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Hiro Nakomura baciare o Kill: Hiro??

17 fans picked:
 Miss_Dreamer posted più di un anno fa
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raknaff picked baciare:
Or give him a big hug!
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Miss_Dreamer picked baciare:
He's really sweet!
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Amberla picked baciare:
I could NEVER kill Hiro... I could never kill anyone I love...
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momo0231 picked baciare:
i wouldn't ever kill him but i wouldn't want to kiss him eather. Hiro is my friend :)
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Sylarfan picked baciare:
I dont want to kill Hiro!
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alphacentarinia picked Kill:
I would kill him, and take his power
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smms picked Kill:
I like Hiro, I just don't like his story lines. So, killing is the best option.
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seeuvocaloid3 picked baciare:
why would i kill him there is no reason
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LowriLorenza89 picked baciare:
Neither really, but I'd rather kiss than kill. Maybe a friendly cheek kiss?
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