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Pocahontas excitedly continued to climb the albero as Mulan and Merida reluctantly followed. Mulan had to be careful because of the baby. "We're almost there!" Pocahontas called. "Thank goodness!" Mulan detto breathlessly. "Are te alright, Lass?" Merida asked. "Oh, I'm fine." Mulan answered. "We're here!" Pocahontas called again. She helped Mulan and Merida up into the "sacred place" up in the tall oak tree.

"Look closely." she instructed. "Nothing's happening." Mulan replied. "Look with your heart." Pocahontas stated. Mulan and Merida looked a the albero again. Suddenly, a face appeared! Mulan...
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added by AmberEdith
added by AmberEdith
added by AmberEdith
posted by TrainerPonycat
Welcome to my first opinion list! I will try my best to do stuff and add my horrible sense of humor to do it. Well have fun Leggere this.

13. Belle

Belle is so boring. All she does is read libri all the time. She's just not that interesting to me. That's all.

12. Ariel

Okay... she's stupid. Also watching her body move, thanks to the crappy animazione is disturbing. She also wants to be part of a world where pesce is eaten. Since she can understand most pesce this is like humans wanting to be part of a world where humans are eaten. At least where it's okay. Our world humans are eaten but it's often...
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posted by gigglingjasmine
fanpop is a wonderful webside which is easy and enjoyable to use. te can tell your opinions, write your articoli and te know people are always going to hear them carefully. The most amazing part of it is that te hear different opinions, negative o possitive, but in the end of the giorno the opinion te once have can change and be più possitive o più negative, but people will still be here to listen to your opinions. Every single one of us is a part of my world, we are a small family. We have sondaggi and quizzes. sondaggi are very enjoyable, but believe me there's no such thing as Scrivere articles...
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is like the things that made that princess our favorite, i´ll bassed on the commenti i see in fanpop and another sites,i´ll try to don't put personal commenti
We are looking at the princess as theirselfs ignoring their looks,the quality of the animazione , the characters around them , their Amore story and (i speak specially for pocahontas;sequels)

1.snow white:
people who don't like snow white says:
she is the weakest of the princess , doesn't even have a sequel to mostra a rebel o strong side.And she is dump cause she was told to don't talk to strangers and it was the first thing she did

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posted by avatar_tla_fan
Mulan had studied for all of her exams. She was ready to get the best grades possible. She didn't want her parents to be disappointed in her.

She went to school. She was talking to her friend Jasmine.

"I'm going to do the best I can on these exams. I studied all night last night." Mulan told Jasmine.

"You're really determined. Why?"

"I really want to bring some honor to my family."

"That's all?"

"What to te mean 'that's all'?"

"They don't get angry o something if te get bad grades?"

"No. But they get disappointed."

"Then who cares?"

"I do."

"Why? Why does bringing honor to your family matter so...
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posted by avatar_tla_fan
Aurora and her mother arrived at the hospital.

They walked in only to be alarmed.

"Please, evacuate the premises." Somebody told Aurora and her mother.

"My daughter needs help!" Aurora's mother yelled.

"We would Amore to help your daughter, but we're having a serious situation here."

"What kind of situation?"

"That is secret information. I'm sorry, but I can't tell you."

"Then at least let us in."

"It's not safe!"

"How is it not?"

"Because of our secret situation."

"This is the only hospital in town, we can't go anywhere else, and my daughter needs help."

"From the looks of her face, she's been scratched...
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Eight months ago, I started an articolo series explaining my complessivamente, generale opinion on each princess in as much details as possible. I've decided to start over! :) Technically, we don't know if Anna and Elsa will even be included in the lineup, but like last time, I'm including them. The categories I will analyze are: original thoughts, thoughts now, beauty, wardrobe, singing/speaking voices. Also, I will be doing these in chronological order, form my least preferito princess to my favorite!

My Original Thoughts

Most of te new gents and ladies weren't around to witness my blindness to the "Frozen" hype....
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added by Winxclubgirl202
Source: Me
John felt like he got himself in the middle of a fiasco. He didn't know what to do o think. He tried to let everyone be for as long as he could. He also tried to get the whole thing off his mind da spending time with Mace. And it worked. Mace was John's stress-release when it came to things like that. "I don't know what I'd do without you." John yawned as he rocked him. It wasn't long before he fell fast asleep with the tot.

Afew hours later, John awoke without Mace in his arms. "Where's Mace?" he asked trying not to panic. He looked around, only to see the tot in his culla sleeping. "Pocahontas...
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Merida's condition gradually worsened. The cut on her leg was badly festered, she was still unconscious, her breathing was rapidly slowing down, and she spiked a fever. Mulan, Shang, Pocahontas, and John were waiting anxiously outside Kekata's tent. It wasn't long before Chief Powhatan joined them. "How is the girl?" he asked. "Not so good father." Pocahontas answered sadly. "In times like this, we must be strong for her." Powhatan replied. Mulan had tears welling up in her eyes.

"Excuse me for a moment." she said. She went to Powhatan's teepee and began to cry. She couldn't stand the devastation...
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Nightfall had come, but Shang and John still weren't back yet. "I'm getting worried." Mulan said. "John sometimes likes to explore the different scenes at night. He probably took Shang with him." Pocahontas reassured. Mulan thought for a minute. "You're right, Pocahontas. I'm sure if it becomes too late for them to come back, they'll set up camp and come back in the morning." she stated. Merida, however, got really nervous. *What if something happened to them?* she asked herself. Pocahontas stared at her as if she were a book.

"Merida, I know those boys. I'm sure nothing happened to them." she...
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In order to forget about everything, Merida decided to play with the babies. They sure didn't mind her company because they LOVED her! She tickled Mace's feet and he laughed. She chased Ping around the room and he laughed. It wasn't long before she was da Mace to play with his toys. Although, Ping tried to bring alittle competition da bringing over HIS toys. "Let's not fight now. I'll play with both of yer toys!" Merida handled calmly yet sweetly. Pocahontas smiled as she looked inside Mace's room.

She walked into the cucinino, angolo cottura where she saw Mulan sadly puzzled. "Is everything alright?" she...
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 PrueFever interviews fan of the mese avatar_tla_fan for September 2014.
PrueFever interviews Fan of the Month avatar_tla_fan for September 2014.
When avatar_tla_fan won fan of the mese for September, I got the pleasure to do the FotM’s Interview with her. So let’s get to it, people.

1. How does it feel to win fan of the Month?
Well, it feels great! I was really surprised when I won, I haven't been on the club for that long, only a couple months. But nevertheless, I am still very happy (and surprised) that I won. Thanks to all the people who nominated and/or voted for me. :)

2. It says on your profilo Page that you've been Fanpopping since July 2014. What made te unisciti fanpop in the first place?
Well, I Amore Leggere articles. One day,...
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Merida was walking towards a teepee when John caught sight of her. "I was wondering where te went." he said. "Oh, I just wanted to explore the sights again." Merida lied. John chuckled. "Not much has changed." he detto slyly. He and Merida walked back to the grounds. Suddenly, Shang ran up to them.

"Don't te scare me like that again!" he scolded. "Shang. I was just goin' for a stroll." Merida argued. "The tribe is safe." John replied. "MERIDA!" Pocahontas yelled out of nowhere. "Pocahontas. What might te want?" Merida greeted. "I need to talk to you." Pocahontas stated. She and Merida walked...
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Merida hurried to her room and grabbed her bow. She was competing in a family friendly archery match. Why this occasion? Because it was her birthday! Princess Merida of the Dunbroch clan was finally turning 18! "Archers to your marks!" King Fergus called out. Merida excitedly ran to her marking point. (A/N: If te read the first chapter, you'll know a anno had passed. Also, I forgot how to spell Dunbroch, so tell me if I spelled it wrong. :P)

Merida got out her Arrow as fast as she could and placed it inside her bow. Since she was the birthday girl, she was first up, no surprise. Because of...
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posted by avatar_tla_fan
Well, it's about time I made part 2 of this article. Anyways, please keep in mind that this is my opinion, and we may disagree, so respect my opinion and I'll respect yours.

Enjoy the article!

Healing Incarnation
Even though it's quite short and basically sounds different every time Rapunzel sings it, I still included it, because there's ONLY 2 other songs, and one of them is a reprise! (I also included one other song too, we'll get to it later.) Anyways, I really like this song. It shows a nice soft side to Rapunzel's voice, which I like. Its a really sweet and charming song overall, but...
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