Is it just me that wanna know what's in the box in the end of the last episode... But i think not even Mark ciliegia knows it, i just think it was to get a good closer on the whole thing =)
postato più di un anno fa
Weeeeee! I just saw the last episode! Can't believe that it's really over with a shitty ending!!! Poor Kathryn and Karen! I'm going to re-watch the whole serious again!
postato più di un anno fa
RIP to Kathryn Joosten who passed away on June 2nd 2012 at age 72 she shall be missed and my wart goes our to all her Friends and family :) xxxxxx
postato più di un anno fa
Sorry that should say 'my cuore goes out to all her Friends and family' and yes she really did pass away sadly, she had lung cancer :'( xxpiù di un anno fa
omg i am soooosososo sad this mostra is over i cant believe it's over! the ending was good as far as endings go, but it was so sad how none of the ladies never see each other again, except Lynette and Susan because their kids had a baby. And i want to know what Julie named her baby......haha im sooo obsessed......
postato più di un anno fa
I can't believe DH is ending! This last season has been so emoticional. I don't know how I am going to spend my monday nights now... I just Amore DH!
postato più di un anno fa
I Just can't believe desperate housewives is now over, I've watched the mostra since I'm 8 !! And I'm 15!I'm so sad, it was my mother and I guilty pleasure, we couldn't stop crying at the two finale episode:(
postato più di un anno fa
Same here! It's my preferito mostra ever! And gonna re watch all the episodes from the biggining! I hope Marc ciliegia makes another one like desperate housewives because no mostra can replace this for me!più di un anno fa
I'm not sure how I feel about the finale.. I can't wait to see it, to know what happens and everything.. but on the other hand the fact that this is the last epi makes me really sad. DH has been a part of my life for so long, I don't know how to let it go.. :(
postato più di un anno fa
i hate jane with a passion i hate cheaters and homewreckers, why did the writers break up lynnette and tom in the first place
postato più di un anno fa
postato più di un anno fa
i cant believe this mostra its going to end...seriously???? what mostra can possibly match this one? i've spent 8 years!!! watching thispiù di un anno fa
Will Katherine return for a few episodes? She was my favourite housewife so I got a bit annoyed when she left for Paris. R.I.P Mike... I miss Tom and Lynette.. And I hope Bree gets out of Jail (Saw some of the comments)
postato più di un anno fa
I can't believe what they did to Mike... How could they do such a terrible thing? WHY him?? I loved him so much for 8 years, he & Susan were my fav characters. And now at the end of the series I have to see Mike dead & Susan in pain? Really? That CAN'T be true. :( I still hope some magic's gonna happen and he's gonna make it. (but there's a funeral in the successivo epi...) My cuore is broken. *crying*
postato più di un anno fa
This is the last season of Desperate Housewives on ABC so sad . It's going off the air soon. NO più new Desperate Housewives this is the last season on ABC.
postato più di un anno fa
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i like the one successivo to the red head in successivo to the middle one i forgot he name if te know her name add a commento to my page da tommorow
postato più di un anno fa
Check out the link above. This is go an exclusive event. block party on wisteria lane where the housewives are filmed! te will get to mingle with the stars and view the houses where the housewives live. Let me know if te want tickets!più di un anno fa
Today is the day! How bittersweet though, the beginning of the end. I just hope the ladies of Wisteria Lane go out with all pistole blazing.
postato più di un anno fa
i Amore the show, dont get me wrong. but i dont think its as good as the earlier seasons and because of that i understand why its ending. season one was just awesome!
postato più di un anno fa
PLEASE write to ABC and ask them NOT to put Susan Lucci on DH. She's a terrible cliche of herself and has flopped at every single attempt made at going primetime. Here is where te can register your objections w/ ABC link Also post about it here. She will ruin the show.
postato più di un anno fa
i Amore justin bieber but i dont think u should go wild because he mite not like girls who are wild but that do not mean that i dont like him i like justin beiber a lot the pepole that say justin bieber is gay well i think they are just stupid nd dumb they are just mad becuase he is famous and they re not i Amore u justin bye ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.più di un anno fa
ONLINE STORE: ====( link)===== ====( link)===== Air jordan(1-24)shoes $30 Handbags(Coach l v f e n d i d&g) $35 Tshirts (Polo ,ed hardy,lacoste) $15 Jean(True Religion,ed hardy,coogi) $30 Sunglasses(Oakey,coach,gucci,A r m a i n i) $15 New era berretto, tappo $12 Bikini (Ed hardy,polo) $20 accept paypal and free shipping ====( link)===== ====( link)===== ====( link)===== ====( link)===== ====( link)===== ====( link)===== ====( link)===== ====( link)===== ====( link)=====più di un anno fa
i Amore dh. but does anyone agree that the first few seasons were alot better? to me it seems like there running out of story lines o something. as much as i Amore the show. not a patch on the first season...
postato più di un anno fa
"There is a party that I thought te and the other fan might be interested in. It takes place on Wisteria Lane (where they film Desperate Housewives) and MANY stars will be there. INCLUDING MARCI attraversare, croce AND TERI HATCHER!!!! Here is the website... link "
postato più di un anno fa
Ugh i hate Renee!!!She's Lynette's best friend yet she slept with Tom once when he and Lynette broke up and now she'e trying to steal him from her...i never tought i'll say this but....i miss Edie
postato più di un anno fa
I heard that Bree is gonna have a new boyfriend..honestly, it doesn't excited me very much. I mean, she's the only housewife that have had all these boyfriends and serious relationships. Why did they take off Keith? I didn't ship her a lot with him, but at the end if we can't have Orson anymore..he was the best choice. But for me, the worst mistake was killed off Rex. Lol. And I didn't like her with Karl so I don't miss him..he was still immature and she did a horrible thing cheating on Orson.
postato più di un anno fa
I 10000000% agree with you! I Amore Bree! And all the stuff te just wrote. I wanted her to be with Orson. 'Cause I thought it's here destiny. When I was watching season 3 I thought THAT"S THE ONE for Bree! And, honestly, I thought Bree will be with Orson like FOREVER! And Karl was a HUGE mistake! Poor Orson!:'( I think that "parade of boyfriends can't be as amusing as it was, she needs to settle down." Like Susan, Gaby and Lynette! :D BTW, When's the successivo episode?più di un anno fa
Yeah, agree! I have to be honest, I really liked her with Rex too. Especially in the last episodes when they reconciliated..they were so sweet, I loved the scene where Bree put her head on Rex's body at the hospital! And she wasn't a whore. I mean, I loved the Karl from S1\2 because he was so funny..but with Bree?! Nope. I don't understand why a lot of people loved them and thought they were "soulmates". Wtf?! After Rex's death, I loooved her and Orson! They complete each other and are so similiar, and he would do anything for her. It broked my cuore when he came back in 7x11 but she broked another time his heart..she and Keith, really tell me nothing. But I hate how they're destroying her character, she's being a whore with all the rispect! Where's the old Bree!? Btw successivo episode is on April 3. And Beth's death alike Mary Alice's..was such a cliffhanger :Opiù di un anno fa
Yeah! I know!!!!!! So I would tell anyone who would data Paul and say that DO NOT MARRY HIM!!!! Else te will have a hole in your head because te will kill yourself! xD Because his TWO past wives did the same! xD And yes, I like Bree with Rex too. The MOST HOT scene was when Bree came ONLY in her underwear and the pelliccia coat! It was so HOT when they were foreplaying! xD but then Bree's habit to clean everything. I was like T_T WTF?! She doesn't clean this! T_T And that Willaim appeared I was like WTH?! He looks like pedophile. ewww! And he killed REX! But Bree killed him I was like KARMA will get everyone! haha! xD And tnen Orson appeared I was like OMG! THANK te GOD!!! THANK TO AUTHORS that gave her a VERY well-educated and atractive MAN!!!! :) I was glad. And what do u think will happen to her? who will she be dating? :)più di un anno fa
Yeaah, I liked the season 1 Bree! She was really hot, I liked her make up and her hair. ;) Btw, who's this William lol?! xD His name is George, and he was a psycho disturbed man obsessed with Bree that changed Rex's medicine and so he died :( Orson was sooo hot, I was really sad when he was on the wheelchair..poor man, he's on that chair for all his life just because his wife cheated on him with a jerk -.-" I think that now Bree is going to have a "normal" boyfriend, same age and someone stable. I know that Keith is definitely gone, and of this new Amore interest we know nothing. But I hope is a mix between Rex and Orson, lmao :Dpiù di un anno fa
haha! I Amore your way of thinking! I hope that too!!! o I would Amore to see her with Orson again! She detto that he will always be in her cuore (awww<3) what a sweet scene!!! BUT why she can't go backwards? Everybody can! Why she doesn't? Now she broke up with Keith(Honestly, I didn't like him AT ALL, he was a kid Keith xD LOL. He was too young. And I'm so sorry for Bree. She has such a sad faith. almost psycho daughter, first husband dies, GEORGE was a TOTAL psycho and she killed him (well,ok she didn't kill him, but I like to think that!!!! XD) Thank God Andrew is ok now!!! Orson's gone, Keith's gone. And who's going to be with her now/ FOR GOD'S SAKE MAKE TI ORSON!!!! And yeah, I agree with yoU!! Poor Man! I adored him!!! And he is in wheelchair because of that JERK(RIP Carl LMAO xD)più di un anno fa
Did Beth commit sucide?! And really Keith left? Because I'm a huge Orson\Bree fan. I know that a lot of people don't like him, but I really do. Do te think there's so still a chance for them, even if the last time Orson cambe Bree detto to him that she was happy with Keith..? o maybe Keith will come back?
postato più di un anno fa
i think orson& bree were great together but after keith left i don't think orson will come back i think we'll watch bree alone 4 a whilepiù di un anno fa
There's a new guy Aaron...He is Bree's new Amore interest, and has strong family values, and is similar to Orson in many ways. He is on Wisteria Lane to spy on Paul Young.più di un anno fa
We're having a party called “A Block Party on Wisteria Lane” on April 16th. I thought te would be interested in it. ABC stars will be there and some will be in the band (TERI HATCHER, JAMES DENTON/DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES, HUGH LAURIE/HOUSE, GREG GRUNBERG/HEROES, SCOTT GRIMES/ER, ADRIAN PASDAR/HEROES, BOB GUINEY/THE BACHELOR, ETC). The party will include a bar-b-que, drinks, music, and an auction. Here is the link for più information…link
Someone know if Orson will come back, o the episode in that he appeared was only a definitive close with his storyline with Bree?? :(
postato più di un anno fa
Yes, me too! Every time that an actor leaves the show, I'm soo sad :( Orson & Bree are simply meant to be. I really can't see Bree with Keith..but unfortunatly the actor left the show. Someone know if he will come back, o the episode that he appeared was only a definitive close with his storyline with Bree?? :(più di un anno fa
hola me llamo carolina quiziera charlar y tener amigas y amigos soy nueva y espero que me acepten como una de ustedes y como soy
postato più di un anno fa
Claro, bienvenida, espero que te guste Fanpop, y que te sientas a gusto aqui!, es muy divertido, en serio y cuentame como una de tus amigas!più di un anno fa