Demon_wolf's Stories and Poems Club
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Chapter Four:

"Ch....Charlie?" Whinny stuttered.

Charlie smiled to her and held out his hand for her to take. She took it and he helped her up.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to crash into you." Charlie said.

"No no don't worry about it. If it were anyone's fault it would be mine. I was the one racing down the spiaggia with Jake." She detto motioning to Jacob who was already in the water with a triumph smile spread across his face.

Charlie laughed. "How about we agree its both of our fault."

Whinny smiled. "Ok, deal."

"Hey Charlie. te okay man?" Ric asked coming out of the water, surf board in hand....
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posted by demon_wolf
They arrived at a strange building. It was like any other buiding te may come across, in a city. But as te got closer the, how do te say, aura of the building was off. It sent chill up Nicole's spine everytime they came to train.

It was an old run down building, the windows were all boarded up and the shingles on th eroof were falling off. The paint was faded, and sun bleached. The building itself was just plain scary, like a house from a horror movie. te know the ones te never are suppose to walk into but the people end up walking into it anyway. The building screamed horror, to run...
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added by demon_wolf
posted by demon_wolf
This is a really random one. ^^
I hope te enjoy it. ^^
I think I wrote this a anno fa o maybe più but I found it saved on my computer, so I hope te like it. Tell me what ya think.

By: Whitney(Whinny) Forsberg

These ears i hear with are not mine
Well who's are they?
Theses eyes i see with are not mine
Well Who's are they?
This nose i smeel with is not mine
Well who's is it?
This mouth i taste with and talk with is not mine
Well who's is it?
These hands I feel with are not mine
Well who's are they?

These things, they belong to the person I am not.
posted by demon_wolf
All based off the pictures below.

My mind is twisted, wrapped around a brain that has no truth for the future, o for the past.
I see things, things in the dead of night.
Creeping around my room.
I'm told to ignore them, they are just shadows, but I know better.
These shadows creeping around me at night, are not to be feared, but welcomed with open arms.
The shadows they come out to see me.
They are the ones I call my friends. They know me the best.
They take me as someone special. They don't care about my flaws o my looks. They like me for me.
I'm told they aren't real. Shadows can't come out of...
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I have a lot of stories like these ones, because my Friends ask me to write them short stories o oneshots as they like to call them. So I have a few stories similar to this one.

name: raven
age: 13
looks: waist length dark purple hair with mathcing eyes
personality: pure tomboy, outgoing, smart, and a little reckless

I was out at the training grounds alone with no team. Why? Well because our team had no training today do to the fact that Asuma sensai had a mission and I could not just sit at home and do nothing all day. It was the middle of the giorno and I had been out here since six this morning....
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posted by demon_wolf
I Amore te Gram!!!!!! <3

I saw the coffin lowered into the ground.
It hadn't sunk in until that moment that te were........... Dead.
Its sad to know that I'll never
hear your voice
see your face
be enbraced da your loving arms.

You won't be there to see me graduate this year.
You won't be there to hear about my first giorno of college.
You always told me,
"Whitney you're the one in this family that will go far, and you'll be able to take care of my old self."
You would then baciare my forehead, and continue to talk.
"I'm so proud of you. You're no long a little punk running around my yard, but a...
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Here is a story I thought of doing I hope te guys will like this one, ^^.

Do te like the title? I didn't know what to name it an this is the firsth thing to pop into my mind, if te can think of anything better please feel free to give your own titolo names. Thank you.

A Secret Hidden Within
Chapter One.

Vichy(V-che)sat up in the chair she was sitting in, and looked across the room to a man standing successivo to a window, looking out at the falling rain.

"Do we have to go?" She asked the man.

The man turned to her, his face a mix of anger and sadness. "Yes we do. We can't stay here after what happen,...
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Here is the poem for Jedigal1990.
I hope te like it. ^^

A Jedi is shead
By: Whitney (Whinny) Forsberg

A mean commento is said
A Jedi is shead
A helping hand is here
Forever so near
Her name is Michelle
It rings beautifully like a bell
At the age of nineteen
She is quite the queen
She is not one to be rude
Except when the Twi-hards are shrewd
What can te say
THe Twi-hards won't stay away
Dear Michelle my master
A friendshpip I give to last her

Thats the end. I hope te enjoied it. And Jeff if te are Leggere this your is next, right after I figure something out that rhymes with your name first. ^^
posted by demon_wolf
Wow I'm starting to think I have to much time on my hands, lol.
Anyways I hope te like it. =)

A Fairy Tale Love.
By: Whitney(Whinny) Forsberg

In a fairy tale
I'm the one
Who will do
Anything for my love.
Behind the magical
Volts of electricity
Our fingers intertwine,
And our lips touch.
There's a whisper
In my ear,
"I will forever
And always Amore you."
Because In a fairy tale,
He's the one
Who will do
Anything for the one he loves.

Yupp another one of my poems, hope te guys liked it. =D
added by demon_wolf
added by wolf235
This story is based off of the Twilight roleplay. I know most of te hate Twilight, and to be honest I only watched the Film becuase Taylor Lautner is my fav actor. It te read this though I thank you. So Thanks.

Now on with the story.

Her alarm clock went off at eight, she rolled over shutting it off. Pulling the blanket back over her head she sighed.

"I am so not looking inoltrare, avanti to taday. What if Jake has told................... Charlie about last night?"

"Don't worry I haven't told him a thing."

Whinny sat up quickly in her bed, the blanket falling from her. She saw Jacob sitting on the...
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posted by demon_wolf
Hope te like it.

Peaceful Darkness.
By: Whitney(Whinny) Forsberg

Maybe it's because
On the way
Into the darkness,
I considered
Whispering "Stay here."
The only problem is,
I don't stay awake,
Sleep comes too fast.
When exhaustion consumes me,
It then hits me
In my dreams.
For some reason
It wasn't te
I was whispering to.
My soul cries out
Making it hurt,
My head goes blank.
te want me
To stay.
In the peaceful darkness
I stay.
Your words didn't reach me in time.
posted by demon_wolf
Muscles tightened. Claws raked over furred skin. Teeth bit into shoulders, legs, and throats. It was a battle. A battle for survival.

Survival of the fittest.
Young vs old.

Blood covered the ground under their pads. Each had their heads hung low to the ground. Eyes pinned to eachother. The older stood ready for his young opponent to make his attack. Instead the young one threw back his ears against his blood spattered head, and let out a ferocious snarl before bending its head down to lick at a wound on its fore front left leg. He took his eyes off his older opponent.

The old lupo knew from many...
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added by demon_wolf
I thought this was so funny, when I first saw the commercial with my Friends we almost peed ourselves laughing!
posted by demon_wolf
Name: Emerit fringuello

Age: 18

Sex: Female

Hair: Blackish blue

Eyes: Green

Height: 5'2"

Weight: 105Lbs

Emerit was born to a family with a lot of money. They were part of the rising middle class that all of England feared and ranted about so often. Though they feared them, though, many of the families, finding their money wells drying up, went to these middle class families for saving.

The fringuello family, like many of the other middle class, wanted the titles of the 'old money' and when the opportunity presented itself, and an Earl came to court Emerit, the family was più than happy to have...
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added by demon_wolf
 When a lupo howls.....
When a wolf howls.....
Literally just thought of this right now as i was brushing my hair.
So enjoy. ^^

When a lupo howls an eagle flys
By: Whitney(whinny) Forsberg

When a lupo howls an eagle flys
When an eagle flys a rabbit hides
When a rabbit hides a deer runs
When a deer runs a hunter shoots
When a hunter shoots a deer dies
When a deer dies the hunter eats
When the hunter eats his belly is full
When his belly is full the hunter sleeps
When the hunter sleeps his belly empties
When his belly empties the hunter hunts
When the hunter hunts a lupo howls
When a lupo howls an eagle flys

Thats it hope te liked it. ^^
 an eagle flys.......
an eagle flys.......