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DC Superhero Girls Domanda

Who is your preferito DC superhero girl and why?

Ex: mine is Poison Ivy because she redeemed herself da helping Batman stop Scarecrow's nube, nuvola burst( spoiler alert in case te wanted to play arkham knight).
 kingcesar67 posted più di un anno fa
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DC Superhero Girls Risposte

DisneyPrince88 said:
Harley Quinn

1. She's Cute
2. She's an awesome and a Unique Character
3. She's a Character who te won't find anyone else like her
4. She's Funny
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posted più di un anno fa 
Yes, So true:)
harleenquinzel5 posted più di un anno fa
I agree.
kingcesar67 posted più di un anno fa
Thanks guys
DisneyPrince88 posted più di un anno fa
harleenquinzel5 said:
Hi! My fave is Harly Quinn.

It's thanks to that mostra that I found her. Before, I didn't know who she was! And she's funny:)
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