Dating Club
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added by ISeeTheFuture
added by Sinna_Hime_chan
Source: funfirstdates o to remem
added by Sinna_Hime_chan
Source: TopTenDates
added by Sinna_Hime_chan
Source: funfirstdates o to remem
added by ISeeTheFuture
added by Sinna_Hime_chan
Source: funfirstdates o to remem
added by Sinna_Hime_chan
Source: TopTenDates
data night
superiore, in alto 10
added by Sinna_Hime_chan
Source: funfirstdates o to remem
added by Sinna_Hime_chan
Source: funfirstdates o to remem
posted by The-Lovely-Key
Hello there! :) As I detto in the title, this is moslty directed towards boys. I've just witnessed a lot of te being intolerable jerks, (not all of you, just most of the guys where I live) and I'd like to share my knowledge. SO JUST STOP RIGHT THERE and let Hazel give te some advice. :)

1. When te introduce her to your friends, introduce her AS YOUR GIRLFRIEND.
Don't just say- "Oh, this is Penelope. Anyway..." Nonono, rather- "Hey guys, this is my girlfriend, Penelope. I Amore her, so be nice." When te introduce her to your friends, it shows her that she will probably be around for a while,...
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I'm a girl and I have a crush on this guy. I'm in school 5th grade. Here's how it works. Make sure te have post-its. When she o he is not looking grab the post it and pit your number on it. Don't put your name on it! Put it in his o her desk. Then when they see it make sure they don't know its you. Say that it is your friend. (Yes te have to lie.) Tell him o her not to call te just say to text. That is better off. If your name is in your voicemail change it. When he texts te say that is your friend. When you're ready ask him o her out. If they say no say how about some other time. Then continue from there. If they say yes then te should tell them who it really is. This happened to me and it worked he is dating someone else but I didn't ask him out yet. I'm have a plan. I hoped this helped!
1. Get your clothes ready, but don't wear them untill te need to, o you'll get make up o something on them. Think about where you're going, what you'll be doing, ect. so as not to look like a fool in a formal dress in a club.

2. Plan make up and hairstyle. Make sure your hair is comphy and simple, and try to make it look quite good, if te can. Choosing what lipstick/lip gloss looks nice, and won't go everywhere when te eat o get a little hot o whatever. And take caution when using the eye make up, as to not blind yourself, and with your base make up, so te don't look orange.

3. Once your...
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Beware the Copycat! ^w^ She Wants EVERYTHING te Have…Even Your Man! *0*

By, Sinna Lin Song✥

 Sometimes the line blurs between what is real & the copy
Sometimes the line blurs between what is real & the copy

What te have te have worked for, right? te did not come da it the easy way. Why should someone else come along for the free ride on your gonna tails and try to STEAL it away… especially “love”?

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery No?
This may be the long time expression; however, it can take some really twisted turns! This can spell a world of trouble for the devotee of the fan. It may be a sincere compliment...
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added by Sinna_Hime_chan
Source: Anime Galleries dot net
added by Sinna_Hime_chan
Source: Anime Galleries dot net
added by Sinna_Hime_chan
Source: Sinna & Cruz
added by Sinna_Hime_chan
Source: TopTenDates
added by Sinna_Hime_chan
Source: funfirstdates o to remem
added by Sinna_Hime_chan
Source: funfirstdates o to remem