Our baciare continued for a long time, I couldn't even grasped the fact that I had to let go when it was over. I didn't want to. But once it was over we looked deep into echothers eyes, and I saw something più than just trust. I saw love, compastion, a like-ness to me that nobody had ever shown before. "Wow........." I breathed. He pulled me back to him, and another baciare cominsed. This time he placed himself over me. He pressed himself up aginst me,and deppend our kiss. At the end of this one we both layed there still,and herd birds Canto outside. We both laughed,and Yugi nuzzeld his face aginst mine agin for the onethasand time that day,and I dont know what it was but, haveing him there was.....Was like being in a dream, I didnt want to let him go. I placed my hands around his neck. "Yugi?" I asked. "Yes Mana?" He detto with a slight chuckle. "I-I'm really glad that i'm hear with you,and not someone els......." I detto trialeing off. "Me to." He detto charmingly. "Jerk....." I joked. We both laughed,and sat up. I didnt let go when he did. "Dont let go." I said, and he wraped himself around me, paceing me in his lap.

    After we sat for a wile, he kissed the back of my head, and let go. "Let's go see a movie o something wile it's still a little light out." He detto standing us both. "O-Okay.." I detto trailing off, and turning to baciare him. Once we left the bilding, I wondered would we be back? I didn't care as long as I was with him. I smiled to that, and we came to the theatore. There we found Atem. "Hey, what's up Yug,Mana?" He detto charmingly. "Oh, just hanging out. mostrare Mana the town." Yugi breathed. "Yep! Just two friends." I detto cherfully. "Can there be a thired in your circal? We can all see a movie." Atem said. "Shure....." Me and Yugi said. "Alright! What do te wanna see?" Atem detto looking to me, and back. "Something with lots o gore, and scary monsters....Something with some zombies that will really scare me!" I said, and Yugi, and Atem's eyes grew wide. "You like gore?" Atem asked. "You like scary Film with monsters like z-zombies?" Yugi asked. "Yes, and yes." I detto smileing. "Alright then!" They both said, and we got tickets to see The walking dead movie! See, theres The Walking Dead tv show, and a new movie...The Walking dead movie... Strange hu? I loved it though. I smiled.

    Me sitting in the middle with both boys hands out to hold mine if I got scared was not what me o Yugi expected. Hahaha! This maid me laugh, as if I were going to get scared. I giggled at some points,and they just stared. Me, and my father watched a lot of scare marathions, and zombie shows. We Amore it all. Then there was one part I couldn't stand thanks to a boul of popcorn sitting in my lap. I had to look away. It was so gorey, and had way to much blood. Then I looked back, and the end of the movie took place with a bunch of zombies walking twored the last three standing.

    "Wow! That was great!" I detto exitedly once we were outside. "Did te have fun?" Atem asked with a smile. "Ya, did te see the way that zombie jumped up, and ripped that dude apart?" I squilled. "Yeah, pretty gory hu?" Yugi asked, and almost pulled me close. He then relized Atem was still there, and stoped himself. "Yeah." I simply detto smileing. Me, and Yugi just looked into eachothers eyes. Atem then waved his hand infrount of my face snaping me out of it. "Are te okay?" He asked. "I'm fine," I said.

    Afterword we walked to Yugi, and Atem's. Yugi offered to walk me home, but so did Atem at the same time. "That's okay boys. See ya at school." I detto waveing bye.

    On my walk home I met Bakura. "Hi there beautiful." He said. "What do te want?" I asked, my voice sharp. Then a shadow apered behind him, and then a few more. "What's going on guys?" I asked, and Bukara tryed to grab me. "Stop!" I squilled. Then the other boys pined me down on the sidewalk. "No stop! Please dont touch me there!" I yelled. "Hey!" A voice I couldn't mistake then yelled. All the boys looked up, and relised me. I stood. Seeing my hero come down the street. I now had a busted lip, and one of the boys had stabed me. Yugi stood looking firece, and picked me up in his arms. "She's mine tonight guys. I might give te details tomarrow." He detto in his jerk-like charming voice, and forced it to look like a struggle. "No! Put me down, let go!!" I yelled, and a smirk ran across both our faces once away from the now laughing boys. "Your bleeding......" He detto once we go into his house. "Are te shure this is alright?" I asked, and he sat me down. I felt sharp pain then. "Ow!" I yelled out. "What?! Are te okay?" Yugi had worrie in his voice. I then moved my hand from my side, and blood poured out. "I-I think.........." I traield off, and then darkness srounded me.

added by Mareiuchida
added by Mareiuchida
added by TDrocksand6teen
Source: Mine
added by FanFic_Girl_26
added by FanFic_Girl_26
added by FanFic_Girl_26
added by FanFic_Girl_26
added by FanFic_Girl_26
added by FanFic_Girl_26
added by FanFic_Girl_26
added by iluvsm
added by tiffany88
added by tiffany88
added by tiffany88
posted by PYGMSfan5
Exceed Monsters:
- Number 34: Terror-Byte
- Number 39: Utopia
- Grenosaurus
- Maestroke the Symphony Djinn
- Muzurhythm the String Djinn
- Melomelody the basso Djinn

Normal Monsters:
- Spirit of the Harp
- Frostosaurus
- Alexandrite Dragon

Effect Monsters:
- Freed the Matchless General
- Shining Angel (2x)
- Giant ratto (2x)
- Zubaba Knight
- Ganbara Knight
- Cyber Dragon
- Goblindbergh
- Marauding Captain
- Gogogo Giant
- Gogogo Golem
- Chiron the Mage
- Trident Warrior
- Feedback Warrior
- Sangan
- Yaksha
- Grave Protector
- Greenkappa
- Shine Knight
- Amazoness Sage
- pinguino Soldier
- Power Giant

Spell Cards:
- Blustering...
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When I woke up, I looked around, and my mom, and dad stood over me on one side, and on the other Yugi slept in the cair beside the bed. Atem also stood over me. "Mana!" They all detto cherrfully. "W-what's going on?" I asked, and tried to set up. "Ow!" I let out. "Lay back down. te need your rest." Atem said, placeing a cuscino behind my head, and laying me back down. "Atem?" "Yes Mana?" "What happend?" I asked full of curiosity. "Well, Yugi would have to tell te that. He was the one that got te away from that gang of idiots." He detto sirously."Oh," I said. "So Yugi's my hero?" I asked with...
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added by FanFic_Girl_26
added by FanFic_Girl_26
added by FanFic_Girl_26