David Duchovny Club
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In the new film The Joneses, Steve (David Duchovny) and Kate Jones (Demi Moore), along with their two teenage children, sposta into an upscale community with the best goods, clothing and cars that anyone in the neighborhood has ever seen. The thing is, they’re not actually a family. They are employees of a stealth marketing organization who are in competition with each other to raise their sales while making everyone else want what they’ve got.

During a press conference to promote The Joneses, co-stars David Duchovny and Demi Moore talked about consumerism and how te have to keep a perspective...
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posted by lilith84
I wasn't really sure where to post it, so here it is...

For West : Just Past Two and a Half
And sleeping in the car, not five feet from me
Keeping vigil against the horde of non-threatening bees
And other creepy crawlies that might sneak in her window
Where she semi-sits, snoring
Sunglasses on, fresh scrape on her chin
My charge, my duty, my Amore heaving in my chest
Unruly as a wet cat
Adding valour and virtue to all I see
And the greenery, below and above that blue sky
As perfect as a last held breath, she is
She is Stevens' Tennessee jar, orders all around her
The world performs at her sleepy feet, obedient...
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home is where the cuore is and my cuore is
out travelling. Up into the wild blue yonder,
wingless, prayerful that this miracle of flight
will not end,just yet
Also at home, with you, on the ground
wherever te might he at the moment, grounded
like a highschooler, like a wire, a bird and a wire,
feet on the ground and my cuore in my throat now, now
in my feet, lawfully descending with gravity
to the lower, lowest, most sought after
most beautifully bound, home.
Aspirations involve reparations. We reach
for the stars wondering what we are.
But my Reason has been found
by finding te and looking down And it...
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ACTOR David Duchovny doesn’t “take any of it personally” when tabloids write tales about his Amore life.

The X-Files stella, star — who threatened to sue bosses at Britain’s Daily Mail newspaper after they alluded to an alleged affair with a tennis instructor, but dropped the defamation suit after the publication printed an apology — refuses to let gossip make him angry.

“The tabloid world is busy, and omnivorous, so I was not taken aback da that story,” he said.

“I don’t take any of it personally. I am not saying I enjoy it, but these things exist because people buy them, so it is...
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Just saw this over on the Cali page. Thought I'd share here.

Californication Season 4 Soundtrack available 1/11/11!

Pre-order the CD before January 11th and enter to win a Californication Prize pack including Season 3 DVD, a Hank Moody Bobblehead and a copy of the book "God Hates Us All", da Hank Moody.
Enter to win here:

The soundtrack features exclusive songs like Tommy Lee’s solo version of “Home Sweet Home” and three rock covers from the show’s on-screen band Queens of Dogtown (featuring Zoe Kravitz). Other artists include Eagles of Death Metal, Warren Zevon, Better than Ezra, The Soundtrack of Our Lives and more.
posted by TEMPEBREN
da Jeff Gordinier
The Californication stella, star on sex addiction, Nietzsche and secondary infections.

Q: This spring you’re starring in a movie called The Joneses, in which te play the “father” of a cool but fake family that a corporation assembles to coax their neighbors into buying stuff. I suppose a lot of celebritàs do the same thing.
A: Yeah, sure. I haven’t sold that much. But the culture that’s embracing Twilight and Paranormal Activity and District 9 and 2012—you could kind of say that The X-Files sold that.

Q: te helped release a media virus.
A: Exactly. And now it’s reinfected...
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posted by lindabarnes
Shattered men and women, with no direction home…. Minds broken da time o vice, void of essence o meaning; limping past Highway signs, rusting in solitude, along the road to nowhere and all points beyond….

Faceless, Godless, Heathens, in the eyes of the church and society, stopping to aid strangers; sharing meager rations bought with the currency of the day, salt, silver, gunpowder and drugs….

We are all only Ghosts really…empty promises, broken dreams, shallow footsteps down a never ending hall of mirrors……Death is inevitable as the
salt in our tears o our wanting più years…..

Every domanda has an answer, every answer has a flaw, every flaw has a reason, every reason raises another question. There is no Hell awaiting us, because we live it giorno to day, chased da the hooves of doom and the plague of doubt ... from the culla to the grave ...lb
David Duchovny initially turned down a part in The X-Files because he'd promised a pal he'd stella, star in his short film.
The actor admits he was broke when the job offer to play volpe Mulder in the hit sci-fi series was offered to him - but he felt he couldn't let his friend down.

Duchovny recalls, "I had another job - a two-day role o something - and I had promised the director that I would do this role. It conflicted with The X-Files... and I told my agents that I'm not gonna do The X-Files. I said, 'There's a lot of other shows like that that'll come along.'"

It was a chance call from the show's casting director Randy Stone that helped him change him mind - and become an overnight household name.

Duchovny adds, "He detto to me, 'I've only detto this to one other actor: If te take this job, you'll never have to work again. I detto that to Woody Harrelson on Cheers.'"
da Bob Strauss, Staff Writer
Keeping up with David Duchovny isn't exactly like keeping up with the Joneses.

Sure, he's an iconic TV stella, star and shrewd movie actor, with a glamorous marriage that appears to have weathered a recente rough patch.

But the 49-year-old Duchovny swears that the indulgent Hollywood existence many people assume folks like him enjoy barely registers in his frame of reference.

"It's certainly portrayed as a consuming, lavish lifestyle," explains the stella, star of the legendary sci-fi series "The X-Files" and Showtime's current adult comedy hit "Californication." "But I never thought...
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da Marcell Minaya, Entertainment Reporter
David Duchovny has admitted that he once thought he saved a man's life.

The Joneses stella, star revealed that he came across a stranger who was struggling to breathe and quickly ran to the rescue, reports Contactmusic.

Duchovny said: "I was in Vancouver shooting X-Files and one night I went outside to walk my dog. I see a guy in a accappatoio and as I got closer and I could tell he was choking.

"So I grabbed him and did my best Heimlich manoeuvre, like I'm really yanking on his diaphragm. Finally, he calmed down and I waited with him until an ambulanza came."

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The actor loves his job, but would like to branch out into Scrivere and directing movies.

He has helmed several episodes of TV series The X Files and Californication, and also directed 2004 movie House of D. He has now decided to try his hand at penning a book, and has been working on one since late last year.

“I have been working on this script this past winter, and I think it is quite dense. I don’t know if it is a movie o not,” he explained. “I hope it is, but I am also going to turn it into a novel, just in case.”

David is full of ideas for film scripts, and hopes some of them will...
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