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Flynn Rider Domanda

What is your preferito quote o scene with Flynn I it?

As for me I Amore those scenes he is with Max! I just Amore they always are at each other it's really funny! I also like the part where he is tied up to a chair with Rapunzels hair!
 Pocahontas1Fan posted più di un anno fa
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Flynn Rider Risposte

LisaForde2 said:
Like I detto in my old account I loved every scene he was in especially the part where he sacrificed his life for Rapunzel and when they sang the song I see the light.

Favourite quote: Eugene: Her hair glows I didn’t see that one coming the hair actually glows. Why does her hair glow?
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 Like I detto in my old account I loved every scene he was in especially the part where he sacrificed his life for Rapunzel and when they sang the song I see the light. Favourite quote: Eugene: Her hair glows I didn’t see that one coming the hair actually glows. Why does her hair glow?
posted più di un anno fa 
CleoCorinne said:
When he's with Rapunzel...
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sheepprncss3 said:
One of my preferiti would have to be right when they escape the cavern and he comes out of the water saying, "Her hair glows! I didn't see that coming; her hair actually glows! Why does her hair glow?!"…I Amore how frantic he sounds, it is absolutely amusing!
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posted più di un anno fa 
Yeah I liked that part too! It was very funny! I also loved the part when Rapunzel told Flynn not to freak out after his hand got healed,but he did freak out and almost come to point of screaming! That was very funny espically the look on his face!
Pocahontas1Fan posted più di un anno fa
haha! I Amore his expression then! Also, later when he inquires about having super-human powers in his hand after being healed. :D
sheepprncss3 posted più di un anno fa
i mean smolder
fanrainbowgirl posted più di un anno fa
bittersweet2242 said:
Every one with Rapunzel and Max!!
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MCJackmanDepp said:
I loved every scene with him! :D
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posted più di un anno fa 
me too.
sheGA posted più di un anno fa
SnowSpirit said:
I loved the whole movie, but I really liked when he's just being... I guess sorta-full-of-himself lol. Like the part about the "Super-human strenth" o when he goes "Hay-Fever?" to the guard and stuff like that. He and Max were awsome too ^^
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posted più di un anno fa 
yes I agree, specially the "Super human strength" so funny lol
hindaa posted più di un anno fa
I know! He's like "So, does my hand have, like, Super Human Strength o something now? I mean, I've always had super good-looks, born with 'em, but Super Human Strength!" Oh, he's classic!
SnowSpirit posted più di un anno fa
LisaForde said:
Favourite scene OMG I laughed at the part where he gives Rapunzel the smoulder look and then he says its in that pot isn’t it(for the crown that he stoled). lol o the one where he sees Rapunzel’s hair glowing and his like why is her hair glowing.Or the lantern scene where he sings the duet wit Rapunzel and he grabs her hand as they sing the song.

Favourite line: Are te coming Blondie o te are my new dream.

At first I found him so cocky and then I actually started to like him after that.
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posted più di un anno fa 
omg i Amore the smolder part lol
fanrainbowgirl posted più di un anno fa
Delilah_Scruggs said:
"You Broke My Smolder"
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Goldilottes said:
I Amore all of it, but when they're sitting in the barca with the lanterns and flowers, & singing, i actually cried it was so beautiful :')
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MagicPrincess said:
"You were my new dream"
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chiara1989 said:
ciao tu come stai ? ma se come me sei cosi tu !
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lovedoctor_36 said:
when he says "you broke my smolder"
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