Bleach anime What Is Your Preferito Kido?

Pick one:
bakudo #1 SAI (restrain)
bakudo #4 hainawa (crawling rope)
bakudo #8 seki (repulse)
bakudo # 9 geki (strike)
bakudo #9 horin (disintergrating circle)
bakudo #30 shitotsu sansen (beak pearcing triple beam)
bakudo #61 rukujokoro (six rods prison of light)
bakudo #62 hypporanken (hundred step fence)
bakudo #63 sajo sabaku (locking bondage stripes)
bakudo #73 tozansho (inverse mountain crystal)
bakudo #75 gochutekkan (ouintet of 1 kan iron pillars)
bakudo #77 tenteikura (heavenly rickshaws in silken air)
bakudo #81 danku (splitting void)
bakudo #99 kin (seal)
bakudo #99 bankain (great seal)
hado #1 sho (thrust)
hado #4 byakurai (pale lightning)
hado #11 tsusuri raiden (bound lightning)
hado #31 shakaho (shot of red fire)
hado #33 sokatsui (blue fire, crush down)
hado #54 haien (aboloshing flame)
hado #58 tenran (orchid sky)
hado #68 raikoho (thunder roar canon)
hado #88 Hiryugekizokushintenraiho (dragon stricking heven, shacking thunder cano
hado #90 kurohitsugi (black coffin)
hado #96 itto kaso (blade cremation)
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