Hot Jew Fangirlies Club
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Also, that version of the song has the "And the rest! Here at Gilligan's IIIIIsle!" line to the end, but the version that I rewrote is from a later point in the series, where it's "The Professor and Mary Anne, here at Gilligan's IIIIIsle!"
I sort of threw this together in one hour, so don't be hard on me. :P And of course, these are based on our "characters" on the current banner.

Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale,
A tale of fangirlies
That started on this fanpop site
Within this little spot

The mascot was a courageous fan,
The diva proud and royal
Five other fan joined them that...
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Something for K and me! :P
Adam Lambert
hotness squared
American Idol
rock with te
he passed!
The best YT video EVAH! ;D
fucking hilarious
annoying arancia, arancio
this is like really annoying
emo jigsaw
added by nevermind606
I don't quite understand this, but it makes me happier than I can say.
garbage giorno
silent night deadly night 2
fucking hilarious
fucking hilarious
the midnight beast
tik tok
Such innocence. :P
sesame strada, via
what is marriage
credit: meghan814
Una mamma per amica
true Amore
added by spikes_girl
KING OF SEXY, TRUFAX. Made da koolgurl83movies
head tilts
king of sexy
uber hot
Made da me! :] It's short.
what a girl wants
mash up
rachel and noah forever
1. When Finn kisses anyone it kinda makes me feel sick :P Ana
 Finn arrives too early
Finn arrives too early
2. Because Finn arrives too early. Shandi

3. Because when Finn sings, that also makes feel a little sick as well as incredibly awkward. Ana

4. Because I've already Lost track of how many times Finn has let Rachel down, and then first season isn't even over. Shandi

5. Because Finn can't think of anything great about her. Cat

6. Because Finn is not worthy of Rachel's talent and love. Kristin
 Because everything Finn does is cringey.
Because everything Finn does is cringey.

7. Because everything Finn does is cringey. Ana

8. Because Finn is neither...
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added by xoheartinohioxo
Source: agrifoglio
 A very late July FOTM with our awesome Emma!
A very late July FOTM with our awesome Emma!
Congrats on winning this mese Emma! Describe the obviously glorious feeling that is being the winner and putting everyone else to shame:

Well of course it feels awesome to be honored da my preferito fanpoppers this month! Though I'm still sad HJFG has been "the deads" lately :'(

Now that that boring first domanda is over... Kay, both your preferito TV character and all of the HJFGs have come to visit te in Australia. Both parties are there for one night and te can't divide up your time. Who do te choose to hang out with?

My girls of course! (Jess is too busy living happily ever after with...
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posted by all_the_glitter
 FOTM interview with the number one Fizz-Fangirl, Cat
FOTM interview with the number one Fizz-Fangirl, Cat
So CatCat. te won HJFG June FOTM, even though someone else clearly deserved it (coughmecough). How does it feel?
It feels [insert inspirational speech here]. I don't think Finn's ever jizzed so hard during his time in my possession. This includes anything involving pics of Groffles (Finn/Jesse Slash love!!!!! te know Finn wanted him the moment he proposed the sing-off) and all those times you've called me a ho.

te created HJFG. What processed te to do so? Did te ever imagine it would turn out like this (and da “like this” I mean a breeding ground for mental illness)?
 "Evil must triumph over good!"
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added by spikes_girl
Best intro ever. xD
gilligan's island
tv mostra
theme song
best ever
♥♥♥ Rachel & Puck ♥♥♥

Of course I was going to put them on the lista first. This is the HOT JEWS FANGIRLIES spot. And plus, since they are just plain amazing, it would be a crime not to put them on the list.

When these two first got together, I didn't expect it at all. And I wasn't "crazy" about them at first. Then as time went by, I started slowly falling in Amore with these two. Puck is at his best when he is with Rachel, and Mark and Lea have great chemistry.

Bottom line, they are the best Glee couple ever.

♥ Damon & Elena ♥

Boy meets girl. Girl meets boy. Boy only likes...
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Now this MUST BE on our Movie Night schedule ;D
fucking hilarious
Vampiri#From Dracula to Buffy... and all creatures of the night in between. suck
added by xoheartinohioxo
Source: agrifoglio
added by xoheartinohioxo
Source: agrifoglio
added by xoheartinohioxo
Source: agrifoglio
added by xoheartinohioxo
Source: agrifoglio