Duncan e Courtney Club
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Courtney P.O.V.
Just when I thought it was the best giorno of my life,it turned to be the worst.I saw my mother with her serious face on.I started to think if she saw Duncan.

Tiffani:Who was that?
Courtney:Just a friend...
Tiffani:I heared te yell "I never had my first baciare ok"
Courtney:Oh te herd that huh?
Tiffani:When I went to see what was the problem I saw te and that devil kissing.

I opened my mouth,but nothing came out.I was speechless,I mean she saw what we did so what can I say? I came down there to makeout with him?NO!!!

Suddenly,My mother started sqealing with joy. What the heaven?

Tiffani:Tell me all about it!!!
Courtney:*Tells her everything*
Tiffani:Be carful,you know-
Courtney:It's forbidden to be with a devil,I know

My mother gave me a look and just walked away,I thought she would freak out and never get to see Duncan again.
posted by DanixxDumb
Herione; Sneak Peak!  

That's what I was. He touch was like a shot of Vodka.  His eyes were like a first taste of Budlight. But, his lips were like Herione. The best Alchohal in my thought. 
   But, That was before he left. He left without any say at all. It's like, he dissapeared from the face of the Earth. All he has left me with was the skull. 
   Was It  because of me? 
 And, Its his fault. I'm in this Mental help facility. Ever since he left, My mom worried about me. I had been waking up screaming, Adrenaline rushes gone hay-wire. I still feel like he's with me. But, In like a wierd way. 
   "He's gone, Courtney." Everyone kept telling me that. But, I knew I  was right! He was out there somewhere. I just hoped, He hadn't forgotten me.
Alright, That was just a little Sneak Peak.
What do te think?
Should I continue?           
posted by totaldrama1
Courtney's POV: I walked through the door of my new classroom. I saw lots of different and strange faces. One stood out from all of the rest. He had piercing and a Mohawk. The teacher then looked at me. "Why don't te just take a seat." she detto annoyed. "Umm where?" "How about that empty scrivania, reception da Ms.Kempker and Mr.Coleman." She was pointing to a girl with blond girl with green eyes. I sat down da her and realized that the guy with the piercing and Mohawk was sitting da me. My cuore raced as I sat successivo to him. Do I like him? I asked my self. "Hi, I'm Duncan." He said. "I'm Courtney,"

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posted by Courtneyfan101
Courtney`s POV:"Military school?!I screamed at my mom."Courtney,you shouldn`t yell."my mom said."What am I supposed to do?Accept it?"I asked."Yes."my mom siad.I rolled my eyes and said,"Why do I have to go?I haven`t done anything."I said."You have to go because of that fight last week.Remember?"she said."Oh yeah.But I still won."I stated."Courtney,you are going.And that`s final!They already accepted you."my mom said."They?Who is they?"I asked."They is the Warden."she said."Oh,great a Warden."I detto rolling my eyes again and leaving the room."Courtney go pack.We leave in ten minutes."my mom...
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posted by Courtneyfan101
Duncan`s POV:I got home,opened the front door,and ran into my room slamming the door behind me.I threw my all my libri and homework onto the letto and pulled out the book that read Courtney`s Diary."Okay,I know this is wrong.But I need to know."I detto to myself.I opened the book and started reading.Wow.I can`t believe it.I`m actually reading.After a while of reading.I finally finished the diary.I feel horrible.I`ve never read a diary before.I put the book down and layed back.I closed my eyes and fell asleep.I woke up the successivo morning with Loagn,Kyle,Chase and Michael crowded around me."Get up!"they...
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posted by agtimm
"I just wrestle with te in my dreams and wake up making Amore to a pillow."

Duncans POV

I walk into a motel, its like 4:30 am and im so tired. I see that the man at the front scrivania, reception is asleep to i grab a room key and i walk to room 2. And i step into the room.

Wow, much better than my own room. I take off my camicia and my pants and jump into my bed. I turn on family guy. About half way through the episode i fall asleep. I dream, about, Courtney.

In my dream, at first, its all just a blur. But then i see myslef on superiore, in alto of courtney and me and her are having... ugh, wow... i cant belive i dreamed that. But its strange to see myslef clinged to a cuscino when i woke up... wow. I yawn and go back to sleep.
this is just a intro for jessica and sarah.

today was the giorno the docter detto courtney would have the babys. both girls. Duncan was not so thrilled to hear that. But courtney was. The babys came two days late. They were just fine. when all 4 of them got home courtney put them in the baby room and thought about something very important that she and duncan had forgot. She came running in the room with duncan and detto
" WE FORGOT TO NAME THEM!!!!!!" so her and duncan went to work trying to name them in one day. The babys looked the same so courtney found two braclets that were so big the babys...
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courtney woke up and though of the things she and duncan had done last night one toped off all the rest the last one and if te go to this link te will know what that was if te don't know right now.
well now courtney got up and got dressed unknow to her duncan was watching when she was done she left to get something to drink and have something to eat. Duncan got up the secondo courtney left he ran to a closet and got two boxes maybe 2 da 2's and put them under a tavolo to hide them a little longer.
Courtney was at a tavolo haveing tost and latte duncan came down and detto "tested yet?" "no....
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Courtney came back the nexed giorno like she said. It turns out she would just make the guys do things like art and cooking so they can get a better job then doing.... what ever they did. Courtney did this for as long as duncan was in jail. When he jot out 6 months after the cops found it was not him who ha rubato, stola the mony so they gave duncan some sorry stuff and duncan and courtney went back home. It hade been a strang sence of quite since duncan came back and 6 months later they were just starting to talk again. courtney looked at duncan. "ssssssssooo"
"sssssoooooooo" "ya." it took anouther 6 months...
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posted by DxC_lover98
I never thought that I could walk away
Every secondo I'm regretting that I didn't stay
How could I just keep on driving
When I left my cuore with you

Of course I knew Courtney wasn't just going to forgive me. She wasn't like that. I twirled my pocketknife in thought. The taxi halted and stepped out, squinting in the bright sunlight. Now, where could I find out where Courtney lives...?

"I think there's a Courtney on 27th street, I'm not sure which house though." The redhead informed me. She looked famaliar, like...
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Ok I had nothing better to do and I got Back in my Scrivere Mode. So Here is the story!
I heard a loud air horn, I mean louder than normal, like putting a megaphone in front of the air horn. I later found out that is exactly what it was. Chris was waking us up at seven in the morning. Uh. I found out we had to run 20 kilometers! this is gonna be a long day.
I was one of the first ones back. slowly everyone else came in tired. And Owen had to give CPR to Noah. Wow. That dude is really lazy! All he does is read. He's such a bookworm,...
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posted by JBfan445
Duncan'sPOV: No matter what. Wait,I can't leave her!Yes I can! Great,i'm having a fight with my brain.

Ben'sPOV:Courtney walks by.

"What's up?"
"Nothing.Are te busy tonight?"
"Duncan's comming over,but otherwise no."
"Great,call me when he leaves."

Courtney'sPOV: Wow,I have a data with Ben. Nice,Courtney.
Duncan'sPOV:O.k,Here goes. (Walk's into Courtney's room.) "Hey,Duncan."
"Hey,princess."(Kisses her.) "We need to talk."
"What's up?"
"Uh,I'm moving."
"It's only templory"
"O.K,how long?"
"5 to 6 months."

What will happen next? Comming soon:Oh.My.God.Pt4!...
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Ok.... I know A LOT of people have done this....but that means I can! I always wanted to do this... So Here it is! This story has "language" in it.
The only reason I signed up for camp was to stay out of juvy. Camp is for preps. I don't know why I didn't just be più careful with the crimes instead of just stopping...Oh well I'm here now...Oh Fuck! This is a shitty summer camp! they detto it was a five stella, star resort! Crap. I put my fist in the air and detto "I don't like surprises." "Ya, your parole officer warned me about that dude, he also told...
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posted by JBfan445
Duncan's POV:
Have to find it. Running as fast as I can,trying to find the cheatah. As I ran,my thouths raced to Courtney. I slowed douwn. Let the cheatah run. I was dating a bunny. I could hurt her. Only my little bro and best Friends knew.

Ben's POV:

My next-door neibhor was uptight.Anoying(sometimes).Beutful. The only thing staning between me and her was her boyfriend.And my secret.

Courtney's POV:

Duncan was comming over. He detto he had something to talk about. I bet I knew.

What will happen? Part3 comming soon!
Remember to commet if u liked it!
Hi evryone! Thank ya all for the nice comments! This one is dedicatd to everyone who've been commenting on the last episode! Enjoy!


"Ah, here it is!" i said, as i finaly found my iPod and putted the earphones up to my ears. I started to walk again after my stop for the iPod, and the cold wind ligtly touched the tan skin on my arms, and i rgret that i did'nt have my warm giacca with me. Even thought i lived in Calefornia, the autumm wind could be relly cold.

I finaly arrived at me and my twin sisters house, (we did'nt lie with our parents)...
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posted by dXcFan14

My name is Courtney Renez and I'm sitting in an office with my father. My mother was killed da a paid assasin, who was after our families' fortune, just last week.

"Daddy, I'll ask te again; Why am I here?" I whined as I plopped down onto the violet, velvet chair.

"Courtney, sweetheart, te know why" my father exasperated.

"No, I don't. All te detto was 'Courtney, te need to meet me at the FPA office, now'. That doesn't explain why I'm in the Family Protection Office!" I sighed, getting agitated.

"Sweetie, Officer Steele will explain to te as soon as he gets-" he began.

Officer Steele...
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"Look, I meant the drink, ok?" he sighed, looking hurt.

"Sorry, I'm just really thirsty" I apologised.

"Here, have some of this" he handed his drink to me.

"What? Don'tcha want something in return?" I asked, instantly regretting what I'd detto once I saw his expression change from sadness to deviousness.

"Now that ya mention it," he grabbed the drink andk kept it out of my reach, "a baciare would be pretty awesome from someone as tempting as you"

"What?" I gasped, my mouth making a little 'o' shape.

"A kiss, in exchange for the rest of my drink," he tried to bargain with me, "look, it's almost full"

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"C'mon Bridge. Just a tiny sip. I promise I won't drink all of it" I pleaded.

"Sorry, Court, but te already drank yours" she slurped at her milkshake.

I pouted.

"Hey ladies" Duncan and Geoff greeted us. Well, Geoff detto that but Duncan just whistled.

Yeah, while looking at you

More like leering at me

Look, he has a drink, why don't te just-

Forget it


FORGET IT! He'll only want something in return that will mean torture for us. Just look at the way he's looking at you!

He's looking at te 'cuz your arguing with yourself!

"Errr, te ok Princess?" he laughed.

"What? I'm fine," I scowled at him, "where's...
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I AM SOO SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG! I was done and than the computer crashed so I had to start all over!
no one's P.o.v
Izzy ran up to Rick

Izzy: I was spying on them and I saw this scoiattolo and it lookd like a little ratto so-


Izzy: First te have to pay me!

Rick:(impatient) How much!

Izzy: 300$!

Rick: WHAT...fine (hands over money)

Izzy: Little miss perfect isn't so perfect

Rick: What the hell does that mean? (thinking: DAMN GIRL IS INSANE)

Izzy: Duncan got Courtney Pregnant!

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posted by Courtneyfan101
Courtney`s POV:I`m Courtney Stone.I live a hard life with my dad.My mom died when I was only three.And ever since then,my dad and I have been working for thirteen years and we don`t even get paid!So this prince,queen and king have never appreciated any of the work.I have held a grudge on them ever since I`ve worked here."Courtney come here!"my dad said."Coming!"I detto back.I helped my father up the dirt collina and brushed the dirt off even though I knew it wouldn`t come off."Thank you."he detto as he kissed my forehead.I smiled.It`s been a long while since I smiled.One week of work passed and...
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Duncan's POV

I was on my way to Courtney's apartment, thinking about how big the risk i was taking, actualy was, and how stupid the recipe sounded, i mean, boiled strawberrys? Come on!

But, if she did'nt survive, i needed to have a plan B how i should kill my self.

I relly hoped i did'nt need my plan B. . .

I arrrived at her apatment, locked my car, took the elevator, and stormed into her apartment.

"AAAARGH!" i heard Courtney scream.

"WHO THE HELL IS IT?!" she screamed, and i understand why she was kinda shocked. Maybe i should've been a little più quiet when i walked inside. . .

"It's me, Duncan."...
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