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Beast Boy & Raven Domanda

When did bb baciare raven

 bbandrae4ever posted più di un anno fa
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Beast Boy & Raven Risposte

BBRaeFan1530 said:
No they don't baciare in the TV mostra but they do indeed baciare in the comics and they were a couple too. I wish they would of in the TV mostra but didn't get to make it più because Teen Titans was cancelled. Then in the comics the recente reboot (New 52) comics screwed everything up!!! They also kissed in the TTG episode "Rocks and Water."
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 No they don't baciare in the TV mostra but they do indeed baciare in the comics and they were a couple too. I wish they would of in the TV mostra but didn't get to make it più because Teen Titans was cancelled. Then in the comics the recente reboot (New 52) comics screwed everything up!!! They also kissed in the TTG episode "Rocks and Water."
posted più di un anno fa 
TTterrarocks said:
they don't
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Shadow_Wolf said:
Technically, they did in the comics. But, no they haven't in the animated series.
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