Emma (H20 just add water) Club
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added by EmmaGilberth
Source: EmmaGilberth
posted by tonyrocks03
 use to be the best of Friends
use to be the best of friends
emma won't be in season 3 she has to go film a horror movie but cleo and rikkie will still be in season 3 a girl name indiana evans will take emma's place indiana evans will play a role in h20 called: bella she's also a mermaid she became a mermaid at 8 years old so its very sad that emma has to go just to film a horror movie alot of people has detto that rikkie's going to break up with zane and zane's going to try and tell rikkie and use to be emma's secret an cleo's secret that they're sirene and indiana's powers are freezing powers just like emma's
 indiana evans a new mermaid play in a role call bella
indiana evans a new mermaid play in a role call bella
There has been a lot of speak online about the H20 Locket, many jewlers offer similiar lockets but there is only one authorised product and its harder to find then hens teeth. The producer of H20 Just add water has licensed a company to manufacture new production of the original lockets that were available in target a couple of years ago. Now they are available worldwide via the european licnsee for only 12.95€ at this link;
Its a limitd edition and once they are sold out there wont be any più production runs because the final season has been aired already in most countries, so if te want one dont wait o te will miss out!
added by hunterandpoppy
added by EmmaGilberth
Source: EmmaGilberth
added by EmmaGilberth
Source: EmmaGilberth
added by EmmaGilberth
Source: EmmaGilberth
added by Dirty_Angel
added by hunterandpoppy
added by EmmaGilberth
added by EmmaGilberth
added by deelilah
added by ffnnoomm606513
added by H20jawgal
Source: ME!!
added by H20jawgal
added by ffnnoomm606513
posted by emmawalsh123
i think h20 is the best tv mostra in the world! emma is the smart one, rikki is the cool one, cleo is the curious one, and bella is the pretty one! there all great and i wish the mostra would go on forever! i cant stand that emma had to go and that there could only be 4 mermaids! they should be all friends! i think my preferito power out of them is the controll one. it is awesome! but all of theres are cool!:) I hate how carlotta, charlotte became a mermaid! I wish I was a mermaid. I hate the fabric ones. I want a tail with real scales. I bet there like 100$ online! Also there should be a movie about season 4 and then it starts going on with the series. That would be awesome!