cobra Kai from A to Z

DarkSarcasm posted on Feb 22, 2021 at 04:16AM
People, places, things, whatever. If it's Cobra-Kai-related, go for it.

cobra Kai 6 risposte

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più di un anno fa DarkSarcasm said…
A - Ali
last edited più di un anno fa
 A - Ali
TerrySlivers commented…
A - is for everyone, più di un anno fa
TerrySlivers commented…
Take #2...A - is for everyone’s first crush Ali...but it is also for fan preferito Aisha who will return...she will broker a truce between Samantha and I am guessing season 5. più di un anno fa
più di un anno fa yorkshire_rose said…
B - Bert
 B - Bert
TerrySlivers commented…
B is for Bert, but is also for in chapter eleven. This is exactly what the Larusso clan will become in season 4. Terry Silver and Tom Cole are gonna put them both in the poor house. We are talking Rocky 5...loose everything. più di un anno fa
più di un anno fa DarkSarcasm said…
C - Cobra, like the bad-ass snake.
 C - Cobra, like the bad-ass snake.
yorkshire_rose commented…
Good one ! più di un anno fa
TerrySlivers commented…
C - Is also for Chosen. I predict we have not seen the last of him. He più di un anno fa
TerrySlivers commented…
He also has enough moxie and grit to NOT be intimidated da either...with Terry Silver back in play. They are gonna need him. He can help them focus their collective energies into a cohesive approach. He would have no problem calling out either one of them at any dato time. più di un anno fa
più di un anno fa yorkshire_rose said…
D - Drinking Games
 D - Drinking Games
più di un anno fa DarkSarcasm said…
E is for Eli
 E is for Eli
più di un anno fa DarkSarcasm said…
F is for Fantasy. (You're weird, Lawrence. XD)
 F is for Fantasy. (You're weird, Lawrence. XD)