Alice(Blade) the bat Club
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posted by sierradawn9
Ash frantically glanced around the room. drake was da her bed, his hand to her shoulder. He looked panicked too.
"Are te OK?!" he demanded."You were fucking screaming! I thought te were being attacked...or worse!" His pupils shrank. Ash realized what he meant and blushed.
"Ew," was all she could say. drake met her eyes."I'm fine, Drake. Just a...bad dream..."That...was an understatement. She had been terrified of that boy. She squeezed her eyes shut for a second, and when she opened them she could see better in the dark. Safire rushed into the room, looking tired. She stared at drake for...
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posted by sierradawn9
"Alice, te CANNOT sposta to Romania! te CAN'T!"Diva tried to reason with Alice, who was taking the kids and moving to Romania. Anything to get away from the damned government that was on her tail, but that wasn't the only reason. Alice had been hiding a secret. She narrowed her eyes at Diva.
"I can and I will... Stop hounding me about this. I'm going and that's final."
Diva frowned."I Lost te once, I'm not gonna lose te again!"
Alice crossed her arms and rolled her eyes."You're not losing me if I move. You'll still be in close contact."
"I know--but...."
Alice growled in frustration. Diva...
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Shahkman was let go, and he immediately dashed to his crystal ball. He looked for Ash first, because drake might have gone after her. She was running, but she was following Kalona. The fallen Angel was fast, but so was Ash. Kalona launched into the air, then punched a portal to hell into the ground. He grabbed Ash's hand and jumped in.
Shahkman looked behind him to see them fall into hell.
"Shahkman! We need your help!"Ash called as she ran up to Lord S.
"Ash, before I can help te I need to tell te something...a family secret."
Ash had a puzzled look on her face."Wha...?"
Kalona stood proudly...
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posted by sierradawn9
Ash shot out of bed, panting. She calmly looked around her bedroom. No robotic eyes to be seen. Just Kalona sleeping on a recliner, snoring like a drone. 
 That might have been the strangest nightmare Ash ever had.
She was looking into a mirror. Something was... off. She looked closer at her face. 
 The eyes. Definitely the eyes. They were multi-colored and robotic. The pupils shrank as if it was a camera focusing.
 The mirror image stopped being a mirror image. It reached up towards Ash. Ash jumped back before it could grab her. She could hear whiiir! sounds coming from the image that...
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posted by sierradawn9
Shina was watching in horror as Satsujin raged at the demon who was contacting her. Satsujin paused as the demon tried to negotiate.
Shina was stunned. She had never seen this...
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About a week after the Imprint, Ash's parents came to visit.
The doorbell rang.
"Shit!"Ash exclaimed. She slowly opened the door and her father's nose was in the air.
"What do I smell?"he asked. Alice sniffed the air, then reached into a large borsa and pulled out the book Ash had been dreading...the handbook. Ash cussed under her breath.
Alice flipped to the very last page and Ash knew what it said:
"Ashlynn...who has Imprinted you?"Rafaello and Alice detto at the same time. Ash sucked in a breath. Rafaello death stared his daughter.
"Dad! It's not what te think! No one forced...
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posted by sierradawn9
Ash was on her usual route, flying above the city. She was joined da her friend Drake. Ash landed on the very superiore, in alto of the Empire State Building. drake floated behind her.
"What's wrong, Ash?"he asked.She frowned at the city.
"....Nothing, I guess..."she responded. drake crossed his arms.
"C'mon, Ash--spill,"he growled.Ash's eyes scanned the ground.
"Today's the anniversary of my mother's death, that's all..."she sneered at the city. drake snapped his fingers in front of her face, and she jump started into the air. She dived down into the busy streets, maneuvered through pedestrians, almost...
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posted by sierradawn9
I was flying low over the valley when I saw something shiny.It was a golden yellow.<A chaos smeraldo out here?>I tried to swoop lower but an Arrow cut my path.A black-and-yellow echidna with a bow was aiming at me again."Justin stop being so freakin' stupid!It's me Ash!"He lowered his weapon."Sorry Ash!"he called out.I flew over to him.He hid his bow behind a rock that looked like a demolished pillar.Justin is 4 years older than me,making him 16(yes I'm 12).His dreadlocks are black with a yellow stripe down the front."So what are te doing out here Ash?"he asked."I shrugged"Just wandering...until te almost shot me...*shrugg*"Justin blushed,looking very embarrassed."Yeah sorry about that"...Awkward silence."Hey I think I saw a chaos emerald!Right over there!"I said,pointing to the place where I saw the yellow glint.Justin and I raced over there and saw something...but not a chaos emerald...

~To be continued~
posted by sierradawn9
Name:Ashlynn Rosalie Black(Ash o Rose)
Species:Vampire bat
Age:She looks around 19 but she's older than that
Theme:Sweet Sacrifice da Evanecsence
Friends:Safire the half-demon,Yomi the half-demon (C)Puppetmaster111,Ningizzida the hedgehog,Isis the hedgehog,Lish the mermaid(C)MephilesTheDark,Caboose the robot-thingie,Typhoon,(C)Marksmen456,Drake the demon,and Jezahbella the demon(C)Me
Constantine the demon(C)me
Kalona the fallen angel(C)me
Renee the SUPERSPAZ rabbit

Fur color:gray
Hair color:Black with flame colored tips
Hair length:down to her thighs
Eye color:Topaz...
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posted by sierradawn9
 Usually, Venetia --Satsujin's Chao-- would pick a song for Satsujin to sing. One giorno thought, Ven wrote a song for Satsu and told Shendu to be listening...
 Satsu's eyes scanned the lyrics. 
 "Venetia, why--"
 "CHAO!!!!"That was Venetia's way of saying: te WILL SING IT AND te WILL LIKE IT!!
 Satsu flinched from her Chao. She cleared her throat and began to sing, unaware of Shendu listening.
  I've been tortured,
Most of my life,
Struggled in the darkness,
Bring me to the light,
They all knew te loved me,
They all knew I loved te back,
You made up for what he lacked,
Kiss me,
Kiss me,
Call me...
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posted by sierradawn9
 The mountain was quiet. drake looked into the clear ball of memory he had stolen from Ash, and saw pain. At first, love, then pain. He looked away. 
 <No... I can't watch...>he thought.
 He sat cross-legged in a cave. His time-old eyes saw perfectly in the dark. He looked at his carrot-colored hair, which still had blue tips. He frowned.
 <Damn. What an animal I've become. I don't want it to be this way... I want them all to be happy... Not in fear... And now Safire is a dragon?> He stood, realizing what he must do. Find Constantine and ask for help. Ugh! He hated the thought...
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"Goddesses dammit!" Ash cried out.
High school was a total shitstorm for Ash. She hated almost every subject...but especially gym. Her assignment today...the Rope...
She stood there in her arancia, arancio t-shirt and her blue shorts and stared up at the rope. It was about 200 feet tall, and btw, Ash was enrolled in the most advanced school there was. She was told to climb the whole thing. Her half-friend Candi Umbri stood beside her.
"Swear jar!"Candi detto in her omg-she's-a-blonde-bitch voice. Ash rolled her eyes.
"Why can't I just fly up there?"she asked the gym teacher.
Coach morgan was one of...
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posted by sierradawn9
Ash thought silently while the others discussed the picture. She sat cross-legged on the floor.<So, what, now I have a brother?!>she thought. drake looked over his shoulder to Ash and noticed something, but decided now wasn't the best time to spring it on her. He continued the conversation. He detto something that Zero didn't like.
"Boy don't go disrespecting your elders!"he said.
<Dork>Ash thought.
"I am so much older than te that I was with Flandrę when she was declared Goddess of Fire!" drake stated.
The whole room froze.
"Yeah, so I am your elder!"
Zero's eyes were like frying...
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posted by sierradawn9
drake was going to break the ice with Ash.
He took her to a resturaunt with his band, and they were gonna play. The song was going to be a surprise for Ash.

She was wearing a long dark red satin dress with black sandals. He was wearing a suit between a tux and regular clothes.
He and his band got onstange, and the Musica started.
"Like a gift from the heavens, it was easy to tell,It was Amore from above, that could save me from hell,She had fuoco in her soul, it was easy to see,that the devil himself could be pulled out of me,there were drums in the air as she started to dance,all the souls in...
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"Wake up sleepy!"my cousin rouge turned on the light and flipped over my mattress.
"AAA!"I yelled as i fell to the concreat floor of rouges basement."at least get a freakin floor rug!"i detto to rouge.she ignored me and tossed me the uniform for our school, a red camicia and cachi, kaki shorts.I packed my homework into my backpack after dressing."god i hate school!"... i flew to school instead of the bus cuz that floor hurt my arm!***
I went to my locker in a hurry.Rouge detto she was playing hookey today.If the principal asks im TOTALLY ratting her out!And my luck;
PA:Blade the bat please segnala to the...
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posted by sierradawn9
Ash stared in disbelief at her old enemy... Zero Leo jr., who was just standing da her bed, smirking. drake was literally steaming. Zero looked... Different. He cut his dreadlocks to look like Trunks from Dragonball probably.
"I'll ask te again, Vermin, what are te doing here?!" drake demanded again. Zero looked at Drake, the Ash.
"Ashy! Whatchu been doin' lately? I see te got a new friend," he greeted. He glared at Drake. Ash was so ready to bitchslap him. Zero took a step towards Ash, as if he wanted to get slapped. drake growled.
"Answer him, Zero!"she warned. Zero rolled his eyes.
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"I detto 'Who are you?'!Answer me!"The creature demanded.Ash still couldn't see him.It was way too dark to see his face.She only saw his eyes.His glowing red eyes...
"I'm...A-Ash"she told him.His eyes brightened.
"There now was that so hard?Now why are te here?"His voice got softer.Silkier.
"I-I-I took a wrong turn..."she replied in a shaky voice.The eyes narrowed.
"You look cold for a Flamelon..."the creature said.A white hand came into the light."Here.At least let me help te up...'Ash'."
"Who are you?Step into the light..."Ash shrank back into the shadows.The creature sighed.He took one...
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Name:Faesyti (pronounced Fay-see-tee)
Gender: female
Goddess of: Death
Object(s) held sacred: Roses, tombstones
Sacred places: cemeteries 
Relationships: Mephaestys (twin brother), Satsujin Higashi (friend and comrade), Shendu Rumane (alliance), Humatzu (boss), Leah (Faesyti's little freakshow), Florince (top gate guard)


Gray chinchilla with an extremely long braid, cloudy red eyes with no pupils, and a hole in one of her ears

She wears a dark accappatoio, vestaglia with a pentagram on the chest, and she has a scythe she carries around


Name:Mephaestys (pronounced...
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posted by sierradawn9
Shendu smiled at Shina."There's someone I want te to meet, Ro-I mean Shina."
Shina looked up at him with a cute expression on her face.
"The goddess of fear,"Shendu said. Shina looked doubtful.
"Is she scary?"she asked. Shendu shook his head. They were walking down to the park, where Satsujin used to read non-stop. She sat on a bench, with a book open on her lap. Her eyes scanned every last word. Her chao, Venetia, who loves to be called Ven-Ven sat beside her, Leggere a magazine someone had dropped on the ground. When Shendu and Shina got within 7 feet of Satsujin, she spooked them da speaking....
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posted by sierradawn9
Satsujin had helped the spirit of Filicity, her murdered sister, sposta on into the light. Now she knew she was gonna get chewed for it da her father. And why? Well let's find out.*staring with a box of popcorn*
The hole she had been waiting for opened and she heard her father screaming. Thank the gods that Shendu and Shina weren't around.
"WILL te CALM DOWN?!"Satsujin yelled into the hole. Mauri Higashi flinched at his daughters hostile tone.
"Now, SPEAK!"she yelled. Mauri puffed up his chest.
"You sent my ONLY OBEDIANT CHILD away from me! Why?!" he demanded. Satsujin's eye twitched. She gave...
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