Disney Sidekicks Club
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posted by GypsyMarionette
Disclaimer: A lista I found online. Not mine. Also no offense intended to those who disagree with the list.

12. Tiger Lily is a princess. Wendy is a white nobody.

11. Tiger Lily has a cuter voice than Wendy. Even though her voice is only really heard when she says "HEL-*gurgle*", it's much better on the ears than one sentence out of Wendy's mouth...

10. She has a cool wardrobe that she can be proud of, which would be a nicely made dress from .... most likely a deer, and a pretty cool feather, which looks simply SMASHING with the dress. Wendy gets stuck with a blue nightgown and a simple bow hair...
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Disclaimer: A lista I found online. Not mine. Also no offense intended to those who disagree with the list.

10) She doesn't go around in a 200 pound yellow frilly dress and try to sketch animali in the jungle.

9) Terk has her own song, and a fantastic one it is, too!

8) Terk knows that whenever te say "It can't get any worse than this" it always does. She never says that in the movie, does she?

7) Terk is any easy-going girl, no fuss and feathers about her! ("He has no respect for personal boundaries!"-from Jane)

6) Being someone's best friend is better than being their sweetheart any day!

5) I'd rather be a gorilla than look like Jane!

4) Terk doesn't go around in a gonna with a thigh-high slit in it.

3) Terk has an unmanagable name- Terkina- but she can get a cool nickname out of it!

2) Terk is a tomboy, better than a prissy little British girl fresh out of 'Finishing School'

1) Terk doesn't run to 'daddy' at a drop of a hat!

(Source: animatedheroines.com)
Disclaimer: A lista I found online. Not mine. Also no offense intended to those who disagree with the list.

10. He lives in the sea and is proud of it!

9. He knows that when King Triton says "NO," he means NO!

8. If Ariel was so called the main character, then why does he have 3 o più songs and she has 1.

7. Who's the one who told Ariel not to go on land, who tried to cover for her when she was lying to her Dad, who plays the Musica for all of the songs-even his, who tried to make the Prince baciare her, and finally, who risked almost being cooked for cena just to help her get closer to the Prince?...
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This is a lista of my ten preferito Disney sidekicks (both good and evil), o groups of sidekicks, and the positive things and negative things about them. Some of the individual ones may have been taken from a group, and some of the groups are left whole. I'm sure your opinion will be different from mine. Actually my idea of who is the best will change from giorno to giorno sometimes, but these ten are always somewhere at the very superiore, in alto of list. Here are the ten best Disney Sidekicks (in my personal opinion).
 10. Phil (Hercules ) Positive: funny, an encourager Negative: can be very pessimistic
10. Phil (Hercules ) Positive: funny, an encourager Negative: can be very pessimistic
 9. Coggsworth (Beauty and the Beast) Positive: kind, funny Negative: a worry-wart
9. Coggsworth (Beauty and the Beast) Positive: kind, funny Negative: a worry-wart
 8. Tito (Oliver & Company) Positive:small size big heart, hilarious Negative: big attitude can get te into trouble
8. Tito (Oliver & Company) Positive:small size big heart, hilarious Negative: big attitude can get you into trouble
 7. Hugo/Victor/Laverne (Hunchback of Notre Dame) Positive: brought humor to a very serious movie, three very different personalities working together Negative:didn't quite fit in the movie
7. Hugo/Victor/Laverne (Hunchback of Notre Dame) Positive: brought humor to a very serious movie, three very different personalities working together Negative:didn't quite fit in the movie
 6. Jiminy Cricket (Pinocchio) Positive: good sense of humor, good role model for kids, Negative: some might find the movie vecchio stile and boring
6. Jiminy Cricket (Pinocchio) Positive: good sense of humor, good role model for kids, Negative: some might find the movie old-fashioned and boring
 5. Pain/Panic (hercules) Positive: funny, work well as a team Negative: works for the villain, can be kind of bumbling
5. Pain/Panic (hercules) Positive: funny, work well as a team Negative: works for the villain, can be kind of bumbling
 4. Genie (Aladdin) Positive: kind, funny, selfless, knows lots of cool magic trick, voiced da Robin Williams Negative: trapped in an "itty bitty livin' space", very dangerous in the wrong hands
4. Genie (Aladdin) Positive: kind, funny, selfless, knows lots of cool magic trick, voiced by Robin Williams Negative: trapped in an "itty bitty livin' space", very dangerous in the wrong hands
 3. Mushu (Mulan) Positive: nice, funny, somewhat heroic, voiced da Eddie Murphy Negative: can be a little selfish
3. Mushu (Mulan) Positive: nice, funny, somewhat heroic, voiced by Eddie Murphy Negative: can be a little selfish
 2. Grumpy (Snow White) Positive: kind hearted, funny, heroic Negative: can pretty te know...
2. Grumpy (Snow White) Positive: kind hearted, funny, heroic Negative: can pretty you know...
 1. Iago (aladdin) Positive: gave up evil ways, hilarious, some what heroic, voiced da Gilbert Gottfried Negative: originally work for the villain, can still be selfish
1. Iago (aladdin) Positive: gave up evil ways, hilarious, some what heroic, voiced by Gilbert Gottfried Negative: originally work for the villain, can still be selfish
Disclaimer: A lista I found online. Not mine. Also no offense intended to those who disagree with the list.

1. The dwarfs don't go into strange houses they find in the woods.

2. They live like slobs and are proud of it too.

3. They actually work for a living.

4. Each one one of the dwarfs warns Snow White about being careful...does she listen? I think not.

5. The little guys don't kick people out of their own beds...in fact they gave Snow White their beds. She made them sleep in the sink (well that was just Doc, but still).

6. Speaking of beds...Snow White took up seven beds, while each dwarf took...
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Disclaimer: A lista I found online. Not mine. Also no offense intended to those who disagree with the list.

It is evident from the outset of the film Sleeping Beauty that our dear Princess Aurora is not the most autonomous, proactive heroine ever to grace the silver screen. In fact, she is a completely passive participant in events which she finds herself the center of yet effects in no way whatsoever. (At this point I ask for indulgence from all Sleeping Beauty fans. I Amore This movie, but I could not resolve it with my post-modern feminist background, until now...) So if this movie is viewed...
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Disclaimer: A lista I found online. Not mine. Also no offense intended to those who disagree with the list.

Why Clopin is Better than Esmeralda

10. te see Clopin is smart, he wears shoes... do te know how many corns, callouses and bunions Esmeralda has on her feet? They are probably filled with bacteria because there's no telling what was on the strada, via where she was dancing. There could have been a horse passing da who couldn't hold it any longer and, well, te get the picture...

9. I think the sound of bells sounds much much better than corny feet slapping the pavement!!!!

8. Esmeralda doesn't...
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Disclaimer: A lista I found online. Not mine. Also no offense intended to those who disagree with the list.

1. He can make porridge, with cute smiley faces

2. He is loyal, but has a sweet side

3. He can ride down an avalanche on a shield

4. He wears an apron, when cooking

5. He doesn't lie

6. He's concerned over Mulan, and keeps bugs out of her meal

7. He is daring enough to light a huge dynamite rocket thing on his back

8. He doesn't change the sound of his voice every 2 minutes

9. He doesn't annoy mean matchmakers

10. He can use gongs to climb statues

(Source: animatedheroines.com)
Disclaimer: A lista I found online. Not mine. Also no offense intended to those who disagree with the list.

1. He is a sidekick; therefore he has none to make trouble.

2. He sings but keeps it to a minimum. He doesn’t make us sit through two solos.

3. Little swirls of colored leaves are not constantly swirling around him.

4. He doesn’t make Friends with the enemy.

5. He doesn’t fall in love.

6. He doesn’t risk his life to save a guy he barely knows.

7. He is loyal, faithful and obedient, unlike Pocahontas.

8. He doesn’t lie.

9. He doesn’t ask Friends to lie for him.

10. Unlike Pocahontas, he plays it safe. te won’t catch him white water canoeing.

11. He creates interesting hedge designs.

12. He doesn’t get anyone killed.

13. He doesn’t jump off of cliffs.

(Source: animatedheroines.com)