Batman Villains Club
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posted by mrcodegeass
Lennie Weinrib was a voice actor. Despite how talented and special he was he didn't get enough credit for his impressive work.

Lennie Weinrib was a voice actor in the 1977 Batman animated show. The mostra was called The New Adventures of Batman. It was done da a studio called Filmation which also did the 1968 Batman animated show.

Lennie Weinrib had tons of work to do in The New Adventures of Batman. The mostra had 16 episodes. The exact number of characters that Mr. Weinrib voice is hard to know, but he had lots of characters to play.

Lennie Weinrib is the third actor to play the Joker. The first...
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After a barroom brawl in which he kills someone during a violent release of his repressed anger, Arnold Wesker is sent to Blackgate Penitentiary.

He is introduced to "Woody" - a dummy carved from a former Gallows albero da cellmate Donnegan - who convinces him to escape and kills Donnegan in a fight which scars the dummy, thus resulting in the birth of Scarface.

Wesker lets the Scarface personality do the dirty work, including robbery and murder. He is totally dominated da Scarface, who barks out orders at him and degrades him with verbal and even physical abuse.

Wesker is unable to enunciate...
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