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added by glelsey
Source: Did te Know Blog
added by glelsey
Source: Superb wallpaper
added by Ninja-Kitten
Source: Internet
added by ChiliPepperLuv
added by glelsey
Source: Superb wallpaper
added by glelsey
Source: Cartoon Politics
This may come as controversial to some, but I feel that I need to get this off of my chest. I was raised a Christian, but now I'm a deist. This is my story.

Growing up in the tip of the Bible Belt, I was raised a Christian, specifically Southern Baptist. My grandfather was the pastor of the church that my family went to. As I got a little older, I grew to Amore the church. My grandmother was a Sunday School teacher, and da my early teens, I became one of her most dedicated students. However, one Christmas, something began to change.

In 2010, I almost Lost my mother to myocarditis. I still felt...
continue reading...
posted by ChiliPepperLuv
te claim to be of God
Yet te hate everyone.
te dub us rockers devils
And claim we are depressed.
If te are a man of God,
Then why do te hate so much?
I dub te a hypocrite, a Nazi at worst.
Cristianesimo has become a bad religion.
Truth has been turned into lies.
God is a concept
da which we measure our pain.
What we call God is Something inside us.
I don't need sacraments.
I don't need baptism.
I don't need thees and thous.
I don't need burning crosses.
No one can be saved da blood.
There is no secondo coming
Nor is there going to be a rapture.
The things Jesus, Buddha, and the others detto were right.
The translations went wrong.
To Amore others is my God.
To do the right thing is my religion.
Don't make it a bad religion.
added by glelsey
Jaclyn Glenn explains where she stands in terms of religion and why she identifies as Agnostic.
What do te think of this quote, from the God Galaxy in Futurama's episode, "Godfellas"?
god galaxy
when te do things right people won't be sure you've done anything at all
added by Ninja-Kitten
Source: Internet
added by FlightofFantasy