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Hermione Vs Bella Domanda

What do te think would happen if Bella and Hermione hung out for one day?

I think that Hermione would try to engage in some wholesome, intellegent conversations, but Bella's too busy thinking about how hot her sparkly boyfriend is.
 MadamOcta13 posted più di un anno fa
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Hermione Vs Bella  migliore risposta

KishuandIchigo said:
Hermione: *realizes Bellas a muggle and hides wand*
Bella: I miss Edward. I need to hear his voice.
(2 hours later)
Hermione: I don't think te should-
Bella: *jumps off clif*
Hermione: *sigh* Winguardium Leviosa!
Bella: I need to hear his voice! *jumps again*
Hermione: Uh, bye.
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NightFrog said:
Hermione: Are te alright? te seem kind of troubled.
Bella: Oh, I just haven't been this long away from Edward before.. except for when he left me for several months, of course.
Hermione: He left te for several months?
Bella: Something about a paper cut, Jaspar wanting to eat me, I became rather suicidal-
Hermione: O_O' Goodness, and te actually went back to him?
Bella: He thought I died o something, so he was going to sparkle in the sun so the Voltori could kill him.
Hermione: *Confused and disturbed* ..But, from what I've read, Vampiri#From Dracula to Buffy... and all creatures of the night in between. die in the sun, not sparkle-
Bella: That's a myth.
Hermione: ..Surely they were planning to kill him with a bistecca to the heart, right?
Bella: Oh no, Vampiri#From Dracula to Buffy... and all creatures of the night in between. don't die like that. te have to rip them apart.
*A few minuti later*
Hermione: *Looks up from vampire book* From what I've read, Vampiri#From Dracula to Buffy... and all creatures of the night in between. DO infact burn in the sun, and-
*Bella sitting on Edward's lap*
Bella: I needed him.
Hermione: -_-
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xxhpgalxx posted più di un anno fa
romioneisthekey posted più di un anno fa
Haha! Lol!!
maximumrider12 posted più di un anno fa
HaleyDewit said:
I think Bella's head would explode da experiencing so much intelligence
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posted più di un anno fa 
Bahahhaha best answer
MariTheFangirl posted più di un anno fa
thanks :)
HaleyDewit posted più di un anno fa
foopetsrule said:
Hermione would get bord and leave.


Bella would listen to everything Hermione did and explode, due to her brain not being able to prosess things.

o maybe

Hermione tells Bella about Ron. Bella tells Hermione that Edward is better then Ron because he's flawless and that he sparkles. Hermione stuns her due to annoyance.

Maybe even

Hermione hears rumors about Bella and her obsession with Edward so, she photoshops edward's picture to make him look dead. Then she laughes as vampire Bella tries to kill herself.
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posted più di un anno fa 
Hehe lol
maximumrider12 posted più di un anno fa
Even though I hate Bella, the third 1 is kinda cruel for Hermione, dont te think?
HP_THGT_4eva posted più di un anno fa
Kittylexy said:
Hermione kills Bella
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Mrs-Grint said:
Hell. Total burning hellfire.
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mooimafish17 said:
Herms would kill her
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Lunalovely said:
They put them in a room together and 2 hours later Hermione would be sitting on a chair, Leggere a book, and Bella would be on the floor, knocked out because of a Stupify.
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posted più di un anno fa 
I like this answer.
foopetsrule posted più di un anno fa
maddiedudley14 said:
hers what would happen:

Hermione: Hay.
Bella: Hi.
Hermione: Tell me about yourself.
Bella: Well, I am in Amore with a vampire who sparkles in the sun. I really can not live with out him o else I become suicidal, but the problem is, I Amore my best friend Jacob who is a werewolf and he loves me but I don't know who I Amore più and now me and my vampire boy, Edward are getting married and then he is going to turn me into a vampire so I can live with him forever, and....
(3 hours later, Bella passed out on the floor, Hermione Leggere a book in a chair)
Hermione: I'm sorry, I could not take it any more. She is crazy, te know she thinks that Vampiri#From Dracula to Buffy... and all creatures of the night in between. sparkle?
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maximumrider12 posted più di un anno fa
graystone said:
I think Hermione would get her a pair of crutches and tell "Well,if it helps..."
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dokla said:
i think
hermionie- hind´s her wand

bella- what did te just hide

hermionie- nothing

bella- i saw te but thats not the problem now i miss my boyfriend

hermionie- don´t worry it´s just one day

bella- to te i will jump off that cliff to hear his voice

hermionie- no don´t if te die o go to hospital your boyfriend will kill me

bella- crashes on hard rock and say ow sorry did not hear his voice going again

hermionie oh my god
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MariTheFangirl said:
Hermione would make all this wise, intelligent, conversations, and Bella would leave and jump off the cliff because she wants to hear her fairy boyfriend's voice.
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karolinak1999 said:
That would never happen!! They have nothing in common!!!
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robsessedwrob said:
i think there woulkd be a big BATTLE TO THE DEATH xx i hope bella wins ;]
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