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added by girly_girl
Source: tumblr
ciao everybody!I'm writting this articolo to express my opinion about 90210 couples:).It was hard to choose finaly which couple is my favourite and i think that i found it:).It's Navid and Adrianna!I saw the scene of their baciare in the last episode of season 2 and it was great:).But my favourite baciare ever is Sethan's at the prom night(the last episode of 90210 season 2)!

Well there is my opinion about the couples of 90210!

Navade=So cute:).I don't know why but these days i have Amore this couple so much:).
Sixon=Love them!My fave couple of season 1!
Liomi=I really like this couple:).They're great and...
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added by Eleana
posted by girly_girl
 Jessica and her BF Aaron: Aren't they so cute together?!
Jessica and her BF Aaron: Aren't they so cute together?!
This is a magazine articolo I found with Jessica!
Source: LOOK Magazine April 2010

When we turn up to a central Londra hotel to meet 90210’s Jessica Lowndes, 21, we expect the girl who plays Beverly Hills most dramatic resident to be hyperactive and and ‘totally LA’. But Jessica is very down to earth- telling LOOK how excited she is to be in Londra and how she spent the precedente giorno shopping on Portobello Road. It’s a million miles away from her character, Adrianna, who’s been through teen pregnancy, drug addiction and endless man dramas.
We caught up with Jessica to find out if her...
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added by sk91
Source: 90210-media.org
added by Elena2597
added by quinnbee
added by damon_elena
added by girly_girl
Source: tumblr
added by dave
Source: The CW/Justin Stephens
added by sk91
Source: 90210-media.org
season 1
season 2
added by Elena2597