Definitely won't unisciti this club... The only books, made into movies, that I like are LOTR and Fear and Loathing. Nothing else does it for me, libri just rule over movies.
postato più di un anno fa
I agree libri are better...however I can't help watching something I read just to say "wait thats not right" o "what thats not suppose to happen"...lolpiù di un anno fa
What do te think of the 2008 TV miniseries of Sense and Sensibility? A guest reviewer on my blog controversially believes that it rivals Jane Austens novel. link
postato più di un anno fa
I've just started a blog that focuses entirely on film adaptations of popolare books... there are so many, I will certainly be kept busy. link
postato più di un anno fa
I think Lord of the Rings was the BEST EVER. Yeah, they DID leave a bit out and they changed it a TINY bit but they had a HUGE job with high expectations... it's also just... awesome!! Good acting, good musical score, good script........ =)
postato più di un anno fa