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posted by tyranitarfan
Goku was really worried.
Three days had passed since Adam had separated into two different individuals but still there was no sign of the evil Adam. Where was he hiding? Why was he hiding? These thoughts were eating him up. He had not let anyone into his secret but he thought that he would have to share with Vegeta. He understood him the best somehow, and he trusted him the most too.
He took flight to Bulma’s house but saw Vegeta in the way. “Vegeta!” he cried. Vegeta flew up to him. “What happened Kakarot? te look tensed. Adam has been worried too…”
“This is about him Vegeta!”...
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posted by tyranitarfan
Goku thought that he was done for.
The evil Adam's attack had reached him. But suddenly it just disappeared. Goku looked up.
Adam was standing over him, his hand towards the sky.
"Are te alright Goku?" he asked nervously. "Yes..." Goku detto and then looked at Adam. He was the old Adam alright. But where did the other one go?
Goku didn't really want to see him. He was dangerous and way too strong. The good Adam helped him to his feet. "Go home Adam. Don't say a word about this to anyone," he said. Adam nodded. Goku saw that he was crying. He gave him a gentle hug and then told him to leave. Adam...
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posted by tyranitarfan
Goku was extremely shocked. it was strange to himself as a girl. He looked at the other three. None of them were particularly happy. "We'll have to find Lezeem," Goku said. They left the bungalow and started looking all over the plane for the man. "I'll kill him with my bare hands if I find him," Mimito thought as she looked down at the forests.

They did not find Lezeem. In the end they gave up and Goku went back to earth. The place where he reached was not empty. Vegeta was standing there. "Who's that?" he asked. "It's me, Goku," Goku replied. Vegeta stared at him. "Don't joke woman. Why are...
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posted by tyranitarfan
“What now?” 004 muttered. “Nothing Clinton X. I only know that te are going down,” Goku detto and came to stand right in front of him. He smiled. “You and your Friends are making this boring now. I challenge all of te together. te get it?” Goku smiled. “I do.” “But I’m not willing to do as te say,” Captain said. “Captain! te know, I didn’t even notice you!” “It was your bad luck that te didn’t.”
Goku attacked 004 with his Kamehameha Wave. 004, already too hurt, counterattacked with his sposta that he had used on Broly. The Kamehameha stopped in its tracks...
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posted by tyranitarfan
having captured the ball of light, Goku could now relax a bit. every one was feeling very light now. everyday they would look at the ball of red light and it's frantic attempts to escape. everyone was sure but Goku and Vegeta were having their own doubts. it was true the jar was secure but they didn't know the full power of the light.
one night a similar white colored ball of light was roaming the streets. strangely the red light had become hyper active. it was trying too hard to break through. Bulma was getting tensed. she was worried about the light. the successivo giorno a man arrived at Goku's house....
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posted by tyranitarfan
"I don't need te two," Broly said. He was under the impression that he could defeat Clinton X. "You don't know what te need," Shivam said, "I'd rather suggest that te go home." "Don't be so overconfident Shivam," Goku said. "Sure," he said. "I will seek vengeance for te Horizon," Shivam thought.

"Are te just going to stand there?" 004 said. He put on an expression as if he was truly bored. He divided into three using multiform technique. Now we three 004s," Goku muttered. He looked up. All of his teammates were doing bad against him other than Shiva. The quiet boy was wrecking havoc just...
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posted by tyranitarfan
As the forces of the Z-fighters flew over the lands and the oceans, Android 004 was preparing himself. Somehow he knew everything about the Z-warriors. He was training hard; he knew he would have to battle soon. He could feel their energies. There were around seven massive powers. 004 smiled. He loved challenges and he knew that this battle would be his biggest challenge. He continued with his training.

"Where is it girl?" Vegeta said. "Only a little far," she said. They flew at full speed. Goku examined Coro Ford Mondeo. This person was strong indeed but he had a negative energy. It wasn't...
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posted by tyranitarfan
"I think te should go back to earth."

Clinton X was gone. The whole area was in a state of devastation. Corpses of the Glorians were all around them. The beautiful land had been wiped out. Goku clenched his fists.

"Darn him!" he said. "I think te two should go back to earth," Mimito repeated. "We heard you!" Vegeta growled. "004 is invincible Mimito," Goku said, "What are te going to do if no one is with you? Don't te want to protect your planet?" "It's my job to think about the protection of my planet, not yours," Mimito said, "I think te should go back to earth and look for the remaining...
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posted by tyranitarfan
Goku was at Vegeta's home. The latter could not believe what Goku had said. He clenched his fist.
"I never detto anything wrong about Uub!" he cried, "Then how dare te suggest such a thing about Adam!" "Lezeem detto so Vegeta. And I believe he wasn't lying. How could anyone after being beaten up so badly?" "Who is Lezeem? Your uncle?" Vegeta stormed angrily. "I know it is difficult. I have complete faith in Adam but it might be that someone is using his name. I just want to know if he has any enemies."
Vegeta calmed down a bit. "How can such a small boy have enemies?" he asked. Adam entered the...
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posted by tyranitarfan
Adam had been training hard with Vegeta for the past year. Vegeta found out that he was a half kai and half human. He found this information very surprising. However Adam didn’t tell him who his parents were. He knew all the tricks that Vegeta could teach him. In just a anno he was an excellent warrior.
Goku used to visit him every day. He and Vegeta used to practice among themselves which surprised Bulma, but she didn’t say anything. Horizon used to visit them sometimes on earth and invited them to his home too. But nobody ever saw Mimito, Mondeo, Shivam and Shiva after the giorno 004 was...
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posted by tyranitarfan
“No…” Mimito said. The friends, the brother she loved so much were all gone. They will never return. And she did nothing, nothing at all to save them. Why?
Captain didn’t look affected though. His eyes were on the opponent. “So sorry Your Highness,” Clinton X said. Mimito clenched her fists. “Mondeo,” Goku detto telepathically, “Don’t let her go. Don’t release her. I’ll battle 004.” “Not alone,” Mondeo replied, “We’ll do it together. I’ve a plan.”
“Don’t bore me now, will you?” 004 detto and yawned widely. “You are going to have the time of your life,...
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posted by dbzlover1
When Goku was just a baby, he was sent from his home planet, Planet Vegeta, where a race of people called Saiyans. Goku was sent to Earth on a mission to kill all life, so the planet can be sold.

[+]When Goku got there he was found da an old man named Gohan. Gohan would try to keep Goku under control, but he kept getting away. Then, one time Goku fell of a cliff and hit his head. This made him lose his memory, and then Goku was like a normal child, exept, for his tail. All Saiyans have tails but, nobody on Earth knew that.

[+]Gohan was a master of the marshil arts, and he taught Goku everything...
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posted by tyranitarfan
The evil Adam looked on in mild surprise.
The destruction he had caused, its results were far better than he had expected. People were panicking all over the earth. He was successful. He would win. The Z-warriors were helpless. They had little time left to live. He could not imagine how they would stop him.
He gave a big laugh and then took flight to his hideout.
Vegeta and Goku trained hard between themselves. The other Z-warriors were busy too. But the best thing was about the location of their training.
Clinton X had arranged for a hyperbolic time chamber. This one was very different from Piccolo’s...
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posted by tyranitarfan
they could see Lezeem on the screen.
"once i catch that rascal, i'll tear him apart!" Goku cried in anger. he and Clinton X were looking at his magical screen. "well let's go and get him," 004 said. "no te won't," Mimito said. "when did te come?" Goku asked. "just now. 004 te and Goku will not go there," Mimito said. "so who''ll go? you?" Goku said. "no. he'll come here da himself. we'll just have to tell him so," Mimito said. the other two looked at her. "how?"
"it turns out that Lezeem is being paid for this. someone wants to trouble us da doing all this." "but how will we get back to our...
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posted by tyranitarfan
Goku was very happy. As 004 had been beaten, Horizon had thrown a cena party at his home. Mimito and Mondeo weren’t particularly glad with this party but they did not raise any objections. The Z-warriors had arrived there right on time, at 8 pm. First there had been a dance party. Goku rocked the stage with his unique sense of dancing, which was much like what a gorilla would do when it is happy. Horizon and Vegeta were sitting together and laughing while Goku still danced.
“Horizon,” Vegeta asked, “Mimito detto that she is a half saiyan. How is that possible?” “Yeah. Mimito and...
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posted by tyranitarfan
“I hope that they are ok.”
“Goku! Vegeta! Can te hear me?”
As these concerned voices made their way into Goku’s ear, he tried to remember where he was and who were these people. Then he remembered. Evil Adam had attacked them. One single attack had got the better of the three most amazing Z-warriors. He had fainted after the attack. Adam had fired a chi blast in the sky. It had some adverse effects but he had to wait till the successivo giorno to find out what it was.
He opened his eyes. They were all at Bulma’s home. Vegeta was still lying on the letto while Piccolo was just getting...
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posted by tyranitarfan
Goku ran along with Vegeta, Horizon and Mimito to the explosion. "What's going on?" Goku asked. "There have been some terror attacks on the planet," Horizon said. They reached the location of the blast.

A young man was standing there. The local people were fighting him. He was around twenty four. He looked good but there was something cruel about him. He was the one who was causing all the explosions.

"Who are you?" Mimito growled. "Hello. I am Clinton X alias Android 004," the man said. "What are te doing here?" Horizon yelled. "I am your guest," Clinton X said. "You'll be sorry to have entered...
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posted by tyranitarfan
With the last encounter with that ball of red light all the people who witnessed it were shaken. "That thing is dangerous for all I know," Gohan said. Vegeta was Leggere a paper o rather pretending to for his ears were the most alert.

All of them were at his house to discuss the matter. "It controlled Trunks and turned him evil," Goku said, "You remember, the Ball came out of him as if it was his spirit."

"Most probably it was. It would have had entered his body and then would have had turned into his own spirit. Don't te remember even a thing when it was inside you?" Piccolo asked.

"Not a thing,"...
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posted by tyranitarfan
The ball of white light had done its job. Broly was suddenly a gentleman. Goku watched the young girl walk away. "Who are te Mimito?" he thought. "She disturbs me," Vegeta detto softly. "Come on," Goku detto suddenly. Vegeta did not need another message. The two saiyans quietly followed Mimito out of the desert where they were battling Broly.

On the outskirts of the desert was a small town that had a blue river. This river was known as 'Life' for it had dato life to the people of the desert. Mimito entered a wooden house deep in the town. It was dark in the house. There was a single window looking...
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posted by Kakarot_10
there was goku, vegita, and gohan eating. After that king kai felt an energy like he never felt before. later on it was Naruto uzamaki. and his gang training while sauske went to get his revenge. Goku and Naruto met and they both are strong. later on in battle Naruto went to sage mode and Goku went to ssj4. Naruto did rasengan and Goku did Kamehameha x10 then appeared out of no where they vanish after that. BOOM BOOM BOOM Goku went to the south galaxy while Naruto lied rested but Kakashi Hatake sensai teleported front of Naruto before Naruto was history. when they did that Kakashi Hatake did chadori. to be continued......

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