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Bruce Lee Which Bruce Lee Kick Is Your Favorite?

16 fans picked:
way of the dragon chuck norris multiple kicks
enter the dragon o'hara
enter the dragon crescent kick
 BellaMetallica posted più di un anno fa
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BellaMetallica picked enter the dragon crescent kick:
crescent kick ftw.
posted più di un anno fa.
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queen_gina picked enter the dragon crescent kick:
T-H-E KICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!­!!!­
I LOVE THIS SCENE+THIS KICK IS DEFINITELY THE GREATEST OF ALL TIMES!!!this in an EPIC KICK!!i also love to see him in his backyard,practicing this kick!he was unbelievable!!
posted più di un anno fa.
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AikoTsuchiya picked way of the dragon chuck norris multiple kicks:
There's always an Asian, who's better than you....
posted più di un anno fa.