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Hollywoods 5 saddest attempts at feminism



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candrani said:
I just have t point out that I strongly disagree with them adding River, because I don't think their reasoning for putting her makes any sense. They are basically saying she's a failed attempt at a strong woman because she suffered from mental illness in the show, but as far as I'm concerned saying 'you can't write a mentally ill female character incase you piss off the women' is discrimination too.
By that logic you can't give any female character any depth or interesting plot points for fear of annoying women.

Well, rant over.
Aside from River it's a pretty funny article.
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candrani said:
I also have to point out about them adding River, they use a quote from a 'fan' of the show saying they agree river was a weak women. The quote they use is from a woman who is quite frankly deranged. She hates all men and thinks all heterosexual sex is rape (yep even if you want to have sex. hell even if you are the one who initiates it, as long as you're a woman it's rape.)
The woman who wrote it isn't a feminist, she's the kind of loonie who have given feminists a bad name and made it harder for us to make any progress.

Er, lol. I know I keep ranting, but aside from River I did find this a funny article.
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fanfly said:
I agree, candrani, their reasons for putting River on the list are weak to say the least.
It makes me think of the flip side of "feminist heroes". Does it mean, if you're a "feminist hero" you have to be strong all the time? Does that mean that you can't be human? Make mistakes? Be flawed? Say you have a strong female hero who's intelligent, physically adept, etc. She makes a mistake, is injured, somehow rendered vulnerable and raped. Does this act invalidate her status as "feminist hero"?
Why does every female depicted in cinema have to be a role model? Why can't they just be a human character?
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Bellona said:
I agree with you guys. If a male character has a flaw he's well written and deep, but if a female character does she's a failure? saying that after all she went through River was a failure because she suffered from mental problems makes no sense
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Cinders said:
I think I remember her... someone posted a link to her livejournal, which just completely bashes firefly... But I can't find it again. It was completely stupid.

I would add Charlie's Angels to the list, by the way.
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totally agree about river.
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the thing about river is not only is she a girl but, she is a teenager. and that is a whole other ball park. she was coddled because she was the yougest person onboard. would expect a 17 year old kid(male or female, it makes no difference)to particpate in armed robberies, face off against reavers, and put them in the way of danger.
and catwoman. she what the hell? she is a great character. deeply disturbed, traumatized and a very interesting villain/hero. nobody's perfect. we all blunder through life, do stupid things, regardless of gender.

oh and by the way this whole article was void as soon as they denounced joss whedon. that's stupidity. you do realize that he studied gender studies. he knows his stuff
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