@TV Promos - When Gideon jumps the time machine into the Manor Dimension, the which lands in Hell, and Astra realizes that a damned 90's reality mostra crew sneaks into the manner causing havoc. Unbeknownst to the Legends...
@TV Promos - When the Legends crash land in 1940s Seattle, they find themselves right in the middle of WWII with a surprise guest. Needing replacement parts to fix the time machine...
@TV Promos -When the Legends and Gwyn finally time travel, the time machine goes haywire leaving them stranded in a lush forest with no idea when o where they are...
@TV Promos -After Sara (Caity Lotz), Ava (Jes Macallan), Behrad (Shayan Sobhian) and Gary (Adam Tsekham) arrive in New York City, they track down Dr. Gwyn Davies (Matt Ryan), who isn't the scientist they expected...
@TV Promos -After Sara (Caity Lotz), Ava (Jes Macallan), Behrad (Shayan Sobhian) and Gary (Adam Tsekham) arrive in New York City, they track down Dr. Gwyn Davies (Matt Ryan), who isn't the scientist they expected...
@TV Promos - When the Legends arrive in Chicago, they come across a speakeasy that caters to a diverse crowd, however their presence results in upsetting a mob who in turn burn down the club...