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Daryl Dixon Domanda

What did y'all think of Daryl in the new episode? :)

Kinda mean to Lori but still Amore him!
 pisces_lilly85 posted più di un anno fa
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Daryl Dixon Risposte

movisa457889 said:
Amore Amore LOVED HIM!! <333 I like every episode that he is in! :DD He's sooooo freakin awesome♥ :))
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 Amore Amore LOVED HIM!! <333 I like every episode that he is in! :DD He's sooooo freakin awesome♥ :))
posted più di un anno fa 
SpikesSlayer08 said:
He was a little mean to Lori but he is hurting at the moment i think with losing Sophia, so i still Amore him :)
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