Why is she one of my favorites? And why does fan all over the world Amore her?
I will try to expalin my reason and theories about that.
The reason why I and many più like her is that she is in many ways relatable, she is seen as different in her home village and she dreams of better things in life much like most people at some point in their life.
She may not be as strong and outgoing as Mulan and Tiana but she is very strong willed and because of her Amore of Leggere she has alot of knowledge uncommon for women of the time.
She is not at all naive and she is able to take the lead like when she is teaching the Beast how to dance and read.
Her greatest traits is her honesty and her ability to Amore someone for their personality and soul instead of their appearence.
Why she is my preferito princess that she is smart, brave, kind, and beautiful. She has been my role model to me. When I was six I asked my mom what princess I was. She detto Belle. I usually sat on the divano every time and watch this beautiful movie. I learned to Amore to read from her. How she would go beyond the face and see he real person.
She showed her town that she was not like other girls that where drooling over gaston. She saw what the beast was , and respected that. No other girl was that high of her.
She went against sexism and showed that there is beauty behind any ugly face
She showed her town that she was not like other girls that where drooling over gaston. She saw what the beast was , and respected that. No other girl was that high of her.
She went against sexism and showed that there is beauty behind any ugly face