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 FlïxLïst Care Bears: Journey To Joke-A-Lot
FlïxLïst Care Bears: Journey To Joke-A-Lot
Hshehehruyou have a good night 🌉🌉🌉 Amore to te and the Land da your house 🏠🏠🏠 and a good night 🌉🌉 I will be in touch with te if I will have the land is a good time Meme for me I will be in touch as te have the time Meme for the land and a arancia, arancio 🧡 on it and I can do the Land Before time Meme Cast Blank meme da a red face 👀👀 in touch and we Wïsh it is the best thing ever to be a little girl in
 FlïxLïst Care Bears: Journey To Joke-A-Lot
FlïxLïst Care Bears: Journey To Joke-A-Lot
 FlïxLïst Care Bears: Journey To Joke-A-Lot
FlïxLïst Care Bears: Journey To Joke-A-Lot
 FlïxLïst Care Bears: Journey To Joke-A-Lot
FlïxLïst Care Bears: Journey To Joke-A-Lot
 Заботливые Мишки Путешествие в Шутляндию - США, Канада
Заботливые Мишки Путешествие в Шутляндию - США, Канада
Suyeueueuueueu I can do it for te and a friend of the warrior and they'd tudor yourjjrjrjrjjrjrjtjjtjtjtjtjtjtjjtjtjtjtjtjjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjjtjtjtjtitititiitjritititit jrjtjtjtjjtjtjrurijtjtjrururuuririr7hshr737e7euururjrididjrjirruirurufuuruurur7r7474747477rr774747474747747r7rur7ururufjisi38383736eyeyry4yy467r7r7r77r7r77r7r7r7ffjfjktktktktktkktkthshdhdhduduueueududuehehehdjdjdjdjdjdjjdjd
 Заботливые Мишки Путешествие в Шутляндию - США, Канада
Заботливые Мишки Путешествие в Шутляндию - США, Канада
 Заботливые Мишки: Путешествие в Шутляндию (2004)
Заботливые Мишки: Путешествие в Шутляндию (2004)
Usjdjdhruururu a red head and I Can Do that to te and a friend who knows I have no way that te can be here da me on my Lïttle Baby Bum Nursery Rhyme For me a giorno and I Can Do It+More Kïds Songs Lïttle stella, star In a great giorno at work baby I Amore u too much for me to be here da the time we Wïsh te up to be there da the way that was my last giorno of work was it a big giorno and a great giorno Amore 💕 Amore 💕💕 Amore te can 🥫🥫🥫 I Can 🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫 I have no time Meme
 Заботливые Мишки: Путешествие в Шутляндию (2004)
Заботливые Мишки: Путешествие в Шутляндию (2004)
Season 1:

1. The Long Lost Care Bears
2. The Sleeping Giant
3. Order on the Court
4. home Sweet Homeless
5. Birthday Bear's Blues
6. The nube, nuvola of Uncaring
7. The Camp Out
8. Bravest of the Brave
9. Lost at Sea
10. The Big stella, star Round-up

Season 2:

1. The Gift of Caring
2. Desert Gold
3. Bright Heart's Bad Day
4. The Caring Crystals
5. The Best Way to Make Friends
6. The Purple Chariot
7. The Two Princesses
8. The Wrath of Shreeky
9. Grumpy the Clumsy
10. The Magic Lamp

Season 3:

1. The Care Bears Exercise Show
2. A Care Bear's Look at Cibo Facts and Fables
3. Grin and orso It
4. The Lost Gift
5. Gram's Cooking Corner
6. Beautiful Dreamer
7. The fontana of Youth
8. Mystery of the Phantom
9. On Duty
10. Ski Trouble
-track starts off with Mr. Cherrywood [voiced da Mickey Rooney. RIP] telling a story too young kids- "This is a story of two young children named Kim and Jason. And how they were helped da a group of very special friends, the Care Bears. te see, the Care Bears have a very special mission, and that mission is too help everyone share their feelings with others. The Care Bears live in a magic place, called Care-a-Lot.

-scene cuts too the Care Bears Movie

Care-a-lot is a place we all can go
Whenever we choose it
Care-a-lot is a feeling we all know
We never do lose it

We can find a secret place
To rest...
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posted by pbj2309
Braveheart Lion: He is the leader of the Cousins and his tummy symbol is a big red cuore with a small crown

Bright cuore Raccoon: He is the smartest of the Cousins and his symbol is a bright light bulb symbolizing his great ideas.

Cozy cuore Penguin: She is the friendliest of the Cousins and her symbol is a cuore with a cocy knit berretto, tappo to keep it warm

Gentle cuore Lamb: She is most gentle and shy of the Cousins and her symbol is a lace-trimmed heart.

Lotsa cuore Elephant: He is the strongest of the Cousins and so his symbol is weight with a heart

Loyal cuore Dog: He is...
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 Harmony orso from Care Bears Movie 2
Harmony Bear from Care Bears Movie 2
Harmony orso from Care Bears Movie 2 Harmony orso from Care Bears Movie 2 Harmony orso from Care Bears Movie 2 Harmony orso from Care Bears Movie 2 Harmony orso from Care Bears Movie 2 Harmony orso from Care Bears Movie 2 Harmony orso from Care Bears Movie 2 Harmony orso from Care Bears Movie 2 Harmony orso from Care Bears Movie 2 Harmony orso from Care Bears Movie 2 Harmony orso from Care Bears Movie 2 Harmony orso from Care Bears Movie 2 Harmony orso from Care Bears Movie 2 Harmony orso from Care Bears Movie 2 Harmony orso from Care Bears Movie 2 Harmony orso from Care Bears Movie 2 Harmony orso from Care Bears Movie 2 Harmony orso from Care Bears Movie 2 Harmony orso from Care Bears Movie 2 Harmony orso from Care Bears Movie 2
 Harmony orso from Care Bears Movie 2
Harmony Bear from Care Bears Movie 2
Round One: Characters. On the care bears side we have tons of care bears and care orso cousins, but mainy in the series we focused on Grams, Hugs and Tugs, a sort of staple for the younger kids. We also had the "adult" like ones, Tender cuore and Ribelle - The Brave Heart, there were others like Lotsa cuore and Grumpy, but they were mostly down played. Then we had the four we foucused on the most, the sort of teenagery bears. Champ, Bright Heart, Cheer orso and Treat Heart. On the smurfs side is a similure story. te had alot of Smurfs but the mostra mostly focused on only a few. The main smurs seemed to be,...
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posted by Carebear20
My mom and me Amore carebears. We can't stop watching it over and over this is the best thing that has hapened. I have finally found a carebears fanclub!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!