celebrità che sono morte giovani Can te name all these celebrities, who have died too young & so suddenly, from this picture, which is a work of art, paying a special tribute to all those stars gone too soon?

BJsRealm posted on Apr 24, 2019 at 08:20PM
This forum post may not be so unusual after all for it is true what they say that as long as we remember them, all those stars would stay forever young & beautiful & what better way to remember them than finding comfort in this picture, a work of a true fan.
 This forum post may not be so unusual after all for it is true what they say that as long as we remem

celebrità che sono morte giovani 9 risposte

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più di un anno fa BJsRealm said…
Of course, I already know the answer, but I'm not gonna be the one who breaks the ice here. Take your best guess & pay your final respect to all those legends by keeping their memory alive.
più di un anno fa XYZ01ABC10 said…
Well, I can try. I recognize most of the stars from this picture, if not all of them, so, here we go: Freddie Mercury, John Lennon, Elvis Presley, David Bowie, and Michael Jackson. I'm not sure about the star in the middle though. Is that James Brown at his younger age, or is it some other star who's no longer with us?
Makeupdiva commented…
No, that's Jimi Hendrix. più di un anno fa
più di un anno fa Makeupdiva said…
David Bowie, Michael Jackson, Jimi Hendrix , Freddie Mercury, Elvis Presley and John Lennon. I don't even listen to their music but yet I knew who they all are.
più di un anno fa cherl12345 said…
Jimi Hendrix, Freddie Mercury, David Bowie, Micheal Jackson, Elvis Presley and John Lenmon
più di un anno fa XYZ01ABC10 said…
@Makeupdiva Thank you for correcting me. I wasn't sure it was Jimi Hendrix, until I took a closer look at this picture, and then I saw him playing his famous guitar. How could I be so blind? Sorry. My mistake. :-(
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più di un anno fa XYZ01ABC10 said…
@cherl12345 Don't you mean Michael Jackson and John Lennon, sister?
last edited più di un anno fa
più di un anno fa cherl12345 said…
più di un anno fa XYZ01ABC10 said…
^You do know that you can edit your own posts? It would only take a second of your time. I do it
all the time. No big deal. I make a lot of typos, too, you know.
più di un anno fa cherl12345 said…
I'm not going b argue with you