Cani are mans best friends, they help us get through hard times, and make us laugh and have a amazing time. So cherish these moments and have fun with them! they won't stay there forever
postato più di un anno fa
If we Amore our pets, then we should keep them clean and on the top, our home clean. I usually hire professionals for my home cleaning. Here is the website. Check then if te want to link
postato più di un anno fa
Yesterday, I read an articolo about a dog that has yet to find a home. Nobody wanted him, because he has two different colored eyes. It was so sad. That's like saying te don't like a certain person just because of his o her skin color.
postato più di un anno fa
My Cani are so funny. They were playing together, and they started making noises that sounded like they were having a conversation. I would have liked to have known what they were trying to say.
postato più di un anno fa
Cani make great companions. They don't argue o domanda your quirks. They just accept te for who te are. They Amore te for who te are, not who you're not.
postato più di un anno fa
My aunts dog has cancer and they have to put him down. Hes like a cousin to me and i am so sad! probably sadder than this emoji!
postato più di un anno fa
They really do become part of your family. I know what it's like to have a dog put down. It was two days after Christmas, too. The fact that I was sick didn't help.più di un anno fa
I am sorry. Some times I come up with the most lovely and hopeful things to say, (not to brag, but it's one of the few things i'm good at.) if something bad happens, but i'm sorry if I don't. Sometimes my Muse takes giorno trips to somewhere that is not my brain.
postato più di un anno fa
" each dog has a different story. Some take place at a shelter o on the street, but my dog's story takes place right da my side." - kpaw05
postato più di un anno fa
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is like a online version of my room!!!!!!!!!!!!!! aka Cani everywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
postato più di un anno fa
I watched a special on Cani on Nat Geo Wild tonight. It was quite interesting. I did not know that a right-pawed dog was più likely to become a seeing eye dog.
postato più di un anno fa
“All his life he tried to be a good person. Many times, however, he failed. For after all, he was only human. He wasn't a dog.” ― Charles M. Schulz
postato più di un anno fa
I like "Dogs do speak, but only to those who know how to listen." and "To err is human, to forgive is canine." But yours is way betterpiù di un anno fa
I dont like Gatti as much cuz when they are angry, they make the most demonic noises. I have a papillion-chihuahua mix. Not so sure though.più di un anno fa
I like almost anything in the Canidae family, wolves, jackals, coyotes, foxes, etc. but canis lupus familiaris, (aka dogs) have always been my preferitopiù di un anno fa
"The one absolutely unselfish friend a man can have in this selfish world, the one that never deserts him, the one that never proves ungrateful o treacherous, is the dog." -from Eulogy of the Dog da George G. Vest
postato più di un anno fa
if i were a dog, I would be a border terrier, yorkie, westie, morkie, o any small dog thats oblivious that it is small, and has a cuore the size of a great dane, if te know what i mean, but would still have bark, and bite to match, as well as being fiercely loyal.più di un anno fa
yes. best of luck to you. I cant imagine a life without my Lucky doodle. maybe youll see him again, when he's in a different life, and youre older, just like in a Cani purpose. again, im sorry for your loss, and best of luck. Keep a picture in your pocket and Amore for him in your heart, and keep on loving Canipiù di un anno fa
"He is your friend, your partner, te defender, your dog. te are his life, his love, his master. He will be yours, faithful and true to the last beat of his heart. te owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion." -Anonymous
postato più di un anno fa
Keep the light of hope within you, and no matter how dim it glows, keep it within you, always. Let that light guide you. For example, hang up o hand out missing dog posters, ask people if they had seen that dog, your dog, and visit shelters più often with hopes to find your dog. And if te don't then keep a picture with te and Amore dogs, your dog, always. Best of luck to te and i hope te find your dog.più di un anno fa
I still have my first dog, he's 5, but i've Lost 3 fish, which was still hard, but Cani are loyal companions, and I would do anything for mine. Best of luck to tepiù di un anno fa
My little brother got a dog for his b giorno last year. I swear, Gale (our dog) is the cutest thing ever. And II dont even say cutest so its a big compliment!
postato più di un anno fa
I think that Cani make better role modelle than people do at times. They have their eyes open with love, instead of hate. To quote John Grogan, "A dog has no use for fancy cars, big homes, o designer clothes. A waterlogged stick will do just fine. A dog doesn't care if you're rich o poor, smart o dull; just give him your heart, and he'll give te his." How many people can te say this statement about? How many people can make te feel rare and special. Not many.
postato più di un anno fa
True. People make mistakes and find it hard to forgive and forget, but to dogs, forgiving is done every day. How many Cani do what people do, and make the mistakes made da at least one person every day? how many Cani lie, hate, betray, don't talk to one another? almost none, i bet. They do steal, but the only thing they steal... is your heart.più di un anno fa
When I was a little girl my father was sleeping on the divano and my mother and brother were not at home. My father told me not to open the door but while he was sleeping i opened the door, of course. It was a man trying to sell something but he wasnt. He was looking for someone like me. He was asking me domande when my big rottweiler dog came to the door with me. The man got scared and left. My dog couldnt ever hurt anyone unless it was a man like that. My dog saved me.
postato più di un anno fa
I have a Kerri Blue and she is so amazing.Those big brown eyes and the way she tilt"t her head..Yep she is looking fed hahah x
postato più di un anno fa
Both of my Cani have been wonderful over the years. My 14-year-old isn't getting younger, however, but I don't want to let him go! I Amore him so much, and he loves me. I know I'll have to let him go some day, but he's been such a good dog, and there will never be another like him. I promised him that the successivo dog will be a good one, though.
postato più di un anno fa
great news my dog is doing great its like she was never hit da a car & whoever hit her got away it makes me mad that some 1 could leave a dog die in such pain
postato più di un anno fa
Amore puppies, dogs, and unicorns! and i know how u feel once i was watching a movie ( i was younger) people were recitazione that they were hurting Cani and cried!più di un anno fa
I know a lot about dogs. They are my fav animal and do u know that there is a dog breed called a Kuvasz. I have a Border collie {the smartest dog in the world]. Also if u want 2 know , the afgano, afghan Hound is the dumbest dog in the world. Poodles are the 2nd smartest , successivo German Shepherd, next, Labrador. If u need an answer to a dog domanda , post it on my bacheca please! Thank te
postato più di un anno fa
My preferito dog breeds in alphabetical order: Akita American Pit toro Terrier Australian Shepherd Beagle Collie Doberman Pinscher German Shepherd Dog Golden Retriever Great Dane Labrador Retriever Red-bone coonhound
postato più di un anno fa
Since I was born, my family has always had dogs. I grew up with them and never had a period in my life when there were no Cani around me. Now I couldn't imagine not having them. Those who have kept at least once a dog will know what I'm talking about. Your dog will always Amore you, no matter what - even più than itself! Independent of breed, Cani all have their unique values, but above all, loyality and the ability to love. Just in nutshell why Cani will be my favourite animali forever. :)
postato più di un anno fa
Sometimes I think that Cani are better role modelle than most humans. Cani don't have their eyes open with hate. I mean, do te see a dog bashing someone simply because of their religion o sexual preference? No. A dog loves te whether you're straight o gay/lesbian, black o white, and whether you're a nerd o not. That's why I Amore dogs.
postato più di un anno fa
i Amore huskys and german sheppards but i have t2 pitbulls one is black (diamond) one is white (snowflake) i think they are racis
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