Alice & Jasper Journey Club
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added by Sara92
We’re both trying to pretend that never happened. That there was no Coven in London, There wasn’t a fight, no sisters, no brothers, no anything. I didn’t want to forget them, but I didn’t want to remember a few things either. I haven’t been very perceptive these past few days. I haven’t seen much and I haven’t looked much. I guess it’s because it’s no use to look for something I can’t see. We’re still in Europe. It’s still dark but not much longer. From what I did see it was suppose to be cloudy. We decided Europa was still the best place to look. All of a sudden Jasper...
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We were still running. I made him put me down a few hours ago. It was nice while it lasted. We were still headed for Europe. I asked him why and he laughed and detto “I don’t know. It just always seemed like the place to go when something happens. Carlisle was born there, he was changed there, and some very old Vampiri#From Dracula to Buffy... and all creatures of the night in between. live there. Why not start there?” He’s been recitazione as if that whole thing with carlotta, charlotte didn’t happen. I’m still embarrassed, but if he is willing to act as if it didn’t happen, then I am too. So there it goes. Never to appear in my head as long as I live….or...
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added by RoseLovesJack
added by RoseLovesJack
added by Sara92
added by AliceCullen1112
added by AliceCullen1112
posted by AliceCullen1112
I wonder what she’s thinking about right now. She looks so peaceful. Well, were here. I need to see if Alice will hear me today. “Alice?” She looked at me, she actually heard me the first time I detto her name. She looked worried. What? Were te talking again? Sorry, Jasper.” “Actually Alice, That’s the first time I called you. I guess te are starting to listen better.” She got very happy too quickly. “Whoa, Alice. Don’t get ecstatic, I think you’re giving me whiplash. I can’t handle that. Yesterday, I could hardly handle it. Calm, angry, worried, sad, it all confused...
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added by Sara92
added by Sara92
added by Sara92
added by Sara92
added by RoseLovesJack
added by RoseLovesJack
added by Sara92
added by Sara92
added by Sara92
added by Sara92
added by Sara92